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Apologies to any ladies who shouldn't be discussing preferred drink for one reason or another.
Does your preferred drink change when en femme?
When the SO and I are out for dinner, I almost always choose beer if we're having drinks, or very simple well drinks (whiskey, rum, gin and tonic, coke, soda). Recently, the SO was ordering a glass of wine and so I did too. The beers looked boring and the wine price was reasonable. As I sipped my drink, dressed in 100% male mode sadly, I couldn't help feel a little feminine with a beautiful glass of wine in my hand.
Stereotypical, absolutely. I blame my parents for the upbringing when women weren't supposed to drink beer or spirits.
What about your food tastes? Does your palate look for less meat, more salads and soups, flavorful dishes when en femme?
Hi Lea,
That's an interesting observation. My early drinking experiences (60s) were in a northern UK working class environment. A man drinking wine in that environment would undoubtably have been been considered an oddity (and quite likely gay).
Fancy that. Being typecast by what you're drinking.
Fast forward to a gay London club some people took me to in the 80's ( me, all innocent and naive). I ordered a first round of beers at the bar, expecting to be told what was on offer.
"Sorry, darling, we don't do beer here. How about some wine?"
Well I never, typecasting in reverse.
Nowadays, I'll drink whatever I fancy, and most wouldn't bat an eyelid whatever a person drank. But you have a great point. I'm guessing there are still those with relic notions of gender and the type of alcohol drunk - and it would appear that includes me. I'm a private dresser, don't go out dressed to bars or anything. But if I did, I almost certainly would drink wine as opposed to a pint of beer.
Food? I don't know, I'd have to think more about that. Maybe I'd just select the least messy option to eat!
Emma x
Living now as Fiona, I still like the odd cold beer on a hot day. I just don't ever seem to have any in my fridge! When out, I would now drink a glass of white over a pint of beer, since less volume in = less volume to have to come out again. Or one smaller bottled beer only. Especially a factor at theatres and concerts 🙂
Early on in my outings I always ordered a white wine with dinner. I thought it important in my process of trying to pass. Now that I am much more comfortable out I always enjoy my nice cold beer.
No matter how I'm presenting or feeling the forecast is always 100% chance of wine. In my Italian upbringing that is just what you drank with meals or anytime. I use to make my own when I was younger.
No, it does not change. If I am out en femme I drink wine, but I always drink wine with dinner but have never been to bar en femme, and almost never go to bars anyway. At home and en femme I will drink beer mid day, buy evenings I almost always drink red wine. On rhe occasions when I make a nice meal for my wife and I and I dress fully en femme for the evening I open a nice bottle of red wine from our small qine.collection.
I’m not really a drinker of alcohol except once in a while I will drop a little in to my coffee, when drab me. But when Lisa comes out you better bring me some wine! I do like my wine.
I don't rerularly drink anymore. I have bottles of fine malts unopened, wine for if friends come round for dinner or need to take some when going to friends. The one drink I will have is a G&T on ice with lemon, I like the flavour and enjoy it. It would only be the one and it was months ago when I had my last but it was savoured and enjoyed.
I'm an ale and cider drinker no matter how I'm dressed. One of my friends commented when he first met Cerys and I asked him what he thought said "Do you still drink cider?", when I replied yes, he said "that's alright then" 🙂
I was once invited out by a small group of my female workmates on a "girly" night out. That was a great night and I drank what they were drinking, mainly because the two places we went to didn't sell ale or cider 🙂
I don't really drink much. An occasional glass of single malt, but that's about it.
Food-wise changes in Anna mode so that I avoid anything that smudges lipstick or risks getting in long hair.
I still mostly drink beer, but occasionally I will have a margarita or other mixed drink.
Yes. I rarely drink in male mode, but when Emily goes out with the girls, she enjoys vodka tonics, screwdrivers, and sometimes wine. Always Uber when drinking. She never drinks beer, bad for her figure.. lol
And yes, i do eat differently in Emily mode.. more lean toward chicken and salads, smaller portions.. no desert.
O'doul's Amber, both in male mode or en femme.
I'm always a beer drinker (Miller Light Tap) otherwise it's a Pepsi for me. It doesn't make any difference if I'm in an evening gown or jeans, it's always the same. BTW, I always order pizza if possible (and eat it twice a day) but never touch a salad. Party on, Marg
Definitely a wine drinker as Cassie, more of a craft beer drinker when in drab.