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Many years ago, I was involved with a very supportive young lady. She was still in college, but I was working in a professional setting. We had communicated back and forth for several weeks and then decided to meet. I also must preface this with the fact I was living in a house which had a pool and I also had an entire bedroom devoted to my crossdressing. Yes, two full closets of clothes and shoes. Also two dressers full of bras, panties, lingerie, etc. I also had a makeup vanity. At the time too, I had several different wigs. Let's just say I introduced her to Tyra early in our relationship and she was really supportive.
Anyway, back to the story at hand. I had spent the day at my girlfriend's loft apartment and was fully dressed in a denim skirt which stopped just above the knee, a peasant top which was fairly sheer. I was also wearing a long blonde wig with curls. I had on makeup and jewelry. I was also wearing some flatform sandals which were popular at the time. We had had some "experiences" that day and I was needing to head home.
When I left, she told me to be careful and so I pulled away from her parking garage. I had a purse with my wallet and keys, as well as some lipstick. As I pulled on to a major road to head back to my place. Granted, it was only about a ten minute drive, but it was also raining.
When I reached another road leading to my house, I rolled through the stop light and yes, there was a cop car, and yes, they hit the overhead lights and I pulled over. Forgetting I was dressed, I didn't even think what was about to take place.
The female police officer gets out of the driver side. Thankfully, she was alone. As she approached my vehicle, I rolled down the window and waited with my wallet out and my driver's license ready. Now, as most of you can understand, I don't have a driver's license with my female picture on it.
When she asked for it, I handed her my license. She looked at me and then the license and had this puzzled look on her face. She walked back to her vehicle and got back in. I was assuming she was running my license for any warrants.
A few minutes later, she got out and returned to the side of the vehicle. She then asked me to step out of the vehicle. I was shocked and stunned. She saw that I was stunned and she said asked again and then said if I didn't it would be considered resisting arrest and I could be detained and taken downtown. I knew that would be really bad and especially the way I was dressed.
So, I complied and opened the door and stepped out. She asked me to walk with her back to her car and we stood beside the passenger side of her car and then she apologized but since my picture didn't match what she was seeing in person, she wanted verification.
I then spilled the beans and told her what I was up to. Granted, picture if you will, it's raining and as time is progressing, I am getting drenched from head to toe. She at least had a raincoat on.
She was kind and considerate and apologized to me again and told me she was sorry if I might feel embarrassed. I assured her I was alright and then she said I was free to go. As I walked back to my car, a truck drove by and splashed me. Even though I was already soaked, it just added insult to injury.
When I got home, I called my girlfriend and told her what happened. After she slowed down her laughing at me, she apologized to me as well. She then told me it was a good thing I didn't resist arrest because that would have been much worse. I agreed and then she asked what I was doing and I told her I was standing under the cover of the back porch and was still dripping. Again, her laughter kicked in. She asked if any of my stuff was ruined and I told her nothing was ruined by my pride which prompted additional laughter.
When we disconnected, I went inside and removed the wig and hung it up to it would dry. Then I went into the bathroom and started removing the wet clothes. Then my doorbell rang and I was panicked, so I grabbed the robe off the back of the door and walked to the front door. When I opened it, it was the cop and she had forgotten to give me my license. Now, I stood before her with a robe on, but underneath, I had on bra and panties and on my feet were those sandals.
She laughed and apologized and then she left. I stood by the door for a few minutes shaking my head.
I got to say, it’s scary and funny at the same time. You did the right thing, last thing is to get arrested while crossdressing, I hope never to be stopped, I try to drive extra careful. 😘
"Hello, officer. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
I have never been stopped by a cop while dressed en femme or in drab and I plan on keeping it that way.
I've never been pulled over but did chat with a couple of cops working a Pride event in San Diego. They were totally cool.
I also know 2 CD's that work in law enforcement.
I was driving through a small town in the middle of nowhere Nevada. I slowed to the proper speed and then accelerated when I was out of town and passed a cop and didn't think anything of it until I saw lights in my mirrors. Turns out the speed restriction went for about a mile past the town. He walked up to my passenger-side window which I rolled down to ask what the problem was. He explained I was speeding, etc. I was en femme, but had removed my wig on the long drive and when he looked in the car he just asked if that was a wig, to which I replied it was. He went back to his car with my license, did the usual cop stuff, and came back and gave me a ticket for 5 over even though I was going much faster (but still under the highway speed.) Nothing more was said and he just sent me on my way.
All in all, no big deal, and it only cost me $75.
I have had many encounters with police while en femme. I have NEVER been treated as you were! No one has ever blinked an eye at the way I am dressed or made any comment or gesture to make me feel the least bit uncomfortable.
I once was driving along the west coast of St. Petersburg, FL on Palm Sunday, headed to church, when stopped. My gps showed a speed limit of 45 and I was going a bit over 50. The actual speed limit was 35. I had no driver's license with me at the time, having left it in my wallet and failing to transfer to my purse. I also had no car rental agreement with me. The cop retreated to his vehicle, where he sat for a long time. I felt sure I'd be charged with grand auto theft after they found my male photo and compared it to my presentation. In male mode I knew my days would be numbered.... driving over 10 mph over the limit, no license or registration, or car rental agreement, passing as someone unrelated to the person they no doubt found in the file for renter of the car. But in the end I was left to go on my way. Another officer later told me it was probably because they wouldn't know what to do with me if brought to the station. Would I be tossed into a cell with women or men? They might brag about their "catch of the day" but they had mercy on a lady in distress.
I could relate at least another dozen tales, but all have caused me to believe that the police are trained to act professionally and put drivers at ease. They may laugh when they get home, but none have done so in my presence. The same is true of TSA and other officials to whom I have surrendered my male driver license when clearly not the person pictured. Even hotel and store clerks know better.
Sorry for what you endured. I do NOT believe it is typical or reason for anyone to feel any more uncomfortable driving en femme than not. There may be embarrassing moments, but they should not be due to insensitivity of the police.
I have been stopped by police a few times over the years while crossdressed. The encounters have always been professional and courteous.
A few years ago, I was stopped near home for speeding. The cop looked at my Georgia driver's license and asked me to confirm if in fact it was me. I think he had a small smile on his face. I said yes, but today I am playing girl. He went on to say that my driver's license showed I was a military vet, and the license tags on my vehicle indicated I was a Viet Nam veteran. All of which I confirmed for him. He commented how his dad was a Viet Nam vet, and then wanted to know where I was going in such a hurry. I said Walmart, and he said slow down or you are never going to make it there. After which, he departed.
On another note, every year I attend the North Georgia State Fair, and I go crossdressed. Before ladies can enter, security searches ladies purses for weapons. The county sheriff runs the security checks. I am beginning to believe they profile, because every year as I approach the check point, they look at me, and then say, "M'am, you don't have to stop for search, you can go ahead right on in." I never question their reasoning, needless to say.
A few years ago, I was stopped by a policeman and ended up being taken in his car to the police station in handcuffs! I was initially very anxious and worried about the pending consequences. But quite remarkably, it ended up being my best experience cross dressed! I wrote an article for CDH back on November 20, 2020 which was almost 1 year after the incident occurred. If you wish to read my story, follow this link to do so: https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/my-best-experience-crossdressed/. Thus, my story is another positive example of police interacting with cross dressers.
I was stopped when I had family in the car. It wasn't for anything illegal just a census where you are obliged by law to stop and answer questions asked by the researchers. It isn't used often here in the U.K. as it is done on the internet but was interesting. A cop pulled me over and instructed me to go into a layby. Th researcher asked my details and I said my femme name knowing that the legal requirement was to stop and no licence checks were needed. I answered the questions and was on my way.
Another occasion was locally when in town with a girl friend and there was quite a police presence. My friend is always curious and asked an officer what was happening which was they were doing enforcement on electric scooters and cyclists not dismounting while going through a park - which is a problem. We stood and chatted for a while and even had our picture taken. Whether they knew or not was immaterial as they were doing their public engagement and it was all good.
I always go out of my way to avoid police encounters when dressed. I drive very conservatively staying within a couple of mph of the limit and make sure I obey all traffic signals.
Definitely an experience I don't need!
I have never been stopped by a cop while en femme but have talked to them a number of times asking for directions or about parking and have never had a problem. Living in the suburbs of NYC and traveling there frequently for dinners, museums ...etc, these cops have seen everything and it takes a lot to surprise them.
I have only been stopped by police once while crossdressed.
A few years ago, I was stopped in a small town while heading to a party in a nearby town. The little strip of highway is known for its speed traps but i wasn't paying attention until it was too late. Anyway, before i could slow down I was pulled over for speeding. I didn't even think of removing my wig and hiding the fact that i was dressed as Tonya. As the policeman walked up he said "Ma'am can I see your license" then he said "Oh" after seeing my license. That's when he realized.
After a very courteous conversation letting me know that I was speeding and I told him that I was heading to a party he told me to slow down and let me go on my way without a ticket. Luck was on my side that night. By the way I had a great time at the party.
I don't know if i cought him off guard or not but the encounter was very professional.
I had a rather unique experience one time driving thru Sturgis SD. I was coming from the west and had driven thru hordes of bugs and my car was a mess. I pulled off the Interstate because I just wanted to see what Sturgis looked like. I stopped for gas and noticed a quarter car wash next door. I decided to see if I could use the wash to clean up my car a little.
Once at the wash rack. I grabbed a handful of quarters and got out to see what I could do. I left my keys and phone in my purse on the passenger seat and got started with the pressure hose. Made it almost all the way around the car when I heard the familiar sound of the doors locking. I said " NO" that can't be happening. Sure enough, the dam car locked itself with my keys still inside. I've checked and that is not supposed to happen.
I waked back to the store and told my tail to the two ladies inside. Asked if i could use a phone to call a Pop a Lock or someone to get my car open. She said nothing like that here, I'll call the Police. Before i know she has him on the phone and then he pulls up in less than 2 min. He says that they aren't allowed to open cars anymore, but he knows a local towing company that will. Next thing I know, it's me, one of the ladies from the store, the policeman and now the tow truck man walking back to my car.
Well, he got it open in a matter of minutes. We all but the tow truck man went back to the store and had a coffee and laughed about it.
I have been stopped numerous times by border patrol while driving thru S. Texas as well as Many Rangers at the gate entrances to the many National Parks that I've been too. I've not had the slightest bit of trouble or even awkwardness.
I just remembered one incident that happened going to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The Female Ranger asked for my ID, as usual when you present your park pass. They want to be sure the names match. She looked at me and smiled and somewhat smugly asked where is Robert, did I have him hidden in the back ? I looked away for a moment, thinking how to respond. Realizing the humor in it, I said no that's me. Her eyes opened wide, she looked at my ID then at me then back at the ID. Just said "I hope you have a wonderful day in the park Ma'am.
I recall an incident in my mid to late 20s. I was driving this particular evening late at night, dressed fully, En Femme, and enjoying the thrill of having gone unnoticed due to the darkness at that hour. The story, of course, is unfortunate for me. At the time when I should have been more aware of what could happen, I missed the first rule of roaming!
Not to be so worried about how I should conduct myself in public, as much as how others tend to perceive me. Had I nnoticed sooner that a patrol car had now become interested in why I was on the streets at this late hour? Alas no sooner had I checked my mirror again, for sure did their flashing lights alert me of my plight as my heart rate doubled and I pulled over to the side of the road.
Doing my best to work out how I was going to get out of this one, the only solution that was obvious was to tell it like it is. Winding down my window and reaching for my purse to produce my ID, which would show proof that the police officer had before him before proceedings were to take place! He quickly evaluated everything and his voice made it very clear however I was going with him.
This particular part of my story is one for another forum, which will be hers to tell...
OMG have I been pulled over as trans lol. Second time out Dawnie and I got pulled over because I missed a turn. Cop came back handed us our ID and said have a nice day ladies!@ what is amazing about that is I had a suspended driver's license lol
I now have a mug shot and several encounters a letter to a sheriff concerning how his df deputies dealt with me one occasion. Hey this is just an ongoing life of an old hippie, tune in turn on and drop off. Peace and love my friends