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A question, eventually.

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Hello again,

I thank everyone for the welcoming and encouraging words. Strangely, I am craving encouragement, and in reverse, I want to support others. I am so unlike the other person who occasionally resides in this body. LOL!

I confess I am in a perfect mood. Over the weekend, I acquired several tops that I love and a pair of capri pants. When I put those on, I felt like Mary Tylor Moore dancing around the house—no Rob around, though.

Quick question, girls. Does anyone have any advice on buying a wig that doesn't look like it came from the Halloween Store? 




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Eminent Member     Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 25

@vonda look in the Enfem store that is sponsored in the CDH site. They have a great selection. They are affordable and a great quality. I had purchased a wig from them years past.

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19

Hi Brianna,

Thank you for the information. I checked out the website, and I did find a few I really like. 



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Eminent Member     Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 25

@vonda you are very welcome. I found they are natural looking and are vented well. Just as anything else. Read the care of the wig information.  Mine has lasted years Smile @

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

@vonda In very short, Amazon, most likely Chinese, $20-$25, should be a pretty good bang for your buck 🙂

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Hi Fiona,

Thank you for the information. I checked out the website, and I did find a few I really like. 

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Best regards,





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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 333


Yes I have bought at least 6 wigs now, most from Paula YOUNG, GOOGLE IT

Great blonde and silver hair  bobs, Since i an older cd-er..

I pass well as a mature  women.and the wigs REALLY complement what outfit I choose to stroll out into life as stephanie. Today.


Stand inl front of the closet in the morning.Looking at all the dresses and skirts and blouses and try to decide what stephanie is going to look like today before even morning's coffee! Do I want to present blond pretty woman today?Or a silver hair graemma or just a short brown bob that frames my face? It's so fun to live as a woman that you cant stop  it when you feel so normal as a girl/woman .

Just buy those wigs, you'll love it.







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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Stephanie,


Thank you, for the information. I checked out the website, and I did find a few I really like. 

Best regards,




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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 210

@tubbydullard I second that great web site




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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 574

@vonda I got mine from a wig store; Bethlehem, PA. Went en femme with my wife. The SA was most helpful. Ended up with two. Having the wife there was also helpful as she had some good comments and could approve. Best, Marlene.

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Eminent Member     Jackson, Tennessee, United States of America
Posts: 20

@vonda long ago I bought my first synthetic wig from eBay.  Then later (5 years ago) I bought a human hair wig from Amazon. I found a nice site I buy clothes.   They also have wigs and actually have good sales on them.  Last month I purchased two for BOGO Half off.  The site is SHEIN.  Try looking there.  Good luck!


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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Kimmie,

Thank you! I use Amazon all the time, but I haven't thought to search for wigs. 


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Noble Member     Reno, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 627

@vonda 🤣😂🤣 That’s exactly where my wig came from! Yesterday as I was getting ready, my wife asked me to go out and buy a new wig because mine looked ratty. I told her that was actually my plan. Sadly, both wig stores I went to were closed despite being after 11:00am. So I’m in the same boat as you. Best of luck!

Hugs, Jill

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Jill,

I'm hoping you find a wig that is perfect. I hope my comment about Halloween Store wig's didn't offend anyone. 

As for me, I have been looking. And, I have watched at least a dozen You Tube video's on the topic.

Best 2U,


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Noble Member     Reno, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 627

@vonda Rest assured, I found your comment to be very funny and not at all offensive.

Hugs, Jill

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Eminent Member     Renton, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 11

@vonda Wonderful discussion.  My experience is that the brick and mortar stores will get you looking good out the door.  But it can be expensive!  I was able to buy and inexpensive "human hair" wig and pay a hairdresser to style it for $100-200 including the wig.  That may help if the budget is tight.  My 2 cents!!

Hugs, Bambi

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Good to see you on the Forums again Vonda. 

There are plenty of reputable wig retailers online.  That's the easier way to get a good wig.  Of course, what you see on a computer screen may not look the same in person.  You'll probably have some trial and error to find a wig you're happy with.  Prices range from under $100 to $1000.

The better way to buy a wig is at a local wig shop.  Most good shops will help you find the right color and style, and will get the wig ready for you to wear.  Most wigs need some trimming and styling out of the box.  Local shops tend to be a bit more expensive than buying online.  You're paying for a service.  You get what you pay for.


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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Thank you for the information. I have found a few online I like, and saved them as a favorite, until I make up my mind. 

I just recently moved back to my family home, from Ontario, Ca. I'm cold all the time LOL.

Best Regards,




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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Glad I was able to help!

I moved to CA to get away from the frigid Northeast.  I don't think I could move back there.  I hate visiting in the winter!  Buy yourself a cute sweater, Hon!


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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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There are plenty of options. I bought two on Amazon: a short one with curtain bangs and a long one with highlights and bangs. En Femme, The Breast Form Store, CrossDress, Janet's Closet and Dafni Girls sell online beautiful wigs. 

If you can, take Emily advice and go shopping your wig in person. It's the best way. 


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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Gisela,

I love your name. 

Thank you for the information. I checked out the website's, and I did find a few I really like. 

Have a wonderful day!

Best Regards,




Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Posts: 1118

@vonda You are welcome, Vonda. I'm going to a crossdresser event in May and I want to buy another wig there.


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(@Anonymous 47410)
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I agree, a local wig shop, if you want to get the biggest bang for your money.  There you will get the one-on-one individualized service to ensure the wig you are buying will make you look your best.  Yes it is the highest price option, but one gets what one pays for.

Coming down somewhat lower in price, I have found a few on line wig sellers that I have been particularly pleased with.  My greatest personal challenge is finding large cap size wigs, so I am somewhat limited wherever I shop.  There is one family-owned business in Texas that I am particularly pleased with.  Their wigs can range $200 to $450, somewhat higher than other on line retailers, but there again, I am picky about service and quality. 

There are other on line retailers who sell acceptable wigs at lower prices.  In particular, there is one popular retailer who sends me their paper catalog via snail mail on an almost monthly basis. 

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi,Peggy Sue

Thank you for the information. I have researched a few wig shops in my area.

I have family in Georgia, and lived there myself many years ago, so I know Marietta.





(@Anonymous 47410)
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Probably would not recognize Atlanta/Marietta area now.  Continual residential, business, and highway construction.  Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson is the world's busiest airport. 

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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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Yes the best way to go is to go to a Wig store.  I have been to several both dressed and not.  I found in each case the store was very accepting.  One note in my case I have found that I look extremely different when wearing makeup.  The last time I went wig shopping I was not wearing my makeup and was disappointed when I got home and dressed up.  I highly recommend wearing at least your makeup so that you can see the real new you.  Call the store first and talk to them and then you will be more comfortable when you go in.

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Diana,

Thank you for the advice about makeup, I never thought of that, but it makes perfect sense.

Have a great day!

Best regards,


Posts: 935
(@Anonymous 47410)
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Joined: 6 years ago

I have bought from local wig shops and online retailers. No doubt, going in person is excellent- and do wear your makeup.

But, perhaps when starting out - it might be best to spend a little less. I would browse through Vogue Wigs, Paula Young, The Wig Company…see what you like, measure your head, and have fun shopping. Over time you will learn to style your wig many ways, it is so much fun! Enjoy!! And let us know what and where you buy! 

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 19


Hi Chanel

Thank you for the information. I checked out the website's, and I did find a few I really like. 

Have a great day!

Best regards,




(@Anonymous 47410)
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@vonda That’s great to hear Vonda- hope you pick one or two soon!

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Unless you know exactly what you want, then I agree with several others, go to a wig shop. You can try on several colors, styles and lengths to find what is right for you. I found what I want and what looks/works best for me were not close to the same.

 The SAs at the wig shop are great and giving advice on not just types of wigs and price points, but what matches  skin tones, is age appropriate, et cetera. They could not have been more helpful and accepting and supportive. You would not be the first or last guy to buy a wig.

...and it is fun. I really enjoyed the whole experience.

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Thank you for the information. I have researched wig shops near me, and have seen a few online I really like.

BTW, I love your photo's, you have great taste. I recently moved back to my family home from Ontario, Ca.

Have a wonderful day! 




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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I have bought 3 wigs from Paula Young as well.  great prices and quality

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Eminent Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

Hello Leah

Thank you, for the information. A few other girls mentioned Paula Young. I checked out the website, and I did find a few I really like. 

Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,




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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 333

@vonda good for you !


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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Finding a wig one really likes is easy, finding one that is appropriate for age, complexion, et vetera can be quite hard.

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Trusted Member     Swansea, West Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 11 months ago

I tend to buy online as very few places around her sell wigs. I have been through the phase of poor wigs and they may be cheap and nasty but they did help me find the style i needed that I felt most comfortable with. I still buy online but I now look specifically for a brand called Sleek 101. Many styles and colours and the prices are affordable. They of course deteriorate with use but I simply extend the life with washing them in the shower and conditioning whilst worn then drying them and use heated straighteners on them. Constant brushing especially on the inside makes them lsst. I get a couple of months out of each despite me wearing them whilst I sleep. I usually have around three on the go as I rotate the use and always have one for best. 

I do however intend to purchase a human hair one someti.e when I think I deserve a treat 


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