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PROJECT UNITY is rocketing forward in many ways but several ironies are emerging as we move forward. We are searching for multinational locations but the concept of location in no longer what it was, for example, flying on an airplane as a trans person is not a place, nor is riding a train, or a bus, or a ship. These conveyances are nearly always a means to an end but at the moment a "place" exists that never stops moving. Within a few years additional similar options will be available though ironically, while trans individuals will most certainly be welcome, the ability to Crossdress will most likely not be allowed. This drawback will be compensated for by a very rapid weight loss with no adverse health effects and that everyone there will be traveling faster than our dear Samantha R does. A few years later two more actual stationary locations are promised where crossdressing will be possible.
At the moment we are considering how to list these places for PROJECT UNITY.
I have done little to obfuscate these locations and ask that interested people guess the three locations.
These are indeed exciting times!
lol so D, what do you need from me love?
I am in the process of contacting Space Adventures, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, SpaceX and NASA about policies regarding transgender space tourists. The option to crossdress may be limited depending on the type of voyage and environment. Things may be more relaxed on moonbase accommodations and eventually Mars.
You got referenced as you have the fastest car I know.
you're too funny D. On the flip side you would love chatting with my father he loves space and NASA. Super nerd, love him to death!
I would love a tour of the city in that hot car, with an amazing tour guide but it is only a dream. I will never be able to make to the city with out family.