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Charity Bridal Boutique for closeted dresser

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Eminent Member     Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Apart from my wife I am fully in the closet, however a while ago I built up the courage to visit a charity bridal shop. They only do single persons at a time and its on a separate floor, so pretty safe. The SA was wonderful and was just generally very accepting, she ran the Bridal bit herself because she has a love for wedding dresses and had a fairly large collection of her own (from the shop). That was last year, recently I tried calling up a few times to speak to her (lets call her Becky) to make an appointment, and was told she wasnt in for a few days. That happened twice and both times they asked for my name.

I finally got through to Becky today, she just started so had no idea who I was or what I wanted. I came clean and I explained I wanted an appointment for myself. She put me straight through to another colleague and had to re-explain the mix up. She said it was still ok to make an appointment with her, after a fearful pause I agreed and set a time. So now I have to meet someone else who will know I crossdress and hope they are cool with it. I will make it clear if I buy nothing I will donate anyway.

I am sharing this because I am excited about going again, nervous because I am possibly the weirdo person that kept ringing to speak to Becky for no reason. But mainly because I want to share it with someone.

Thanks for listening.

Maria x

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I would be completely ecstatic. I have always wanted to at least try on a wedding gown.

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Eminent Member     Shropshire, United Kingdom
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I would be completely ecstatic. I have always wanted to at least try on a wedding gown.

Very good point, I have a habbit to focus on the negative. Last time was great fun but its hard to get a gown that fits, especially when 2nd hand and you are a man. Worked out though as I cant really justify buying one, if any were georgeous and fit then uh oh.


Maria x

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I may just someday decide to say why not, and just walk in to a bridal store, and try on a gown. But I'd probably end up falling in love with one, and I cannot justify buying a beautiful dress, that I would never have the opportunity to actually wear.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Greeeeeenn with envy here.... Too old to even think about a bridal gown, just have to go back to my "Mother of the Bride" outfits!!!  LOL



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Caty, I would be proud to call you my Mother, at my wedding, if I were to marry.

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Reputable Member     North central, Arkansas, United States of America
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Been there and and done it, but not A bridle shop it was A jc penny outlet several years ago. the more I thought about A wedding dress the more I wanted one, one afternoon I went to penny's outlet that had A bridle section and found the dress of my dreams, it was my size and marked down from over five hundred to one hundred ninety. Driving home I could hardly wait to try it on.  I was glad I bought it and it satisfied my desire to wear A wedding dress. I still enjoying putting it on for A few hours several times A year its A special treat for me dress and I love it.


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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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I hope you have a lovely visit and find that special dress. I have only ever worn a wedding dress and that was many, many years ago, but I have to say it is something special. Have a lovely trip and let us all know how you get on.


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Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
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Hi Maria
The closest thing to wearing a wedding dress for me was when I was sixteen years old I found a collection of prom gowns in a closet at my cousins house.
I looked at everyone of them and wanted to try all of them on but there was only one that was large enough for me to try on
it was a floor length yellow chiffon and it was strapless
It was gorgeous and I fell in love with it
OOne day my aunt asked me if I could come by her house and feed her dog while she said her family were going to be gone for a few days.
I remembered that prom dress and eagerly told my aunt that I'd be glad to feed her dog
I couldn't wait until I got to her house and when I did I went to the closet and found that dress.
I brought some lingerie with me including a pair of panties and a strapless bra.
As I was taking the dress off the hanger I saw a cute pair of shoes that matched with the dress
I took the dress into my cousins room and took my male clothing off then put on the panties and bra on
I had a blonde page boy wig that framed my face and changed my appearance.
I found some makeup that my cousin uses and put it on.
My heart was racing as I put the dress on and I reached behind myself and zipped the zipper up to the top of the dress
I slipped the shoes on and they were a little bit smaller than my feet but I managed to get them on.
I stood up and turned around so that I could see myself in the full length mirror.
When I saw how I looked it took my breath away.
I couldn't believe how good it fit me and how feminine it made me feel.
I whirled and twirled around like I was a dancer
I felt so carefree and happy about the way that I looked
I stayed dressed in the dress all day and felt sad when I had to remove it and put it back in the closet.
That was as close to wearing a wedding dress for me.
Good luck with your appointment and I know that you're going to love the way that you look
Cheers to you

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Active Member     California, United States of America
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Hi Maria,

Go for it Girl. There is nothing that expresses femininity like a bridal gown. I am sure all will work out and you will be gorgeous.

My bridal gown experience happened many years ago, in my early teens. My oldest sister had gotten married and her dress came back to my parents house. One day I was home alone and was able to play bride. I had secretly (I think, LOL) worn my sisters clothes since I could remember, even experimenting with their make up. I did my best to look as beautiful as my sister did on her special day. I was not able to get photos but I still remember how special I felt in that dress, pretending to walk down the aisle and marry my prince charming.

Be brave and enjoy your special day.

Hugs Stephie

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Thank you Rochelle,

Your lovely reply calls for me to sit quietly, take  my lace trimmed hanky from the sleeve of my "M.O.B". dress, then wipe a small tear from the corner of my eye...


PS Cant say "LOL" just destroys the mood...

PPS See elsewhere for when I did own a couple of Bridal gowns. They were ex hire examples and I used the old "role reversal fancy dress" routines. IE She can fit my tuxedo, I cant fit her dress. The shop probably did not buy that line, but hey they got rid of old stock, I had the "dress of my dreams"



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Noble Member     GB
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Just relax and have a fab time my friend. Hope you have some nice lingerie to help get the right shape for a wedding gown ? If not it’s an excuse to go shopping, then again who needs an excuse !

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Eminent Member     Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hello everyone, thought I best let you know how it went. In short it was amazing and ai got some bargains.

On arrival the store was closed even though supposed to be open 30 mims prior, bad start. I had an appointment with, lets say, barbara. Once open I had to speak to the guy at the till, he wanted to know who I was, what I was here for and even what my appointment was for. Straight away put my edge having to confess to a bloke, but it was no issue.

Barbara was lovely, she had no problem at all with the fact I was a guy. She was busy so got me to wait upstairs, I started to look through the racks. She came up and asked if I was after bridesmaid dress, which I was, and presented a few dresses she kept aside she thought I might like. She showed me a few and got a feel for what I like, then basically I was in the fitting room have dress after dress passed to me, it was great.

I had tried on loads on only one fit, a plain velvet one and was only £10, I put it in the maybe pile. After I tried most of them she started passing me the odd wedding style dress. I was initially too nervous to ask to try the wedding gowns on but after that I did, and she offered to leave me to try what I like.

I was surprised there was not many new ones since last year, I tried a load and none fit. Which I guess you might expect, I wasnt really sure its the right time to buy one anyway, but still great fun trying them on

There was a huge pink puffey dress that caught my eye when I first came in, after trying 40 dresses and 10 gowns I was confident enough to try it on. Suprisingly it fit perfectly, it had a heavy croline skirt and big puffey shoulder straps, a bit like princess peach. I knew I couldnt have it, its huge, a bit rediculious, what would the wife say! It had no price anyway.

I had one last look and found a brown dress I missed, £70 but looked nearly new. Tried it on, perfect, looked great, small crioline skirt. When Barbara came back I asked if the £70 was still right, as she mentioned they are clearing all bridesmaids dresses, she put it doen to 30, sold. I also asked about the pink dress, £10 she wanted! I was tempted but said no. Because I bought the velvet one too so she through in a shoe bag for free.

At the till I had a change of heart, I couldnt leave that much dress for £10, it was practically a steal, I asked her to grab it. She came back and showed me a pink necklace she was giving me as she thought it would look nice, she said I was her best customer!

She even asked me to come back when they get their new stock in. I am over the moon.

I went to tjmax after but I was all dressed out, I quickly looked at them but didnt even bother trying it on. I did try and bra and panties though, which I bought, I seem to buy a bra everytime I go!

I did take photos but I am on the fence to having me in a dress online forever.


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Trusted Member     Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
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I’m happy it was such a nice experience! 😊

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Thanks to an understanding wife I wore her gown on our honeymoon. Omg!


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