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This evening my wife is out with friends, so an ideal opportunity to grab a little Jacqueline time.
My wife having left the house early, I was dressed by 6.30pm. A patterned black pencil skirt, close fitting maroon jumper, and, for a change, black 15 denier tights instead of my usual nudes. I was pleased with them, and will probably wear them more often. On the down side, I made a bit of a mess with applying my lippy, and had to faff about for ages trying to repair it to a halfway satisfactory standard.
My main plan for the evening was to borrow one of my wife's coats and drive to a nearby pub for a quick glass of white wine, then back home again and get redrabbed. I can never be totally confident about how long my wife will stay out, and as she doesn't know about my crossdressing (I think), I don't want to risk being caught.
The pub I had in mind is a fairly classy one, five minutes drive from my house. It's generally not too busy, so was ideal for my visit. This being an "ordinary" pub rather than a safe gay bar, I didn't want it to be crowded with "ordinary" people.
I drove to the pub and into the car park, and was dismayed to see quite a lot of cars there. Far more than I'd expected from the recce I'd carried out recently. I could also see quite a lot of people in the pub through every window. I may have muttered a curse.
I pulled up in a parking space, switched off the engine and sat for a minute or two, wondering if I could pluck up the courage to go into the pub. I'm sorry to say that my courage deserted me. It was simply too much of a challenge for me to face so many people on my own.
Beating a retreat, I drove to another pub which is also close to my home. This one is more often busy, and so it proved tonight. The car park was full, and I was very disappointed.
So I drove back home. As I reversed the car onto my drive, my next door neighbour chose that moment to arrive home from whatever he'd been doing. I remained in the car until he'd gone inside, but it's almost certain he would have been aware that I was in my car. Whether or not he realised I was en femme, I don't know. I can only hope he wasn't.
Back in the safety of my home I poured myself a consolation glass of gin and tonic, drank it slowly, then redrabbed. Not the roaring success of a night I'd hoped for, but at least I'd clocked up another one and a half hours girl time. And as I type this, ladies, I'm quietly berating myself for not having the guts to get out of my car and go into that pub. I know I'd have attracted some stares, but ultimately no one would have given a flying fig.
Maybe next time.
Less exciting and daring I picked a LBD, some heels and a ladies denim jacket. Took upstairs with the intention of storing but excitement got the better of me. So while partner was downstairs I put them on along with nude tights. No wig, no make up, no bag. So mirror sited to show from neck down and a little wiggle. Really pleased with results. All dressed but nowhere to go.
Strange yet no way I could what you did both today and on your recent trip. I had every confidence in my concealing speed....I think.
No way I could venture out dressed in these mean streets and a local pub. Nah. You got me beat on that.
You dressed and drove to TWO pubs and then drove home where a neighbor might have seen. You, my friend, are so incredibly courageous. It's more than I've ever done.
Thanks, Esme. I suppose it all boils down to what you think you can get away with at the time, weighing up the situation. Then, sitting in that pub car park surrounded by a couple of dozen cars, the prospect of going in was just too much for me. Now, with the second glass of gin and tonic by my side, I'm wishing I'd just gone and done it.
Jacqueline, oh the “holy grail” of a crossdresser to be yourself out and about with the purpose of blending in… I have been in your shoes (or heels) where I sat out a mall in my car dressed with skinny pants blouse wig, makeup, and girly flats. It was a busy day and my insecurities got the best of me and I “aborted” Leonara’s visit to the mall.
Where I live, a friend to the cg/tg community sponsors a night out at a pub once a month. With the encouragement of ladies who I met through CDH, Leonara finally made her debut, albeit under very friendly cg/tg friends… i must say it was an exhilarating experience to be with like minded ladies… Jacqueline, i hope another opportunity comes your way. Be confident girl you are lovely. Warmest regards, Leonara
Don't fret Jaqueline, cold feet is something many have suffered. You got out the house and scoped a few pubs which is a great deal to many readers. I am sure that there will be a few 'dry' runs before you pluck up the courage.
No one can do a thing before they're ready, Jacqueline. You will find what you need when you need it. 🙂
I was the same way. Now I go to Macy's and shop. So much fun, and oh so exciting! My wife knows I dress, she makes sure she gives me time once a month to go out. Love to dress 👗 up.
Personally, I'd forget going to pubs on my first outing, especially if I were alone. Even as a man in drab I was never happy going into strange (to me) pubs on my own as the clientele could not be assessed through a pub window. If I were you, I would head for a cafe, rather than a pub, in a town, during daylight if you can -- much more relaxed, I would have thought.
I’ve sat in a car park fretting about whether to get out or not.
I don’t think I’d have left the car in that situation.
There’s also been a number of times that I’ve wandered around the house fully dressed as Lucy trying to pluck up the courage to get out of the house.
Some days it just doesn’t feel right lovely
Hi Jacqueline,
There's always a next time, I've still got to have my first time,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
Hi Jacqueline,
No reason to be negative about your outing. You left the house and had a great drive to two pubs. Some CD’s would be so nervous and not get out the front door. But you overcame the anxiety and ventured out. If you’re nervous about being made perhaps a trip to the next town where you don’t know the people who frequent that establishment. May be a good plan the next time your wife is out.
Jacqueline -
Bravo for you - you made it out of the house, took a drive, sat in 2 parking lots at pubs and when you got home had to wait for the neighbor to go in before you did. That's a lot more than what I've done. The closest I've come to being out in public is - 1- dressing for msome of my therapy appointments (I change at her office) and 2 - going to a support group meeting and changing when I got there. As much as I would love to go out dressed I don't see it happening any time soon. Hope you get a chance to go out again sooon.
It's definitely an accomplishment to go out en femme even if you didn't go into the pub. I go out a fair bit, but almost always with my wife. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been out en femme solo, usually at the grocery store. Solo is so much harder! Even out with my wife, we stick to safe spaces like gay bars or our local haunt. We're out to have a fun time, so we stay within my comfort zone (she is much more willing to go anywhere with me than I am myself). Good for you for getting out there! It's so rewarding and it just gets easier. These days I don't think twice about walking down the driveway in a skirt in broad daylight!