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It is one thing for spouses, relatives, and friends to "accept" our dressing on one level or another but entirely different for those in our life to encourage and enjoy our dressing. This is a very rare thing, and I am wondering if any of you have experienced this in your life on a regular basis?
@maureen76 My GF of 10yrs is nothing but supportive. She'll buy me items, help me with zippers, opine on outfits, and we're going out tonight (me dolled up) entirely at her suggestion.
I truly hope each and everyone here gets to experience that.
Although I have no partner, friends and family are accepting but have also advised on fashion and also been out with me countless times which, in effect, takes it to another level with no encouragement needed.
My spouse is supportive and accepts who I am, an intersex female who transitioned to living as a woman three years ago. Where I work there are still those who are aware that I transitioned, and I have received nothing but support and encouragement. We will talk about hair, makeup, clothing, and I have also received gifts from them such as makeup items, purses, cards and flowers.
Ms. Lauren M
My wife is fully supporting, though she does have a few rules.
When shopping, she often picks things out for me. She often talks me into buying stuff that I think is perhaps to expensive.
I went to the hairdresser on Friday to have a new, shorter style. My wife came with me to help me and my hairdresser decided what to do. (I now have hair that is permanently cut in a female style. I can no longer tie it back for male mode)
Today, she encouraged me to book an appointment with a make up advisor to think about refreshing the make up routine I've been using for the last year or so. (It's on Wednesday, I can't wait).
My wife is encouraging. She will tell me if what in wearing is wrong. She will tell me when I look great. She is happy to bet off and about with me in Cerys mode.
Basically, she's a good un!
My partner is (as I have no doubt mentioned ad nauseam) very supportive and encouraging. She too will buy me girly things when we are out shopping if she thinks they will suit me and through her my dressing style has developed.
She loves having the girl me around because I am much nicer, more caring and stress-free than the grumpy masculine version, and we can talk makeup and clothes and stuff
My wife is supportive and helps me in many ways. It has taken her awhile to get to this point of acceptance. She helps me with make up, styling my wigs, buying clothes and so much more. She does have some restrictions which I don't have an issue with like not going out of the house dressed, although there are some things that are allowed. I have worn my ankle boots out of the house with her knowledge as well as worn earrings other than studs or small hoops. We go for mani-pedi's every couple months and help each other select the color polish we get - mine is only for my toes at the moment. From time to time she will invite Suzanne to spend the day. Suzanne just spent Christmas and New Years visiting, on Christmas we even wore matching dresses in 2 different colors (hers was green, mine was red). I let her set the tone for my dressing and she has become more accepting over time - as she said the other day "it isn't hurting her". As to going out dressed she said she is concerned about what others would think and I can appreciate that.
Yes, my wife is in that category. She not only accepts but encourages. I used to just dress on days when we were just sitting around the house if the weather was terrible. I didn't need a wig for me, but she tells me "you need hair". I have none so I suppose she was right and since then I always wear one of my wigs. She will come in while I'm dressing and ask what I'm wearing and maybe say, "why don't you wear ..... you look good in that and haven't worn it in a while".
So yes, she's both accepting and encouraging. I am very lucky.
While my wife is not and most likely will never be supportive, I have had friends in the past that have been very supportive and encouraging. A couple young ladies who worked for me when I owned my gyms were extremely helpful. They would give me tips on makeup and such. One even discreetly let me know I had lipstick on my teeth one day. I wish I still had people in my life like that.