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At work fully dressed

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Honorable Member     St Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Good  day lovely ladies

So I have my Monday to Friday day job and a partime job as an Instructure at a local college.  I was outed at my day job and started wearing painted nails and eye make up to work.

Now the College job is two evenings a week.

The semester just started.  The Thursday class is after my day at work, so no time to change before I teach. The second class is on Saturday, so no work uniform to change out of.

On the first day of class I told my students that I am non Binary and I am as likely to show up in my black dockers and black arrow dress shirt as a dress and heels.  No one seemed to react. 

So on Saterday I was getting ready and decided to put on the black sattin blouse, black leather skirt, black pantyhose, knee high boots with a 4 inch heel. Full makeup, breast forms, then a black cardigan,  with my purse.

I walked out of the house got in my car and drove to the college.   Walked though the building to my class room, and started setting up for class.  The students walked in, and no reaction.  I walked around the class during the lecture and during the lab portion was out helping students with their assignments.

The students just called me over with Proffesor.   

I had built the idea of teaching full en femme so much in my mind and have been worried about doing it, but also so wanting to. The day came and went like any other day. I was so comfortable and felt great being out  

When I got home all my wife said was you wore those boots out in the snow.  We can get you proper winter boots, something with a little more grip than those.

Some days I worry about how the world is going to react.  I build up all these possible outcomes, think about the outfit, the reactions.  The reality seems to be no reaction. 

It may be people being polite, it might be they don't care, I don't think I pass. 

Any way, Thank you for reading.  

Love, hugs and kisses




7 Replies
Posts: 2537
Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

 That's so great to hear Paula, and congrats for actually going through with it! Awesome.

 Though I have not gone to work en femme, mostly because I'm retired now, but I too find wide acceptance, to the point where I just seem to go under the radar.


Posts: 7796
Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Paula,

Congratulations on following through with your choice of attire.  


Posts: 585
    los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Awesome Paula !! ..................Me ? I sometimes ............slip out late at night ..........after take the trash out to the back being dressed girly outside ............gaze at the stars ...............karley

Posts: 2099
Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Paula - 

How wonderful for you. Hope you have more opportunities to do that. It's funny that your wife talked about getting you "proper winter boots", not a bad idea for snowy or rainy days.


Posts: 114
Duchess Annual
Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

Wow Paula! That's awesome.  I hope it continues to go well for you so you can be yourself at work.

Posts: 1460
Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

One of my girlfriends is also a CD who teaches at our local state college and she had revealed to me a similiar experience of showing up for class fully dressed. She had told the class beforehand so it was no big surprise for the class but it was for her because the students had the same reaction as your class. Congrats Paula for taking this big step and enjoy the adventure girl.

Posts: 3404
Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

What a wonderful experience and the great way it went for you. 


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