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So my wife and kids will be out of the house visiting family from 12/27 through 1/3......what to do with myself? I have to work of course but will have my evenings and one weekend free.
I might spend some time trying to get proficient with makeup as it is time consuming and expensive to use a mua every time I want to venture out.
While the cats away....
Have a ball Darcy! I know I would have to practice every day if it were me. And of course you need to try different outfits with different looks!
Whatever you do, enjoy!
I think makeup practice is huge ! Don’t try to do your whole face. Just practice on 1-2 things and become ver good at them! It will make a differ3nce!
That's wonderful that you will have that time to be yourself.
Just a word of caution - my wife was out of the house for a couple days and I took the opportunity to dress. One evening while I was dressing she called and I answered the phone which wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been a video call. She knew I dressed but didn't want to see me dressed so needless to say it didn't go well. It did lead to a discussion which worked out okay. She is to the point of accepting Suzanne and there are times I dress when she is home. There are actually times when she asks if I want/need some Suzanne time. So my caution is to check your phone screen before you answer to make sure it isn't a video call.
Enjoy your time - perfecting make up skills sounds like a wonderful idea. Nothing worse than putting on make up and having to remove it shortly after.
Every evening for a whole week to yourself, and over New Year's day, too. How marvellous! I'm extremely envious! Chances like this come once in a blue moon, Darcy. Make the most of it with whatever you do. I'm sure you will!
So makeup practice is definitely on the schedule so if you have good how-to videos please share them!
I would also like to venture out at least once and I'm still trying to decide what sort of experience I want from that. I've done shopping, eating out, but that's about it. So if anyone has any good ideas in that vein I'd love to hear them.
It's great that you will have so much Darcy time! Thoroughly enjoy it. Practicing makeup is a great idea. For me and I'm sure a lot of other girls, this is the hardest part of what we do. Good luck and I hope you find your perfect makeup style!
Oh Darcy I’m envious!
My wife went to Colorado for a week this past summer so I know what you’re looking forward too. You know the old saying “that getting there is half the fun” well that’s the way I felt about my week alone. During the weeks leading up to her departure I had a wonderful time getting ready for my time alone. I mean a girl needs some new things for such an occasion. I bought new a new bra, new panties and a super pretty nightie. I online window shopped for clothing but decided I had several newer outfits I have hardly worn.
I did need to be careful. My wife was gone but my stepchildren live close and stop by often. Most of my time dressed was early morning and later in the evening. The wife and I spoke multiple times everyday but fortunately she never FaceTimed me.
it was such a fun week but I missed her dearly and was happy when she arrived home. She will be going back this spring so I have that to look forward too.
Have A wonderfully girlie week Darcy. I’m sure it will be hard to go back to normal!
Natalie 💋💋💋💋💋
Oh howI love me time
Darcy, I hope you have a wonderful girly time whatever you decide to do. Good luck with the makeup!
I will only dress when my wife is away, so hardly ever 😢. However I'll have 10 days next May. I don't keep any stuff at home so I'll have to buy everything I need. I'm already in such a pink fog trying to choose a couple of outfits. And I've just booked my second professional makeover!
Hugs, Chrissie xx.