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A year or so ago I had started looking for communities like this one (many thanks to all of you 🥰) and came across what seemed to be a fantastic option: Carla’s in San Jose, CA.
I have seen it referenced here and there as well as in the cross dresser friendly database on this site. Only I’m not sure it exists anymore. The website is not available, emails bounced back and comments from yelp stopped right during the pandemic.
is anyone aware of what happened? I fear like many businesses and organizations it got clobbered by Covid and disappeared. I’m hoping this is not the case (if still around sign me up, just don’t know where to go).
thanks all.
miranda 💕💕💕
Hi Miranda,
I’m sure your right, Carla’s couldn’t survive Covid.
Hi there. I bought my first dress at Carla's/Sweet Forbidden in Dec. 2019.
I took makeup lessons from Ahjae herself the owner during covid. During my last makeup class she and her husband were packing up the shop because they needed to vacate. Covid had them shut down.
She had the Sweet Forbidden online store up and running after Covid, but the social club did not return.
Sorry hon...
try to have some fun out there,
A shame that Carla's is no longer. I got a pair of heels at Carla's years ago (my pre crossdressing days) when she was on race Street. Was a nice place.... Staci...