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I typically stay in motels over the weekend for work (since my job is a ways away from where I live and I'd rather not make the drive twice every day I'm scheduled), and having a room to myself for an extended period every weekend has given me a lot more "Vanessa time" than I usually had in the past.
Recently, I did something that felt crazy at the time, but ended up working out fine -- rather than removing the makeup and changing back to "guy mode" clothes before checking out the last morning, I just fixed up my makeup a little and left the motel as Vanessa.
The first time I was super nervous about it... until the front desk called me and asked if I wanted to go ahead and check out over the phone rather than doing it in person. Whew! Now I don't have to interact with any people on the way out, I can just load up my stuff in the car and leave! At the time I had planned on trying to make a stop at Goodwill on the way home, so as to be able to shop in the women's sections without any worry of being seen (probably not actually a major concern, but try telling my anxiety-brain that), but the moment I got out of the car a huge gust of wind blew in and nearly lifted my dress Marilyn Monroe style (...and I had nothing on underneath but panties since it was warm out that day and it was a pretty long dress.) Scrambled to keep the runaway fabric from going too far up, then hopped back in the car and drove home. But the drive home went great! No issues at all. Even though it was almost noon, and up to this point I have almost never gone outside dressed during the day.
I did it again last week, and things went well even though I did stop at the front desk to drop off my keys. There was a different person working there than when I checked in (of course, the 11am Monday person probably isn't going to be the same one working at 7pm on a Friday) and the lady at the counter barely even gave me a first look, much less a second or any kind of weird comments. Walked out, drove home. Again, thought about Goodwill, but the parking lot looked very crowded so I didn't even stop. When I got home, I stayed dressed for a while and had a cup of coffee that my roommate made, walked around in the backyard taking pictures, petting and feeding the cats, etc. rather than being in a hurry to remove the makeup and shower after I got home. Didn't quiiiiite get around to my original plan of possibly going for a walk somewhere (during the day!!), but still, it was probably the most time Vanessa has ever been out when the sun was up, and it was kind of a nice change from the usual.
Congrats Vanessa! It keeps getting easier. It's a slippery slope! Enjoy!
Vanessa -
What a wonderful experience for you. To be out and about must have felt mice. You should make that stop at Goodwill. I've been to a number of different thrift shops (Goodwill, Salvation Army, God's Way) in drab and perused the women's section without any issues. I've also looked at and purchased shoes, jewelry, purses and such without any issues. Even tried on a pair of thigh high boots one time before buying them. Continue to enjoy your trips.
Nice to read experiences like this. I share a lot of what you are saying as there is that desire to do something but you decide not to yet there you are after leaving a hotel, driving then standing in a car park, already out and in view. The obvious is well there you are, why not? I do understand your situation as I have been there.
You go home and wander around not wanting to get the clothes off making the day a bit longer. So nice to have a roomy that accepts you too.
As they say, there's always next time and am sure you will take a deep breath and go in the shops.
Not quite the same, but on a crosscountry drive I did a good bit of it dressed. One night when I pulled into the motel and parked there was man in the var next to me. I was partially en femme, but nothing real noticable, but with both made eye contact. In the morning I left fully en femme in a skirt, wig, make up et cetera. Just by chance the same person was getting i to his car as I got in mine. Again, full eye contact, but this time there was a slightly surprised expression on his face. We both just smiled and nodded to each other as I drove away.
Hi Vanessa,
Thank-you for sharing. Perhaps, next opportunity you’ll get to Goodwill and find just what you are looking for and in your size.
Thanks for sharing Vanessa. I'm on a similar journey. I've been traveling for work a lot lately. Been venturing out in Diana mode when I'm at the hotels. Had a chance to do some shopping on a recent trip and had a great experience. Hope you get to do the same. It's liberating to spend time outside as your true self.