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Hi girls!
Well, last week I did it.
I went our fully-dressed with wig, dress, girl winter boots, girl jacket, purse, girl gloves - everything but lower face makeup. I cheated and did a mask as it's cold season and cold.
It was AMAZING! Even asking a clerk at a store for something and being called "Mame"!
It emboldened me to come out to one of my sisters who's about as close to a fraternal twin as possible, being 54 weeks apart.
I'm going to see her on Friday. And driving 4 hours dressed - in daytime even! - for help with makeup and her opinion of my style.
I can't wait! I'm trying to plan the outfit to wear, the outfits to take, wigs, and all that good girly stuff. Going to be doing my nails on Thursday before heading out. When I knock on the door of her apartment, I will be as fully dressed as I can be.
Is it Friday yet?
wow sounds like you are going to have a fabulous weekend dose your sister know or seen or will this be first time suspense for the weekend to come has to be killing ya truly have a wonderful time be safe on your travel
Congratulations Rachelle! Have a great visit with your sister.
Congrats Rachelle!
I am very happy for you!
Congratulations Rachelle, I have had the wonderful experience of meeting a sister as Stella and wish you the same joy.
travel safe and savour every moment of the time together as sisters.
Stella x
Well done and congratulations, Rachelle!
Thank you for sharing this experience and I'm glad you had an amazing time.
Enjoy visiting your sister.
Judy. X.
Rachelle -
How wonderful for you. Enjoy your tiem with your sister.
Congratulations Rachelle! It is always nice to be able to grow your inner circle just that little bit wider. I hope things go as well as you hope and I hope you will come back and share your experience afterward 🙂
It is so nice to have someone so close be so supportive. Enjoy your visit, abd your drive. Keep yoir eyes on the road and don't if others are looking at you...they won't be. You will be just another car on the road.
What a lovely experience and I hope all goes well for your trip to your wonderful sister.
that's awesome! Glad your sister is supportive and accepting of your dressing. I presume she did not know of your dressing prior to this?