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Hello ladies, I want to tell you all of my day out and a safety tip I want to share with you all. With the weather beginning to warm up, I decided that today will most likely be the last day I go out in public until next winter, as I'm unwilling to shave all my body hair. Doing so would be a huge give away and I'm not willing at this time to deal with the problems such a revelation would cause. Be that as it may, I enjoyed myself very much!
My first stop was to Starbucks. Now this location doesn't have a drive thru, so I had to go in. I ordered some food and a large chia tea. It was so nice to hear the barista call out my name, "Jill!" I found a small booth in the back and sat there and enjoyed my breakfast and my tea. I wasn't in a rush and took my time. When I sat back down in my car, it occurred to me that for my safety I should lock my doors every time I get in, especially when I'm dressed as Jill. With so much violence towards women everywhere, and still not enough people accepting anyone they deem unnatural or out of the norm, I thought this to be a good idea and wanted to pass it along.
Since I was very low on gas, I decided now was a perfect time to fill up. It was so windy that my wig was blowing across my face, making it a little difficult to see what I was doing. On the other hand, I'm sure it also hid me enough that no one recognized me as a man in a skirt. Next stop, a huge thrift store!
As I got out and started walking in, I suddenly feared that maybe I was overdressed for such a place judging from how other shoppers walking in and out were dressed. I briefly considered postponing going in until I could do so in drab but then I remembered a quote I had read just last night from Dale Carnegie. He said "If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." So, in I went! And am I glad that I did! I finally found a really nice pair of jeans for under $10 and a wallet. Unfortunately, they didn't have any heels in my size. Oh well. But the jeans! The jeans fit so comfortably well I can't believe it! I'm wearing them as I write this. These opens up even more dressing opportunities for me. So much so that I may have to borrow my wife's sneakers (they fit me perfectly) and go out one last time tomorrow. And the security guard there addressed me as "Miss" twice! Big smiles!
I made four more stops before my day out was over. I stopped and bought some avocados at a grocery store, some makeup at a CVS, perused a cute little boutique I love but didn't buy anything, then I went to a local bookstore that has cats for adoption. They're LGTBQ friendly there. So are the employees. And one last thing to mention here that really made my day. Sitting at a table outside the bookstore was an elderly woman (late 70's or early 80's) and she complimented my skirt as I was going in. Then the dear sweet woman said, "It's nice to get all dolled up, isn't it?" as I was leaving. I replied that it was and that I really enjoy doing so. I'm sure she pegged me for a man, but she didn't care at all. Bless her.
Hugs to all my sisters. Without your inspiration and support, I would never have this much courage. You all have my most sincere and heartfelt thanks.
thank you Jill for the story and word of advice. As for jeans, they offer a lot of possibilities. Depending on the type of outing, I will only add butt pads and skip the hips pads. I usually wear a shaping camisole which provides some shape and less focus on the hips. As for lack of pockets, my guess is for better looks.
Hi Jill,
Thanks for sharing the words of warning.
With respect to ladies jeans and pockets they are more ornamental. The pockets are intended to stay empty for a smoother look.
Jill, what a great day for you! I have only worn woman's jeans for the last 20 years plus, but I'm lucky because, I do ( if I might say) have a great ass, always get comments, so I think it's true. As far as the pockets go, women have a purse for all that stuff and I think that's why they lack pockets. When mine are to small I modify them so they work for me. Anyway, you go girl, wishing you more great outings to come!
I have some Wranglers jeans than fit well, women's cropped with the holes. The pockets are fine. My Levis have ornamental pockets. I don't know what I think. If im drab, I wear carhaarts, and I did weigh them with my usual stuff in my pockets, 25 lbs. I do get annoyed with tiny pockets, but I also shed my work trousers as fast as I can for my girl clothes
Jill -
Thank you for sharing your story, it was lovely to read especially the lady outside the bookstore.
I recently got a pair of men's stretch jeans and they are soft and fit very well, almost as good as the ladies jeans I have. I have a couple pair of ladies jeans I wear on occasion in the house but never out as they are too short. As to the pockets being small, I think there are 2 reasons: 1- not flattering to have things stuffed in the pockets and 2 - most women carry some type of purse for all their things so no need for pockets. I still stuff my pockets with my wallet, bandana, money and pocket knife but do carry a man bag for my phone, note pad, chap stick and extra pad. There are times when we travel that I use a bigger bag and put my pocket items in it (so much easier to put the bag on a security check belt than to empty and refill pockets). A cross body bag works well for that.
Great success story Jill and quite a day out too. It's always good to read success inspired by others here.
I think all the questions about lack of pockets have been covered but nowadays ladies need a pocket as the cell/mobile phone needs a home. It is usual to see the top of a phone hanging out. Even leggings have a pocket for the device nowadays.
Imogen makes the point about the joy finding pockets in a dress which I agree with, as many women do. For work it is neat to have pockets at the front to put bits and pieces in as there is no shoulder bag available, at work in a shop I could put bits and pieces in needed to do the job. I love the more formal dress with very discreet pockets along the seam, good for putting a tissue or for a small pocket wallet with money or even keys as if you leave your bag it is vulnerable to being rifled or stolen. My mother used to make dresses for a shop years ago and made pockets in the skirt seam and they are still available it was usual in a lot of dresses and skirts back in the day.
It's lovely to have compliments when out and about when dressed. I had a kind of reverse compliment years ago when in drab. The times I'd be out in drab there is something to buy but nerves stop me. I was able to go out occasionally then and was building a wardrobe when one day I saw a lovely skirt in a charity shop window. It looked empty inside so popped in and checked it out but couldn't see a size tag so looked around for help. There was a more mature aged lady assistant so bolstered the courage and asked her if she knew the size,so she looked at the skirt, found the tag, the size was right. I quickly formed a 'cover' story saying my Mum had mentioned seeing it, liked the pattern but didn't have time to get it. The lady said it was a nice pattern and style so I paid up and it was bagged. As I thanked her she said,'I am sure it will look lovely on' and smiled sweetly in that way ladies do stating the inferred obvious without saying 'It's for you isn't it'...hey ho but a compliment of sorts.
What a lovely story about your day out especially the comment from the sweet lady. I would have been on cloud nine......
Jill, what a lovely day out! So glad you managed an excursion to cap off the winter 🙂 And in answer to your internal debate with Sherri above, of course you should go out in your new jeans tomorrow!
Congrats Jill and sounds like a day in my life. Such a thrill to be treated like a lady while going about the normal daily activities. And oh once you start wearing women's jeans you will never be comfy in man jeans again. I have learned how to deal with no pockets and that is a handbag while out in male or a purse as debbie. I adore the way they hug with their designs of stitching or studs and give shape. Now you too are hooked sweetie so enjoy
what a fabulous day. Have you looked at padded panties? I find they're great for giving shape
Congrats on a wonderful day out! A little bit of retail therapy dressed can do wonders for us. I had a few fun hours out shopping this week, just blending in.
I see your location says Nevada, so summer is quite hot there. Have you tried wearing a thin long sleeve top, sheer sleeves or mesh sleeves, to hide the hair in summer? Jeans, leggings, though uncomfortable, work too. I've noticed that many GGs like to cover their arms and legs to in summer to avoid sun burn, so you'd fit right in.