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Caught red handed in dress.

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I live in an apartment 2nd floor, no door bell. So my downstairs neighbor came up and knocked at the door to tell me someone was downstairs for me which never happens here, I said i can't open the door right now and just as i finished saying that the the door opened, fortunately I was in a nice black skirt with a t shirt type top an bra and wig . He got a glimpse but he never fully pushed the door wide open and then closed it. I then removed my wig and finished my business from the window to the person that stopped by unannounced.

I'm glad he saw me, I'm glad he knows now because sometimes i go for walks in the evening through the back door and now it's not going to be the end of the world if he sees me. He's older an retired..

I'll also leave him a note in the morning that it was ok to have had opened the door and seen me not a big deal... I think he may have had a clue as last week he found my panties in the basement by the washer or dryer and put them in my mail box 🙂 I left him a note then and said "Thanks for putting my panties in the mail box they go with my black skirt"

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Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hey Lisa,

What a pleasant surprise for him to place your panties in your mailbox and it does seem that he knew at that time. Now you don’t even have to worry if you walk across a hard floor surface in heels either. Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗



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