@maureen76 Maureen, of course you’re right, you’re describing every human being ever born. This particular lifestyle, or hobby as I like to call it, will never be widely accepted by society. I don’t expect it to either. I do accept that comes with the territory. I have close friends who absolutely hate everything about anything with the world “trans” in it -and let everyone know whenever given the chance. (probably not going to share it with them😊) I do expect that I’ll feel isolated at times and that if I choose to share my secret with people close to me - it will change the dynamic of our relationship. Maybe good, maybe bad. Which is why my sharing or “coming out” to anyone I’m not married to is not gonna happen. Not on purpose anyway. Before telling anyone just ask yourself one question: “Is revealing my secret going to advance our relationship?” If you know it’s a no - why would you do that to yourself? Or your loved one? Or friend?
CDH is a goldmine of a find for most of us here. We’re all in the same club here to a degree…some more, some less. I consider everyone here a “sister” of mine. I love the fact that I have no agenda or issues with anyone. Most of us here will never meet or see each other. Girls will come and go on here, which is to be expected as everyone’s lives are complicated. But I do see, as I flit around the site more and more - that one could get lulled into a false sense of security here, thinking, ah, everyone here is so very understanding, supportive, etc. CDH is great, but it’s not the world we live in on a daily basis.
I sorta riffed off of Maureen’s main topic here. To steer back, yes, it’s hard for some of us to find love and acceptance given what we do in our spare time. And what some of us want to do full time. Just be careful with it in your day to day journey amongst the general public. They have a right to their points of view too. There’s going to be criticism, misunderstanding and even some hatred. Those who understand and accept you better than the majority ever will are right here on CDH. I’m grateful for that.