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This morning I was at Target in the lingerie section. I came across some lovely lace cheeky panties in my size. They were teal. I decide to purchase them and went to self checkout. When I tried scan them I could not find the barcode. After a few minutes a cashier came over to help. Turns out the barcode was missing. She then had to call to find the price. She said I need a price on the panties and provided a detailed description. I tried to remain calm but I just wanted to disappear. Finally she got the necessary information and I was able to complete my purchase. Next time I am going to make sure the barcode is on the item before I checkout.
Self checkout at Target? The stores close to me don't have that option, so I assumed none of them did.
I do know for sure that the Wall-Mart in my home town in Louisiana removed them because there was a huge trend where people were only scanning and paying for half their items, then casually strolling out with everything in bags.
Dear Stephanie; I see how that can be embarrassing. It's good that you didn't give in to fear, be proud of yourself. Also keep this in mind, this happens to genetic women too, no bar codes I mean.
Probably had them at my local target for a few years now. My guess is stores that have a problem with theft may not have that option.
And I would totally use the self checkout to buy swimsuits at my local Wall-Mart, except that the self checkout area is always crowded, and the swimsuits are very close to them. Although I could easily grab and run to checkout quickly, I need to take a moment to look at the sizes and nearly everyone would see me as I did that. I don't want that kind of attention.
Hi Stephanie
Remember that its all about perception, nobody else knew that you were purchasing them for yourself, only you did! Own the moment and move as you would with any other purchase, you'll be noticed less. It gets easier with time.Nice choice by the way, love the color and I snatch up any lingerie or undergarments i can find in it.
I had a similar situation in a superstore and was using a ckeckout that had a real person at it lol, I refuse to use self checkout. The cashier was actually a young man?, with painted fingernails, long coloured hair and a lovely lilt to his voice. He picked up the intercom and because the ladies dept. was fairly close by, he held the garment up high for the associate to see over the people in line behind me. The head cashier came over and explained to Bobbi that he might be embarassing me, I happened to be in a very upbeat and confident mood that day so joked(without blushing) that it was fine, "it saves me the trouble of submitting a photo wearing them", laughter ensued. I still shop there fairly often and go through Bobbi' till if possible, he remembers, and smiles.
Hi Olivia
I appreciate your thoughts. I do gain more confidence every time I shop for my feminine things. I just try and prepare for the unexpected and sometimes I freakout when things don't go as planned.
What a great story.. thanks for sharing your experience... I will make sure my femme garments have bar code. FYI my target near me has self checkout! Lol
I feel your pain... with no femme voice, I too seek out the self-service stores & restaurants. Today I went to lunch at a McDonalds en femme - pencil skirt and attractive top - and ordered and paid at the kiosk, took my numbered tent, and sat down. My food didn't arrive for 30 MINUTES!! I remained very patient considering my circumstance, but went to the counter twice gesturing to my numbered tent. How can it take 30 min to get a simple salad at a FAST food restaurant?!?! At one point, a 1 year old boy started to crawl into my booth and up into my lap... his grandfather trailing behind!!! I was able to laugh and smile at the adorable situaiton, but when the grandfather started to try to engage me in conversation, I had to get up and go check on my food once again! Panic stricken!
I shop for femme clothing two ways:
- Online with free in-store pickup
- At self-service stores like Target or Walmart dressed as a woman
I've purchased items at a few department stores from a clerk while dressed "en femme" but tried to limit my conversation to a simple "Thank you". I'm horrified that I'll get a chatty store clerk and be outed verbally!
Once I was grocery shopping "enfemme". I had a lovely teal skirt with matching blouse and pumps. My plan was to use the self serve checkout so I would not have to talk to anybody. Just as I was heading to checkout a cashier was opening. She looked right at me and said "I can help you here". I reluctantly went in her line and tried to say as little as possible. I think she figured out my little "secret" When I was done paying for the items she gave me a weird smile and said "Have a nice day sweetie". I was more amused than anything.
Oh goodness!
That will make your heart race! It's funny but you'll find the anxiety was all yours! (That's not to say it still does not happen to me), but really after a while it's like anything else. If your reaction is to not react, no one else seems to care!
Love and hugs, and Happy Shopping!
Hi Stephanie,
I bet you wanted to melt into the floor.
I know they say its all about confidence and I have gained some.
However that is one of my worst fears having an issue and some cashier calling over the PA for a price check.
As said no body probably paid attention unless there were people behind you in line but I would have been mortified also.
Way to hang in there.
Thanks for sharing and being so courageous.