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So after finding and joining and introducing myself to this lovely community last week, I was highly encouraged to start taking real steps. Earlier in the week I did a full body hair removal. From my armpits down to my toes. For the time being Im keeping facial hair. For reasons more than just maintaining an outward male appearance my facial hair helps hide certain birthmarks and blemishes that Ive have never gotten around to taking care of. They require a more of a doctors touch than anything I can take care of with home remedies. But the smooth skin feels AMAZING! All my clothes feel more comfortable. I feel like my body runs cooler. I dont get all hot and sweaty indoors as easily. When I look down at myself it doesnt feel weird or unnatural. I am much more pasty white then I imagined but I love the way my skin feels! Now I just have to find a skin care routine that helps soften it a bit. Right now the only cream I have is depilatory (did I spell that correctly?) to help slow hair growth. I also went ahead and ordered some panties that should be hear sometime next week! I just hope I bought them in the right size. I tried my best based on the the charts I found on here and the current sizes of pants/ boxers I wear. The next steps I plan to take are buying body washes or soaps to help with skin moisturizing and maybe pair of pajamas to sleep in. Buying clothes feels difficult because Im rather tall and I dont know how things will or if they'll fit me correctly. Im excited about the steps yo come! If anyone has suggestions on what or where to buy I welcome it:) Thanks for lovelies <3 Anielle
Hi Anielle and welcome.
I'm almost 6'1" and around 195 and the best panties I've found for me on a consistent basis are from Victoria's secret. I should add though that part of why I like them is also because of how cute and sexy they are but really the fit is so natural that they keep me going back. I've also had some luck at Kohl's and sometimes at target. Right now I wear a size large. I spent a lot of money though trying to find the right fitting panties that didn't fit and you might have to do the same. As far as other things to wear in usually around a large or extra large especially because of my wider chest. I'm a 38 bra size usually.
Unfortunately it does take some trying things on before you get clothes that works for your body.
I would like to add though that your package downstairs makes a difference in panties. I'm not small but I'm not really big either so one thing I've noticed is you need a good band around the waist and legs so things done so out or ride down in the front. Although I love VS lacy checky panties so I do let myself poke out a little just so I can wear them. It's worth it to me.
If you have any more questions feel free to message me hun. I'M more than happy to help if I can.
Like Nikki, I'm 6, 4" 230+ former football player in a sexy mini skirt. Not sure what bra size it yet. Not bold enough for one. *itty bitties* I find best panties, thongs really at Rainbow. I have had a few and VS as well.
Seamless thongs are a God send. Keeps the Tracy and the twins in check.
Good Morning Anielle!
Great for you! I am almost completely smooth, legs, chest and such are always smooth, but my SO does not like that!
Glad you worked up the courage to do this! It is a great feeling, and you will really come to love it as you slip into your gurl clothes!
Have Fun!
Hello Anielle; Congrats on the start of your journey and exploration. It's true when starting out, sizing clothes will be trial and error. The sizing and fit of women's clothes can vary from one "brand" to another. It's best to try on clothes at home and return if they don't fit or try on in store before you buy. You might lose some money during this time, especially on items that are not returnable. I'm 6 foot(maybe 6'1"), 170-180 lbs. with a 34-35" waist. My panty size is an 8/XL. There was one "brand" I'd bought in XL but was too small, so went up to 1X. Also last month I shopped at Lane Bryant for the first time. My 8/XL size equaled their 14/16.
The main thing don't get down or quit if something doesn't fit. Just think men, women, and children experience trial and error when trying on new clothes, not just crossdressers. I know you posted this in October 2018, I hope you've had success. I'm more than happy to offer advice and encourage if you're in need.
Congratulations Anielle! You are right, being hair free is so nice and comfortable. The smoothness of your skin reminds you never to have hair again.
Hi Anielle
It's so nice to hear the start of your journey into CDland.
First bit of advice is: Go at your own pace. Do whatever YOU feel comfortable with and don't let others adversely influence you in to doing something you aren't ready for.
About buying stuff, I find online shopping is great for finding clothes in the style and size I like. Sometimes I will check out a shop's website then, armed with a list of things I like, go to the shop and try them on. I tend to try to avoid the busiest times of the day so early morning when the shop just opens is a great time to go...although that's not so much of a problem here in Saigon as the shops I use are all small and pretty quiet all day. I also buy stuff online and have it sent to my home. So, if that is a viable option, it's a great way to get a lot of things and usually much cheaper than in stores. I use Aliexpress quite a lot as it is really cheap and has a huge amount of sellers selling everything from breast forms to women's shoes in big sizes. It may take a few weeks for the parcel to arrive but, if it's something I can wait for, it's a great way to shop. If you can find online sellers who do no quibble returns (preferably free) then even better.
I doubt there is a person out there (male or female) who hasn't bought an item of clothing then regretted it the next day so, when that "What was I thinking" moment happens, don't let it throw your confidence. We probably all experiment with looks until we find the one that suits us so enjoy the process. If you can, just return the item and try again.
Most of all, have fun and (whether it's on your own or with others) enjoy being yourself.
Good luck with your journey and have a ball.
Stacey xxx