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I was reading about another story about girls like us and it got me thinking about the time I picked my mother up at a hotel totally dressed up as a woman when I was 15 years old this is the sequel so to speak me and my mom talked in our living room for a couple hours both of us wearing dresses and pantyhose and high heels she kept staring at me truth be told I was nervous and excited at the same time she didn't buy my story of why I picked her up dressed up I remember her saying I know this isn't the first time you have dressed up you look to good and walk in heels better than most women damn you walk like a girl she said and then she asked me where did I get the high heels they aren't mine I came clean and admitted I bought them at Kmart she laughed and said you put some thought into this and she said I can tell you are enjoying this you keep switching legs and crossing them and rubbing your hands up your legs you know how femmine that is I mean do me a favor and sit down again so I got up and sat down she started to laugh again and she said you smoothed your dress under your butt as you say and crossed your legs were did you learn that I told her I watched her and she said I guess you do act like me then she said did you shave your legs I told her I used Nair she said I guess you know how good nylons feel on shaved legs don't you I just smiled and then she asked me if I did my makeup I said yes she shook her head and said it was a good job then she asked me if I was hungry because she said she was starving I said I could eat she said let's go to sambos for breakfast sambos is like a Denny's in the seventies for you younger gal's I said let me change clothes she said no way you look very nice as you are she asked me if I was afraid I was but I said I wasn't so we went to breakfast without any incident that was the last time I was sitting with my mother looking like her daughter thanks for reading girls I would love to hear from you and some feedback is always appreciated
I'm old enough to remember Sambo's (when most fast-food joints were drive-thru). I also remember that folks had only three classifications: Male, Female and Queer). You were very brave, and you had a remarkably understanding mother.
Yes I did I think before that day she had to know I was always in her clothes mom's know these things but to be honest I always wanted to be like my mother and that day I was dressed like her one of the best memories of my life thanks for your feedback kiss kiss 💋 💋 Jasmine
A lovely conclusion to this story.
Jasmine, Loved you’re story! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful memory with your mom. My mom has been gone since 06, and I would love to be able to go to breakfast with her as her daughter. She always wanted to have a girl but kept having boys. Yes, as youngster I tried on many of her bras, slips and panties. Thank you mom!
Thank you again Jasmine,
Love story glad you shared it with us. I think back and realize we look for our mother's approval more than anyone's. I like to think my mother would have given me her approval.
A truly lovely story of a mother's love and acceptance, thank you for sharing but why was that the last time as mother and daughter?
There obviously has to be another episode coming up soon.
Hey girl that was the last time my mother ever saw me fully dressed up besides a couple of Halloween's when I was younger I wish I could have done it more
What a warm loving mother. Must have been such a happy experience for you Jasmine ! Bonding like that is the best thing in the world, more than a million dollars, great memories.
Girl you don't know how much I loved that morning with my mother I always wanted to be like her as I sat there across from her us both dressed is a memory I will never forget but truth be told I was the happiest when we were at the restaurant and waiting for our table both of us wearing dresses and pantyhose and high heels and crossing our legs and bobbing our legs up and down we looked like twins so much fun thanks for reading sweetheart
I feel the love you had for that experience❤️
Thanks girl I just read your trip to buy foundation you had a good time yourself girlfriend being out dressed up as a woman it's a feeling only girls like us treasure