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I was going to add this somewhere else, but I haven't started a blog of my own yet, so here we are.
Today, Toronto hosted its famous Christmas parade (since 1905). Everybody knows that Santa lives in northern Canada, right? Right? Therefore, he always shows up here each year. 😇
My wife was first hot and then cold about seeing our parade (she was the first one to mention going), since we haven't been to it since our daughter was pretty young, but she finally relented and started to get ready. She didn't know that I had a different surprise downtown for her, too.
Since it would take her much longer to get ready than me, I decided to do my nails. I have a new green jacket and some bright red nail polish that I wore to our annual auto show. Whatever could go wrong mixing two primary and Christmassy colours?
Nail polish remover had to be used to remove old polish first. Normally, I just let my flesh matching stuff just whither and fall off, since nobody notices them anyway, so this was a first for me. By the way, there are new nail polish removers that don't have acetone in them. Very nice.
Once prepped, two coats and a clear coat went on quickly, almost too quickly. Being a rank amateur at doing my own nails, they didn't look all that bad. While she got further along dressing herself she finally noticed what I had done. She made a disapproving comment, but didn't demand that I take it off. OK, then. I am good to go!
Matching green women's gloves that barely fit my male hands were in my pockets. They really are slightly short, but they are a match with my jacket, which was why I bought them. They get me out of my building without being outed and they let me cover up my very obvious bright nails, if I think they will embarrass my wife in public. Plus, being Eddie Bauer, they are screen sensitive, if I ever need to use my smartphone. There's nothing quite like a practical woman, eh?
Yadda, yadda, yadda, I am standing on a slightly raised part of a sidewalk watching the parade over the heads of the crowd and a small group of private security guards from their building gathered beside me. One was a young and attractive woman, yes, but she also had long, pointed black fingernails which matched her work uniform and hair, etc. We have a fashionista here! OK, then!
I waited and waited for the chance to talk with her because there were these two other male guards between us. At one point, just as Santa was getting very close, the other two guards became occupied, so I walked up to her and told her that I noticed her black nails. Then I took my one glove off and said that I was wearing Christmas colours and wiggled my fingers as I laid my hand in view over my breast, to make sure that she saw them. When she saw the bright colour her face lit up with a beaming smile! She exclaimed that she was going to get her nails done in Christmas colours this week, too! Maybe she now has a short story to tell her nail artist.
After the parade, we walked to the St. Lawrence Centre which has been converted into a food and tourist emporium. A wonderful, historical building. As soon as we were inside, the gloves came off. Making a couple of purchases, nobody said a word about my nails. That probably isn't surprising. A crossdresser might not be all that unusual in downtown Toronto.
Now for something to eat. I had kept my wife from spoiling her supper hunger. She does this a lot. We walked to a new, old building (1880s) that had been renovated into a beautiful collection of nice restaurants - the Waterworks Food Hall. My wife asked suspiciously how I knew about it and replied "because I read" (based on a line from a Robert Redford movie). Suspicions averted. As soon as I could, my gloves came off, of course. We perused the different restaurants and let wifey pick an Indian themed one that did two layers of fresh naan as a big pocket. Interesting. We both got an Indian-Mexican fusion with a few pineapple chunks added into a bean mix. Apparently the pineapple caught her attention, I wanted the bean mix. When paying, no attempt to hide my nails was made. No comments came back from the female server/cashier, either. Oh, well, I tried. In some way, this was finger-food, so my nails were definitely visible at all times. No comments from the complaint department either, probably because no-one there could possibly know us. The gloves went back on for the subway ride home. There was no sense pushing my luck any further.
So now I have bright red nail polish on and nowhere to go. Believe me, I will find places to show them off. A food shopping trip, for instance, so I will try to line up for the young woman cashier there that does something nice with her eyebrows. Maybe there is another conversation to be had.
Are you in the Christmassy spirit yet with colours?
While I have your attention, I learned a trick about making loose heels a bit snugger.
If you have a thin panty liner, you can wrap the whole liner inside the heel cup. The one I have is very thin and didn't even need trimming.
At the moment, I haven't tested how long that they will stay in place, but it made the shoe tight enough around the toe box area that it is really snug there again. I don't need that. Wearing them in may compress the pad enough. We'll see.
Due to work, I don't wear nail polish during the week. I do if I am off, but wear a very pail pink). My nail polish therefore only lasts the weekend, generally I go for a red or a green. I've not yet taken photos in it but I do possess a beautiful green ball gown which must have Christmas outfit potential. and have fun with nail varnish as part of the ensemble.