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Hi, I am Sheri, and have been crossdressing most of my life, in secret. I throw out all my femme gear, vowing to stop, but I allways start up a new collection within a few months. This has cost me a great loss, especially when I lose a favourite outfit that is literally irreplacable. I have dressed up late at night and gone for drives, and it makes me feel great when men look at me and smile. I can be very passable when I get dolled up. I don't care if I get found out at this stage in my life, but am still afraid to come out. I really hate being a man, and I wish I could just be one of the girls. Most of my friends are women, and I dream of them finding out my secret, then accepting me as one of the girls, and helping me out with being a woman. I dress up at home all the time, but am lonely as a woman. I have posted my sexy photos on several sites, secretly hoping someone recognizes me and i get found out.

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I would love to go out with a bunch of women.  One of my dreams you might say.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Sheri,

In HS i had more girl friends than boys and I have had dreams of going out dressed up and with a bunch of girl friends and my wife. She knows accepts and is very supportive so I consider myself a very lucky lady. If I do get a wig and breastforms I would certainly do the taking a drive at night outing myself it sounds like fun. Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗

Danielle 💋👠

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Shari; I understand your dilemma. However, you're in a better state than you think and there's light ahead. First, I hope you don't "purge" anymore. Since you said you've gone for late night drives fully dressed and you consider yourself passable, this is a major step in "coming out" and accepting and embracing your true self. So you're already there. Own who you are.

I know how you feel about the loneliness of dressing at home. You say you're at the point that you don't care if you're "found out". IMO, being "found out" isn't the best. It sounds to me that you're ready for a social reveal and to be accepted. I suggest you find a CD/TG support group near you. At their meetings, you can present your self as the woman you are and you will be welcomed and accepted; not judged. A support group is a great way to meet "like minded" people who have similar interests and have faced the same difficulties you're dealing with. I know you posted this almost a year ago, I hope you've worked somethings out. If not, feel free to message and update me anytime. I'm more than happy to help out in anyway.

Posts: 1700
Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Sheri,

Don't be too lonely you have a lot of friends in similar situations on here.

We love to chat and listen.


Posts: 1700
Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Nancy doesn't that sound fun to go out with a bunch go gals.

I understand your dream.



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