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Hello Gurls,
I've been considering a name change. Not sure why, but just been running through my head of late. Has anyone done this? What was your motivating factor? I'm not sure I have one, but maybe just "because I can!"
Like a legal change? Only name “change” I had was my fiancé naming my female side. I never called myself anything for years. I just knew I was a girl on the inside and was more comfortable in girls clothes growing up. She wasn’t comfortable using my male name while dressed so started calling me Skyler. I have become so used to it that if I ever did make a full legal transition, I would totally assume the name legally.
Hi Skylar!
No, not legal, just in "name" of how I brand myself as a gurl. 🙂
I say go for it hun. Your name should be yours and you should feel comfortable with it. I see my self almost 90% of the time as Skyler. It’s just who I am now. I couldn’t imagine changing that. Butttt if you feel it’s time for a change, go for it!
Hi Rebekka,
I agree with Skylar, go for it! One of the things I did before signing up on here is spent time looking at other women's names in the family and favorite actors, etc. I really liked looking up the definition and origin of some of the names I pondered on. But in the end, I just really like being Michelle. - hugs
As you clarified, not a legal name change but just choosing a different girl name? I've done that before when I first started dressing and wasn't sure what reflects who I am persona wise but once I found something that I liked I stuck with it. Incidentally ended up with a unisex name which is useful if I ever wanted to transition I suppose.
Hey, I became Jade because it’s a play on my initials.... JW. Jay dubble yew.... = Jade. Makes sense when you say it. When I started on my journey I named myself after my sis in law: my first supportive muse....‘Sheila’ in my early years. Then I quite liked Annabelle. Then....I decided I needed my own identity so I became Jade. I’ve been Jade for the past 30 or more years. A name change can be refreshing: you will know when you are comfortable.