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I bought some silicone ones from Amazon for my wife after her mastectomy. They are amazing! They look real and feel real...... So I bought myself some. I've never worn them before tonight. I love them. They jiggle when I walk. I bounce, and they bounce. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and watched them bounce for 10 minutes when I first put them on. I could get used to this
That sounds like sooo much fun.
The next best thing to real ones, but then we would probably have our hands in our bras all the time just enjoying the feel of those beauties!! Enjoy!!
I bought myself some from the breast form store for Christmas, they are almost as good as if I grew them myself, I love them.
When I put my forms in my bra, some bra's allow a bit more jiggle then others, but I love to do the same I can be doing dish's and a good song will come on and it's so much fun to just start dancing a bit and having them start to bounce and jiggle is so much fun. And when I wear a lower cut top and looking in the mirror is fun too, I put stick on nips and it's fun to look in the mirror and having them show through!!!!!!!!!
I've found that by just wearing a bra regularly my own boobs have enlarged (a way to go yet)
I just recently purchased breast forms myself I have worn them a few times since they arrived just before Christmas. I absolutely love them. Can't wait to go shopping in them next time. To feel them jiggling and the constant weight on my chest reminding me of my new feminine feature.
I finally purchased a set of breast forms only recently and was able to try them on for the first time on Christmas Eve. Let's just say that they are the best Christmas presents I have ever received, even though it was from myself!!
The look and feel of them made a huge difference to the way i felt when dressing as Johannah! for the first time I really felt Feminine. As others have mentioned, the weight and bounce gave me an overwhelming feeling of Femininity.
I have 2 pairs of Amonea forms and I love them.They are both a large B,and the bounce and feel are wonderful. The reason I have 2 pair is the original pair were starting to age so I replaced them with another pair.My dresses and tops feel and look so much better with them.Love them.
I put on a sexy dress last night with my breastplate on. A lot of cleavage was showing. The first thing that came to mind was, Damn, I wish these were real 😍
I love my forms I have a pair of C cup and a pair of DDs, I love looking down and seeing Breasts!!
I've had mine for a number of years now and I wonder how I could ever have done without them. They give as close to a natural look as anything this side of the real thing. One of the best parts of dressing up is placing them in the cups. Like flipping a switch. (One of many, to be sure.)
Unfortunately, they're showing signs of wear. The inside "skin" has torn in several places on both, and the material inside is nearly liquid.
Fortunately, I've been able.to.patch the tears with medical tape over a squirt of stray adhesive but I'm afraid they're close to retirement. But I did find the same make and model online, and for not too much more that what I paid for the ones I have.
I was thinking of upgrading and/or trying a different shape, but my body hasn't changed drastically other than my recent weight loss. So I might stick with what ai know for now.
I only used the adhesive with the forms once and I kept them on overnight and so ended up with some real skin tears. So I don't bother with it now as a rule and so I still have plenty. And remover too!
Even so, the sensation of wearing them is well worth it. Possibly the most important purchase I've made out of all the other "necessities".
I'm wearing them again. I love them 🙂
Gotta love the bounce and they are amazing.
I am a fulltime girl, an intersex trans woman, and my forms are a part of me each and everyday, I can't imagine not having that wonderful feeling of breasts hugging me all day long!
Ms. Lauren M