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Breaking the front door seal at last !

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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Been a while since I had a visit from Jillian. For some strange reason though last night, she decided to visit. Now I usually, for a quiet life have to wait until my OH goes away for a couple of days or whatnot. Today was different, I was at work and thinking of her ( as sometimes do) and thought after reading to all of the helpful and encouraging stories on this site - started wondering what it would be like to “get past the front door and into the world”. I have never given it much thought as being 6ft.2 thought I would stand out like a sore thumb and surmised that it would take a careful amount of planning and courage. Here’s to the spur of the moment - carpe diem !

My OH went to bed at 8pm and seeing as I had just had a "super shave” (all over body and face) thought it might be nice to be Jillian for the night but still did not plan to go outside. So after putting on my underwear, stockings and a nice chiffon dress, surprised myself of how quickly I did my makeup. so I was painted, dressed and ready for 8.40. I went downstairs and thought “ Right, I am going out and take advantage of my situation”. It was dark and dry so I decided to go for a walk to the supermarket which was around 1 and half miles away.

Stepped out into the front drive, handbag on shoulder fully dressed (wow)  - nervously looked both ways and there was no one around. Now is the time! Started walking and paying close attention to my shadow as to perfect the feminine walk. The breeze up my skirt and every so often, the glisten of my stockings gave me a rush of euphoria that I have never had before. Carried on walking and gaining more confident on every step found that I was loving this feeling. 

I walked the long way around through streets and on one of them I saw 3 young girls on the same side as me. Do I cross over? or be a brave girl?

Stayed on the same side and they passed close to me and I was surprised that their conversation between themselves never paused or did not hear the ubiquitous giggle that I was expecting. Carried on and passed a few people and even got a “evening love” from a male dog walker.

I am feeling in a Zen state of happiness - no worries of life or angst, just sweet Jillian looking after me and showing me that everything is alright after all.

Get to the supermarket, quite busy for a Thursday night but then remembering that Easter is around the corner so everyone panic buying (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean). No drama, made eye contact with many folk and not once did I see any of them do their own rendition of Edvard Munch’s Scream painting.

Smiled at a few and had the same reciprocated. The crowning moment was when I was stood near a middle aged couple and as I walked away, heard the lady say “ she was tall but I like her coat”.

Walking home was like a haze, I was in such a relaxed and happy state that I have never felt before. I was sorry to get home really and was not frightened at all and in hindsight, realised I take my presence on this planet far too seriously! - It has taken me 59 years to get myself out and so glad I did and feel accomplished and validated.

I have put some picture in my gallery of how happy I looked when I got home.

Will go out again soon and hope that I never tire of it but would never have done anything like this without all of your support - Thanks x

Love Jillian xx

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That's so wonderful - I love reading things like this!

Thanks for sharing 🙂

Ellie x

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@ellyd22A pleasure Ellie, you and many others on this site were walking with me xx

Thanks for the support 

Jillian x

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You and many others on this site were walking with me

Oh, that's lovely 🙂


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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@justjillian Wow. That’s great hun. So happy for you in this huge step you’ve made. I know once I broke the seal I love being out dressed femme. Hope you have many more wonderful experiences.

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@cdashley - Yes like many times in life - wished I had only done it sooner xxx

Thanks for the kind words

Jillian xx

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Another lovely account of an adventure out. Thanks for sharing this, Jillian, what a joy it is to read such cheering news.

Allie x

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@alexina  thanks lovely- I could not have done it without everyone on this site

love Jillian xx

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@justjillian this is a brilliant read. Well done to you!


(@Anonymous 94145)
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@annaredhead  Thank you lovely- it was a nice thing to share I thought 😌

I appreciate the feedback x

love Jillian xx

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@justjillian Congratulations Jillian! What a wonderful story with a terrific ending! We're looking forward to more great stories!



(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jwhite Oh thank you, yes it was a nice time and I guess the better for thinking of doing it but not really planned yet did it anyway 

As John Lennon said “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”

it’s just brilliant and appreciate your feedback x

Jillian xx

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@justjillian congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I hope you can go out again very soon.

Hugs, Jill

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jillannquinn Thank you lovely 

Jillian xx

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@justjillian you’re very welcome.


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What a wonderful post Jillian! I loved every word of it. It must have been so thrilling, yet natural to be out as yourself. I'm so glad you were able to experience it. I'm sure there will be more to come, I hope you share them with us. I love the accompanying photos in yur gallery as well - very pretty.



(@Anonymous 94145)
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@denises924 thank you lovely- I was a joy to write as it was still in my mind 

I appreciate the kind comments on my look - we can but try 💋

love Jillian xx

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A beautiful story, beautifully told. What a fab time you had, and another 'front door dither' banished. Well done!

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jacquelinelarkspur - Thank you lovely and for your support as your stories certainly flickered one of Jillian’s switches 

As aforementioned, would never have done this without the sublime help from CDH

Jillian xxx

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That's very kind of you to say so. I'm glad I was able to offer you encouragement.

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Posted by: @Anonymous 94145

It has taken me 59 years to get myself out and so glad I did and feel accomplished and validated.

It sounds as if you can add liberated to that list, too.


(@Anonymous 94145)
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@harriette Yes - I should have - great description and it was very liberating.

Thanks for the feedback c

Jillian xx

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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Thanks Lovely - I can recommend it and as i wrote - we take ourselves far too seriously in this world. Just be you - who cares?  Smile  

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Jillian, I'm so pleased to read this!  It really rings with me because I was right there too, only a couple of short months ago.  The world is now your oyster, you can go wherever you please en femme - as you wrote, just be you!  Massive hugs - well done girl 🤗 

Fiona xxx

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@finallyfiona - well because of reading your experiences - I was inspired to break down the door. 

Without this site, I still would have been a quivering guilty lover of my feminine self locked away with no one to share with.

Massive thanks for your inspiration 

Jillian x

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@justjillian That just validates me beyond words ... thank you darling 🙂

* Huge hugs *

Fiona xxx

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Nice to hear about your evening adventure Jillian.  Thanks for taking the time to write about it, it's makes for a great read.  Glad it appears to have had such a positive affect with you're confidence.

Hope that the outside world get to see Jillian again soon.


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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@emilysouthern  - Yes I hope so too, I think it was the spontaneous way that it happened that made it all the more special.

Thanks for your support

Love Jillian xx

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Hi Jillian,

That’s an amazing story, so pleased you made it out of the door - you’ll Definately want to do it again!

It’s nice to hear such stories from a fellow UK member.  I can relate to the feelings you had.  Stepping out of the door is the hardest part, so we’ll done!

I’ve only done it a few times at home (in daylight too - eek!!) for fear of being seen by the neighbours, but I was careful and don’t think I was spotted!  Most of my adventures out have been when travelling away from home, or out of season when at our holiday home in Wales, which I get chance a couple of times per year and venture out if I can!

I agree it’s such an exhilarating feeling, nothing quite like that rush… be warned though, it is addictive! 😉

Well done though! 



Jenny x


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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jennyphose  Yes Jenny - addicted already and on cloud nine today. So chilled that I have got the monkey off my back. 
I plan to go into town this week - in daylight but looking forward to the challenge of life’s rich pageant 😊

seeing as you visit my birth country, I will salute you in my mother tongue:- Diolch Yn Fawr cariad xx

Jillian xx

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Forgot to say Jillian, I’m also 6’2” so understand the height thing being a bit of a restriction… 


Jen x

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jennyphose - it’s one of the downsides of being tall , looking like a Circus Bear on my motorcycle and yet to find a bath big enough to be fully immersed!

That said, it allows me to be the perfect gentleman when at the supermarket to grab the high shelf items for ladies ( or gentlemen) 😊

Thanks for the kind comment 

Jillian x

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have to repeat what others have already said in that without this site and the lovely, supportive people on it, cross dressing for me would be a tiny part of my life that took place only in the safety of my own home, but since being here, I have increased my wardrobe, learned makeup, and got the courage to go out in public. 


Jillian, you have joined the ranks of the 'ladies who go 'out'', you will now do it again and again.





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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@rebeccabaxter  Oh totally agree with all the support and encouragement from this site. I feel so much more accepted by my drab self. As for clothes and shoes, I have far too many and my makeup box is brimming as I have been making up for decades. I always consider Jillian as a shy person who is tall and therefore never considered going out with 5 inch heels ( her favourite) as she is 6.2 and would look like an Empire State Human. I bought her some flats though and she wore them last night and although she was not so keen, her feet were thankful. Another piece of the jigsaw discovered last night but I think she is a home bird at heart otherwise she would have been out years ago.

But everything changes eh?

thanks for your message 

Jillian xxx

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Marvelous, exciting, admirable and enchanting account of you breaking down the door, followed by a 1 1/2 walk x two as Jillian! Bully for you Miss Welsh 💐(USA me received that kudos a few weeks ago. Hadn't heard "bully for you" in a l o n g time)

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@conniech  Thanks Connie love. Yes Bully for Jillian indeed. 
as already alluded- would never have considered it without the help from all of you on this site x

it isn’t just me after all - but loads of us all together 

love Jillian xx

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@justjillian P.S. I stand 6'2 5/8" tall, am in my mid 60's and retired from a long , human services career. Once I stood 6'3." Boxes of breakfast cereal are not the only shrinking going on 😅. 


(@Anonymous 94145)
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@conniech Ha ha brilliant!

there’s hope for me yet then ?

I still like the self label that Jillian has - Empire State Human, it’s more than stature, it’s because she’s always stopped me in my tracks when I see her - just like the one in New York does 😊

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Congratulations,  Jillian! A huge step! I love hearing these kinds of stories, and I found that once I went out dressed the more I wanted. Very happy for you! 

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@justnikki darling Nikki ( excuse the Prince reference 😌) 

yes it was a gas and I want to do it more now that I know. Jillian gets bored quick so it will be in moderation and avoid indifference from her.

many thanks for the support though - means more than you know 

( or perhaps you do 💋)

Jillian xx

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Congratulations Jillian! I am so happy for you. You look so pretty in your photos. Now that you've got the first one out of the way I can guarantee that you will want to do it on a regular basis. There's no feeling quite like walking around in public presenting as a female, it's wonderful.

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@d44  Thank you Fiona - it was a thrill and liked to think of myself as a “pass” but that’s only my opinion and all I can do is my best.

i am sure she will want to go out again but still wonder what came over us to want to do something so spontaneous?

massive thanks for your kind compliment , been making up for years but as the saying goes - just because you have been doing it for a long time does not guarantee that you are doing it right.

So your words mean a great deal 

Jillian xx

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Well done Jillian. It is so heartening to read that being among others here has encouraged you to 'break the seal'. Would you have done it sooner, as we all would say but the stars were aligned and you shone through - the time was right. Lovely story and thank you for sharing.

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@ab123 Yes Angela, the stars did align and really never before considered it - so don’t know what came over me. I was such a thrill though and glad I have done it x

Jillian xx

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@justjillian It is those 'headrush' moments that get us out there and realise it isn't as bad as we think.

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Posted by: @Anonymous 94145

I always consider Jillian as a shy person who is tall and therefore never considered going out with 5 inch heels ( her favourite) as she is 6.2 and would look like an Empire State Human

Just as long as the monkey off your back doesn't start climbing up to the top carrying Fay Wray. 😀

Congratulations on your outing. You do realize that there's no way to "get the genie back in the bottle."

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@alison-anderson Yep understand that it might become a new thing but  it was such a thrill that I think I will moderate it heavily as I don’t want to get used to it. Going to try a daylight walk next weekend- hope it rains so I can use an umbrella to hide under😌

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Jillian -

Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on your night out. It is wonderful to hear such stories and I agree that yours and others like it are an inspiration to us all. I am hoping for a similar experience at some point - when I don't know but it will happen some day. Hope you get to enjoy more experiences in the future.


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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@cdsue Suzanne, thanks so much for your kind comments. I had never really considered going out ( the same way I never was a formula one race driver) it just seemed out of reach so therefore put it in the impossible section. It really was a spur of moment thing but Jillian must have been planning it for a while otherwise why did she make me buy a handbag?

we are incredibly complex machines and no manual to help. This is why I am on this site as all of your help answered many questions of rights and wrongs - it turns out there are no wrongs when it comes to being yourself 😊

love Jillian xxx

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@justjillian You're welcome dear. I agree that we are complex machines and there is no manual to help us, but all we need do is be ourselves and things will work out. I'm still stuck in the what if's and need to be concerhed about my wife's feelings. I continue to hope that one day things will change.

As to Jillian having you buy a handbag, I would agree. There are times when I'm shopping and Suzanne will buy something, so I can understand how that happens. It's funny, my wife bought a purse online and when it arrived she didn't care for the color (she thought it would be darker) so she gave it to Suzanne. Havent had an opportunity to use it yet but hope to soon. I do carry a small bag for my phone and a couple other items on a daily basis for my phone and a couple other items. 


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 J J
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I am so happy you enjoyed your evening out. The first time is always the hardest, but now that you know it is possible it just gets easier. It is all about attitude. If you own it others will as well. Don't worry about passing, just dress and do make up to what level you choose and let society deal with their own attitudes. 

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jjandme Yeah you are right and wise words indeed. The North of England can be a daunting place for accepting individual identity but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Agree totally regarding the attitude- hence not crossing the road and making eye contact- see what a daylight walk brings soon 😊

thanks for reading and appreciate your wisdom

Jillian xx

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Congratulations Jillian!  Often, we are most fearful of ourselves.  Hope your next opportunity arrives soon.


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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@aliceunderwire Indeed! It’s better to not take ones place on this world too seriously 😊

Thanks for your kind comment x

Jillian xx


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