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Hi girls
I just have to share with you a fantastic experience I had last week. I have recently restarted crossdressing after about 5 years of not (we moved from the UK to a country where being caught crossdressed can get you stoned/whipped/jailed). Anyway, free from possible persecution and torture, I'm now able to let Stacey come out of hiding but needed a wardrobe for her.
Being a tall white man in South East Asia, it is hard enough to find men's clothes so I didn't hold out much hope of getting off the rack ladies clothing. How wrong I was. With online shopping I was able to sort out most of the underwear, wigs and makeup situation. I also found some plus size shops through google maps and spent a great few days going round them buying the items which had caught my eye on their sites. It felt amazing to be buying ladies clothes and shoes again! A few impulse purchases apart, I was very happy with my buys.
Now, the best part of my experience. The girls in all of the shops were amazing. In each shop the staff were lovely. None of them seemed to be remotely taken aback by me asking for and trying on what I wanted. Most of them also spoke a little bit of English which made things easier.
The best experience was in a shop I wasn't even intending to go to. I though I had enough clothes as a starting point and didn't really fancy travelling to the other side of the city for this particular shop. However, there was one top in particular which I really liked the look of so, partially femmed (undies, ladies denims and a cute top) on went a jacket to cover the boobs and off I went on my bike in to the insanity which is the traffic in Ho Chi Minh City. I don't know whether it was knowing that someone might notice my ankles and the black tights or the bumps on my chest or the crazy traffic but it was an exhilarating journey.
Once I eventually arrived at the shop I met the most lovely person ever. The shop was split in 2 parts (male and female). I showed her on my phone what I had seen on her website and asked her if the ladieswear was upstairs. It was round the corner so she took me round and, once in the shop, I was so relieved to be able to take off my jacket and cool down somewhat. Obviously, she saw straight away what I had on so she knew the items were for me. We talked about each item, what size would be best etc and I tried on several tops including ones she suggested.
Unfortunately, the top which I had gone for she wouldn't let me try on as she only had one and felt it was too small. Anyway, unperturbed I tried on a really cute dress which showed off my legs. At this point she told me that I "have a very nice body unlike her's" and she proceeds to pull her t-shirt tight across her little round tummy. We laughed and I told her she has a lovely figure. It was the sweetest moment and I could have cried tears of joy. Anyway, back into the changing room I go, get my denims back on and she brings the "too small" top over for me to try on. It fits but is a bit too booby tight. I told her I'm on a diet so this can be my target top 🙂
We spoke for a few more minutes then I paid up and left...but not before I had to ask if I could give her a hug as she had been so sweet. She said of course I could and she told me I was very sweet too. Then we hugged.
I'm soooo glad I went to her shop. It may be on the other side of the city but I will definitely be a regular customer from now on. I ended up getting some more lovely clothes, had a wonderful experience and made a new friend.
When I began buying my own pantyhose at 13, there was woman who would always come over and help me. She would take the pantyhose I was going to buy to the register, ring it up for me, bag it and give it to me.
At 17 I began dressing partially fem with pantyhose, short shorts and platform wedges. I often went shopping in that outfit. It was usually to try on shoes and buy more pantyhose. That was usually in department stores and malls. Getting personal help was not always easy in those stores. I really didn't need it anyway. In the shoe stores thought I often got asked if I needed help. Usually I didn't unless, I wanted a pair of shoes I liked in my size that wasn't on display in the store. Sometimes they had them in the back storage room and would get them for me.
I used to go to a lingerie shop once in a while. The personal attention there was outstanding. I also learned of stores from other CD's that are CD friendly and will be very helpful. There is another store I've been to where you can call them ahead of time and tell them what you are and what you want. You will get a personal assistant and a private dressing area if that's what you want. Unless I happen to be in a discount department store, thrift shop or happen to notice something nice that is on sale that I must have, I try to frequent the personal service store as much as possible. I often end up paying more but I get something really nice and the experience is worth it.
Thanks for sharing Stacey,
Wow you are so bold and courageous.
I am glad you had a great shopping experience.
I can't imagine living in Vietnam,I live in the states.
Thanks Patty...but I don't know whether it's courage or stupidity haha.
Seriously, my thinking is that I'm in a city of 15 million people so the chances of seeing anyone I know in the shops or being recognised by the shop staff is tiny. Also, I'm not sure how much I'd care if I got spotted. Maybe it is naivety but I do believe that less and less people are bothered about or even notice what others do. Perhaps it's the smartphone effect?
Vietnam is an amazing place to live. It's crazily busy but coffee shops are a national obsession so you can still find quiet spots to sit and watch the world go by. The people are really lovely and incredibly helpful. The biggest problem is communication but even then you can usually get by with hand gestures and a bit of google translate.
What's life like in the USA?
Stacey xx
I’m happy for you! You went shopping for clothes and you found something even better! Acceptance! Isn’t it wonderful?
Gaby 💜
Hi Stacey,
What a wonderful shopping trip you had. And it’s terrific you found the top you really wanted. Alas, it wasn’t available in your size. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Gaby. That's so true. I think, ultimately, acceptance is what most of us want more than anything else. Well, that and a perfect hourglass figure. haha xxx
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It may not be a perfect fit yet but a few more weeks of feeling permanently hungry should see it fitting comfortably 🙂
I will get my figure back!!! haha xxx
Hi Stacey,
Good luck these next few weeks on your dieting.
[postquote quote=225894][/postquote]
Hi Alice
Thank you.
7 Kilos down so far...only another 16 to reach my target weight 🙂 xxx
Hi Stacey,
That is wonderful! Congratulation on your progress so far.
Hi Patty
The personal shopper experience sounds amazing. Sooooo luxurious. 🙂
I envy you being able to go in to shoe shops and find what you want. Unfortunately the shops here have very small sizes. Still, there's always online shopping 🙂
Stacey xxx
Hello Stacey; Thank you for sharing this story. It's great that you were able to get all the clothes you needed. Of course shopping is more fun, when those unexpected items find their way into your arms. It's also wonderful that you made a personal connection with the sales associate in the store that was on the other side of the city. The longer the journey, the greater the reward. Hope to hear more fun shopping stories from you.