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Dressing secretly

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Where to even begin? I knew when I was a kid that there was something different about me. I can remember feeling my mom's undergarments and thinking how soft and silky they were. This was the late 50's and early 60's. It wasn't until I was 26 that i had my first experience. I was doing some theater work and at the end of the season we had a masquerade party. Three of the female dancers decided to dress me up for the party. I got so excited feeling the sexy panties, bra, stockings, and full length dress against my body. It was hard to hide my excitement. From that day on I have dressed secretly, through three marriages. I would buy my wife sexy lingerie just so I could wear it when she wasn't home. I bought things for myself and kept them hidden in my toolbox in the garage. Now I am older, 62, and have been alone for ten years. I haven't allowed myself the joy of dressing up because, even though it feels wonderful, I look in the mirror and I am not happy with the image I see. It has also brought up my feelings about my sexuality. I am bisexual. I'm not attracted to men unless they also dress up. I want to meet other cross dressers that also want a physical relationship. I'm not exactly sure that will happen because of my age and that makes me feel like not dressing up. I would love to hear from others about how they have dealt with these issues. Thank you for listening.

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Estimable Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Karl. Welcome to CDH. You are not alone by any means. I'm 59 and have discovered many others our age and older with the same thoughts and feelings. It has taken me a very long time to come to grips with my sexuality and attracton to men or other CDs. I've always loved to take pictures of myself dressed but ended up cropping my head out of the pictures because they didn't look right. Looked great from the neck down. Finally I got a wig and started using a little makeup and it all came together. It looked and felt so right. Once I started feeling comfortable with myself, I found that my age was not a hugh obstacle in finding physical relationships. Although I'm still dressing mostly in private, I'm starting to emerge little by little. I've found the key to it all is self confidence.  Although CDH is not a hook up site, you will find all the support and encouragement here you need to discover the real you without fear or embarrassment. Best of luck on your journey.



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Dress everyday if you can even if it skinny jeans and cotton tops like the girls wear today. And if you can wear makeup at home as much as you can so you look as beautiful as you feel inside. It gets easier the more you do it and it will also build your confidence up. Also if you can find someone your age that is also a cross dresser , the two of you can help each other with looks and dressing. Its always great to have someone to help you look your best.

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Dress as much as you can, repressing it is not healthy I'm also 60 and new at this. It's all about balance for me. I dress as much as I can I live alone too. I probably could pass with my wig an make up, I like to dress like the girl next door look nothing glamours. I'm just now starting to go out with women's jeans and t shirt tops, with the cooler weather I can wear a bra too and cover with my coat, really feels nice.


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Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
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Karl, I started going out when I was 29. I'm 70 and my wife wants no part of my femme side. I know that this part of me will never go away. For years I struggled back and forth with it. I finally realized that I will always have this part of me. I love my family very much. The keyword is balance.

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I bet you look terrific in some pantyhose

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Thank you for your encouragement. You are right about so much. It would be easier if i had someone to share my journey with. Maybe now that I have gone public in a way i might meet someone that can help me with things like makeup and hair and will be encouraging.

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I haven’t allowed myself the joy of dressing up because, even though it feels wonderful, I look in the mirror and I am not happy with the image I see.

Hi Karl,

Society is a bitch regarding women's image and self-esteem: it's pure hell.

I always fought against that. I'm not pretty? Yep, so be it. I have been crossdressing since I was a kid. I'm almost 50 now, and I am sill crossdressing, every single day and I enjoy it, even if I don't like my image in the mirror.

Getting older should not a condamnation to sadness or frustration 😉

As already suggested, repressing it is not good. I don't know you, sure, but if you're anything like me: dressing is one of the things that helps you feel better. There is no reason to give up on that.

Choosing the underwear and clothing I'll wear. Dressing. Putting some makeup and jewels. Feeling good in clothes and shoes, while working or while doing housework and cooking. Every single day, even getting I older I don't want to give up on that.

It has also brought up my feelings about my sexuality. I am bisexual. I’m not attracted to men unless they also dress up. I want to meet other cross dressers that also want a physical relationship. I’m not exactly sure that will happen because of my age and that makes me feel like not dressing up. I would love to hear from others about how they have dealt with these issues. Thank you for listening.

Sexuality is so uncertain, contrary to what many of us were thaught. People nowadays are saying it's fluid. I like that idea: my sexuality has always adapted to the person I was falling in love with, whatever his/her gender. I knew that from a very age on, and accepted it, though, so it never came as a surprise.

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Hey, I have been dressing for over 40 years, initially secretly then openly with my understanding wife. I love the sensation of lingerie, dresses and skirts and am assured of my straight sexuality. That said, and as a private dresser, I’m not sure how I’d react to contact with a CD! My love of femme fabrics may tempt me to go further.....

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Eminent Member     Searcy, Arkansas
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Karl,

I am 71 years old and dress at home daily. I have been in public many times fully dressed, like you though I would look in the mirror and was not totally happy with what I saw. Then I realized that with some make up and wig I looked as good as most women my age. I started looking more closely at other older women and could see that I looked as good as most of them. Not meant to be a put down but there are a lot unattractive women out there. I have nice legs so I dress to show them off ( it takes their attention from my face LOL). A wig, some light makeup and jewelry allows you to blend in better. Practicing the walk and mannerisms of genetic females is crucial. I have become adept at walking in moderate heels and most of the other mannerisms of ladies, the main thing I am having the most trouble with is the man spread when I sit which can be pretty revealing when I sit, but I'm working on that.

Do as much as you are comfortable with and it will slowly all come together.



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