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Today it's almost exactly a month since I first went out of the door totally en femme by day, which I wrote about in my Steppin' Out thread. I was really pleased to have finally plucked up the courage to do it, but it wasn't a hugely feminine experience. What it was, was a really giddy excitement for a very short period of time, I think I might have been out all of 10 minutes! But with that under my belt, I knew I wasn't going to be staying indoors for long.
Then about 10 days ago, once more in full femme mode, on the spur of the moment I drove to a busy supermarket in town at lunchtime to get a replacement for a lost hairbrush. I added a post about it to the end of the Steppin' Out thread. Again, I was too nervous and excited once in the supermarket, to relax and experience it properly as Fiona. It was more like my drab self was at the wheel - mentally and physically - but it was one hell of a ride 🙂 Having made a definite public debut, I awarded myself the handbag I'd been refraining from buying until I'd been out 'properly'. (I finally got time to place the Amazon order yesterday lunchtime, with delivery estimated in 5 days time).
The thing that made that trip into town possible at the time in my nervous male brain, was that I was in a very casual outfit that would blend in well - jeans, a jumper and a cardi. However, like @rebeccabaxter said in one of her threads, I knew that to really do it 'properly' I'd have to go out again, but this time in a dress. On to yesterday, and browsing eBay, I found a pair of white wedge sandals in an 11 where the seller just happened to be one of the charity shops in town. So the idea was formed and posted for Fiona to pay them a visit today. With thanks to at least @fembecky, @carlafirst11, @samanthaxxxx and @leainvancouver for the encouragement since the last foray, and apologies to anyone else I've missed, there was no going back! Of course male me was nervous 😱 I even woke up last night with it on my mind! But with a nice mild Spring day forecast until mid-afternoon, I had the exact outfit picked out, that would still be comfortable and functional. You can see it in my public photos, here.
This time, I didn't drive, I walked the whole way there and back, it's about 2½ miles round trip. This gave me a lot of time to adjust to being out, and just relax and enjoy it 😎. As before, no-one seemed to take any notice at all. The closer I got to the High Street, the more 'no-one' there was. Still not a even second glance from most, but a couple of ladies returned my smile. I'm certain they read me, I'm surely not fooling anyone, but what they would have seen on my male shell was one very happy inner girl, finally being expressed to the world 😊. Down an alleyway past a queue of people waiting for the local Community Fridge to open - no nerves at all, even stopping to let people come the other way with a smile and a gesture. Into the shopping centre, and here we are at the charity shop!
The shoes I was interested in weren't on any of the shelves, so I had to head straight to the counter to enquire, waiting for another customer to finish being served. I don't recall deliberately changing my voice at all, I think I just automatically spoke softer and slightly higher. The lady assistant rang a colleague upstairs to find the shoes and bring them down, then while I waited she served another customer who was also buying shoes. Her purchase was right down at the other end of the size range - I joked with them both about going from one extreme to the other, which raised smiles all round, and carried on chatting with the assistant after the customer had gone. Then the colleague appeared with the shoes, again all smiles and pleasant, she even called me 'love' 🙂 The only slight disappointment was that the shoes were a US 11 not a UK 11 - they actually said UK 9 on the box. Being by Dream Pairs, I'd been more than half expecting that all along: this trip was always about getting out in a dress and interacting with people, not about actually buying anything. With thanks to both ladies for their help and further smiles all round, I left and walked back home, still relaxed and as happy as I can ever remember being 😊.
Thank you for bearing with me if you've read through this far, and now there's an unexpected happy ending 🙂 I'd not been back in the house 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door. Given what I'd just come back from doing, I opened it with a big smile and no nerves at all, and it was the Amazon driver with my handbag! I'll swear the day will soon come when they're going to deliver before you even place the order, like Minority Report for shopping 😀
Hi Fiona, I am very happy for you, I am certain that I encouraged you to go out in public to explore just a few days ago. You look so great, I am sure that anyone looking at you assumes that you’re just another lady. Keep on dressing and sharing your adventures.
Nice going Fiona! Being out and about in a dress is so thrilling, isn't it?
Hi Fiona,
What a great post! Very inspiring as I've been out a few times but never plucked up the courage to speak with people, so hats off to you. You sound like you were much more relaxed this time and enjoyed the experience more. You're outfit looks fab- smart casual and very blendable so a good choice all around. Do you think you'll head out again soon to premiere your new hangbag?
Amy X
Hi Fiona
What a great story. So happy for you venturing out and having such a wonderful experience. There is nothing like the feeling of others treating you as just another woman. Looking forward to reading about your next adventure.
Wow Fiona you smashed it out of the shoe shop! Such a wonderful story of your great experience. If there was a ticklist for a first proper run it would have to be added to as you achieved so much . So happy it went so well and the outfit looks lovely and quite appropriate for a visit to town.
So now we expect to here more adventures as you get out more.
Inspirational Fiona and all the lovely replies just mean so much to lots of ladies xx
You are indeed an inspiration for many of us and so happy you a lovely on your 'walk'. I have purchased from charity shops a few times, more size 8 so I'm an inbetweenie, it's never bothered me and always look'em in the eye. Unfortunately though I've dressed as the male me. You look great in the picture relating to your adventure and look forward to more stories.
Hopefully some of my own soon.
Mel x
Mel honey, I'd love to look as good as you do in your photos - just so natural, if you can get out en femme I'm sure you'll brighten any location that you care to grace. I look forward to seeing/reading about it 🙂
Hats off to you buying femme stuff while in drab too! While as Fiona it seemed totally natural to be enquiring about pretty sandals, as yet that would feel strange for my male self. Still some development to come there, it would seem.
Fiona xxx