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Wearing a dress is so feminine! There's nothing in the guy closet that comes close in look, feel, style, but also in how to wear one.
What dress mishaps, adventures or hacks have you found and had?
Last week, I got stuck in a dress when the zipper wouldn't budge. I've been wearing dresses for years and it still happens sometimes. Many poor zippers have fallen apart as I tugged at trying to get them to unzip. I've gotten good at repairing zippers without replacing them.
I sometimes zip up a dress and slip it on. Doing up a zipper on the back takes being a bit more flexibility than I have.
A long string or gift ribbon is helpful for pulling up or down zippers on the back.
A deep breath helps with zipping up a tight fit.
Patience and calmness with a stuck zipper can help find a way out.
My favorite way to put on a dress is to simply slip it on. I look for dresses that are stretchy, preferably no zip.
If there's a back zip, I often put the dress on with the back zip at the front, then I zip it up, twist it around my waist/chest so the zip is on the back, and somehow slip my arms in.
Another trick is to zip up the dress halfway before putting it on, then putting it on and doing the final zip up.
What about you?
not a dress but a skirt
I have a lovely midi denim skirt which has a 1 foot length slit up the front which is a very easy way to expose ones upper leg areas
The hack is keep ones knees together
Lea -
I love your ideas. I use many of them. When it is a dressing day at home with my wife she will do the sipper for me. When alone I will put the dress on backward, sip it halfway. twist it around then pull it high enough to reach the zip and finish pulling it up. I will also pull down on the dress to help line up the teeth in the zipper and pull it closer together. Like you most of my dresses are pull over with no zip - mush easier. It's the form fitting dresses that have zippers which are a pain.
the male midsection is most likely longer than the female midsection. so dresses sometimes come up a little shorter than they should. i usually get a black skirt to wear under the dress to give it a little more length.
Twice now I have been out trying on clothes and came out of the dressing room only to be stopped by someone telling me my dress was tucked into my pantyhose. Quite embarrassing.
I've lost a boob out of my dress a couple of times. once at the nail salon and once playing pool. i don't glue them on so when i bend over i have to make sure my bra is tight enough.
Way back when I was first experimenting with going out in public and I jad yet to purchase breast forms I used various things to fill my bra, rice in nylon stockings, water balloons, etc. Until one day out for a walk in a ski town one of my boobs sprung a leak. Cold water seeping down your top in 30⁰F is not a pleasent experience. I bought forms right away.
I love dresses but in order to get them to fit my shoulders, it is way too big in the waist/hips. So i would need to get them altered. I love my pencil skirts though!
I was once trying on a dress in a shop and had gotten the zipper 3/4 the up and then realized I was stuck. I was doing this in boy mode so asking a SA for help was a bit embarrassing but she was kind.
Ok my best mishap “wardrobe malfunction” was a silicone hip set/panty. I had tested it indoors and it fit very well. In confidence I went out walking about a downtown area. Having a blast.
then, to my utter dismay, I realized that I had been walking so much (plus it was summer) that I was sweating much more than anticipated … and my “hips” slipped down by a wide margin. I had to run and find an appropriate restroom to dry it out and rest.
I must have looked like an umpa lumpa with mini legs and a long torso. Ugh … 😩😂
I've had a couple of stuck zips. To sort it out I took either one or both of my forms out, get it off my shoulders and let the dress drop to my feet.
Frankly I love a dress with a back zipper I favor a dress with zipper over the stretchy ones. I just feel so sexy when zipping it up. I guess I’m a bit fortunate that at 72 I’m limber enough to be able to do it. For what it’s worth, Door way stretches are very good for adding flexibility. Pls ring both palms on the door frame and gently but firmly stepping one foot forward.
amazon sells some very good zipper pulls for a little added boost.