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Hey Lacy,
Congratulations on having an understanding and accepting daughter. Have fun shopping for your clubbing outfit.
its funny how we all wait so long for what we want. i started going out dressed about 10 years ago. i was never a dress and stay home cd. i was a dress and be seen cd. wish i started when i was 25 or 30, but i was married back then. i have good times now and dress and go where i please. i dont let anyone tell me i cant go there dressed. i will and no one has ever bothered me. most thank me for going out dressed. thats the way it should be. i helped a cd go out before. we are good friends and go out every week. he always ask me why dont we ever see any outer cd when we are out. they dont know what they are missing. he now can go out and has by himself now.
Lacy Ann -
How wonderful for you to have both your wife and daughter accept you and want to go out with you. My wife has become much more accepting of my dressing over the last few years but not to the point of going out. That is one of the things I hope for.
Enjoy your time, can't wait to hear how it goes.
Lacy that is great love reading stories like this, so happy for you.
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing such a positive, encouraging post. Have too much fun on your outing!
That was so awesome to read! I hope the weekend goes great for all of you. The best part of the story for me is the fact that your daughter is supportive, excited and joining in the fun!! I'm sure that is a bonding experience that will never be forgotten. Have fun and I can't wait to read all about it.