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Last Friday my SO went to visit and stay with a friend overnight; so lots of 'girl time' for me – late afternoon, the evening, night and early morning. Nice to get an overnight and long 'home alone' period, which I don't get very often.
When I got home after dropping off the SO, as it was still rather warm I changed into a lightweight cream skirt and pink t-shirt. First thing a nice cool drink and rest, then some paperwork - doing the end of month home accounts and catching up on Emails etc. Then to relax a bit I watched a bit of TV and had a nice little nap. What best to do next other than a nice soak in the bath & wash my hair followed by shaving my legs. Now to get dressed to go out – the evening was warm but just cooling down a bit so I chose to put on some black tights, a light grey/pink/white dress and a white cardigan – slipped on my flat black shoes and got my handbag ready.
Where to go – I had thought of going for a walk by the sea, but I felt a bit overtired – I decided against driving – so a nice walk instead around the neighbourhood. I live in a nice well lit residential area so Ok for walking in the mid-evening. So just about as it got dark I set off for my walk, I headed up to the main road and off down to our local supermarket which was just about closing. Then back up to a nearby small shopping precinct and had a look in the estate agents windows – nice to see how much a house like mine was selling for; now in full walking mode I carried on past the local pub till I got to the nearby convenience store – then all the way back home. I was out walking for about 1 hour; so nice to be out and about – crossing roads, traffic going by - passing by other people; I enjoyed seeing my shadow in light cast by the streetlights – the silhouette of a woman...
Once I got home I changed into a navy skirt and floral top, then went outside to water the pots in the back garden. Time for a sandwich and drink, did the washing up – then settled into my comfy chair to watch TV till bedtime. It was so nice to get undressed and put on my nighty, brush my teeth and go to bed.
After a nice nights sleep I got up earlier than usual and got dressed – navy skirt with white and red top; had some breakfast then sorted out a few things around the house, then it was time to get changed – back to 'man mode' and off to pick up my SO....
Thats my 'girl batteries' charged up for a while 🙂
It's always great to have some girl time. I just came off a low and bought 4 tops, a skirt and a pair of ankle boots from a retail store. Had to exchange the boots today for a size 8, I'm usually a 7.5. Had a male store clerk ask if I could use any help at a thrift store while looking through dresses on Saturday. I don't care and now I can't stop looking and finding bargains. Found a luck brand top today for $4, just killing time till shoe store opened. Yes my So was with me.
Hello Alicen; Thank you for sharing the story of your night at home. Back in April, my wife went out of town for a weekend. I work on the weekends, but I took one night off and had my first fem night at home. I especially wanted to sleep in my white nylon long nightgown, which I did. When I woke the next morning I felt like a new person.