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Fantasizing ... Why?

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Reputable Member     Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Since I’ve been going out and dressed em femme having more and more recently and having more social interaction and acceptance from men lately ( exclusive of my close encounter with Ricardo) I find myself fantasizing about being with a man is at an all time high. Is it just the rush feeling I get of acceptance? Is it a want? Is it a need? Or am I just overthinking it?

Hugs and Kisses


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Estimable Member     South Australia, Australia
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I’m in a slightly similar boat, I notice my Twitter likes are either men or people who look like girls but are actually guys. The urge to fantasise about a male grows, but there seems to be something in my that knows I will always like women more. Hm. Also when it comes to finding out what you want, there is never such a thing as overthinking

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Honorable Member     Cincinnati, Kentucky, United States of America
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Most importantly, it can be different for each person, anywhere on the spectrum. And maybe different for each day, lol.

What I've noticed is that I enjoy the attention of males as a validation of my femininity. I don't mean that it is necessarily a sign that I pass. But I get a kick out of seeing a response from a man that indicates I'm being my self, the girl inside. (I have to say that when a man did approach me and ask me out, I was uncomfortable and plainly told him so. He was a member of our crossdresser support group, so I knew he felt fem too, tho he wasn't dressed. Such a confusing mix!)

Maybe I'm just a prude. (Oops! There's that "overthinking!")

If I could get a woman to treat me the same way, I would be in heaven!

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
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I think its a natural evolution to our life style. A mans attraction is the ultimate acceptance and validation. Nothing to be ashamed of now

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Prominent Member     Lakeshore, Michigan, United States of America
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Hi Candace,

Well, I think you're just fine. To me, anyway, fantasy is a very healthy way of dealing with life.  Sometimes we just have to get away from things that we have to do or be or perform and just let our minds drift into what could or what we would like to be.

Anyway, lots of people fantasize about lots of different things.  As a child, if could be growing up to be somebody famous or important, a sports or movie or media star.  Or when we watch some fantasy production like LOTR and fantasize about being in ME.

For instance, I like playing golf, so every time I tee up the ball, I fantasize that I'll hit it 300+ yards and have it land in the fairway.  Now, that's real fantasy.

I also happen to be a writer so I have a lot of 'fantasies' some that I actually put down in writing (or on the computer) and then put up in places.

And sometimes fantasies allow us to work out what it is we eventually want to do, and what it will take to get there. Just keep a level head as you start to work on them coming true, and pay attention to what you should be doing for day to day living.

Take away my fantasies and you're taking away a part of me.

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Deborah, I always love reading your comments. I share so many of your thoughts.

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Candy, I know how you feel. So curious to see where this will all lead.


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Eminent Member     Woodbury, New Jersey, United States of America
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Well, to answer the queation and to intially jump in, to me fantasizing is a healtby and natural approach, almost an initial step, to getting to and getting to where id like to be. I envision so much. My dressing combos, my lacy lingerie underneath, where i could go and when i could get there dressed and bow to be as en femme as can be in order to maximize the precious Staci time i get. Unfortunately, im not one with much alone time...involved in too many life moments where i cannot undo my male side, but as i get older, ive become bolder and i thank my imagination, my experience and my inspiriation for that! My trips shopping and going to a bar has increased, my wilingness to allow others to see me dressed and acting femme has increased, and my willjngness to accept a mans attentions has also increased, albeit not in comparison to those from a gg. Lol, lets not get too crazy!! Anyway, i find it yet another wonderful curve to this tremendous life journey that while its had incredible moments of loneliness and pain, has also rewarded me in ways nothing my male side has ever experienced.

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Noble Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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Just do it!

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Honorable Member     Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
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Fantasizing is completely healthy and normal.  Nothing wrong at all with it.

There's nothing that ever requires you to act upon it.

Robyn ❤️

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Honorable Member     Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
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I'm with you Lorie!

The POSITIVE attention and compliments I have gotten from men...for me...validates my en-femme persona, and that I'm presenting as an attractive female image.

There's always going to be a troll or 2, but those are easily remedied.

Like you, if I can get a female to act and behave the same...BINGO!! Struck Gold!!

Robyn xo - 🤗❤️

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Reputable Member     ZIMMERMAN, Minnesota, United States of America
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I always fantasize about men and if and when a man is interested in "me" I get such a feeling of joy that just washes over me. I need to remind myself to restrain myself and remain a lady. But if he kisses me on the neck or lips restraint gets more difficult to maintain.

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Eminent Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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Hi Candace,

Great topic and questions. Only you know the answers to those but for me being found attractive and desirable by a man would be the ultimate validation of my femininity. It could be an acknowledgement that I was feminine, desireable, sexy and alluring. And, it would be, for me, a logical next step in my journey to be a woman and a partner to a man.

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Estimable Member     Orlando, Florida, United States of America
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Hi Candice. When I went on vacation a couple of years ago, I went to a resort in the Florida Keys for the sole purpose of seeing what its like to live as a female . I was having a great time doing things that girls do on vacation . While I was there, having lots of time to reflect on what I was doing, for the first time in my life I started to look at men differently. There were plenty of men there and I started to fantasize about what it would be like to spend time with one of them. Fortunately for me as well as surprising  quite by a twist of fate, I went on a sightseeing bus tour of the Keys and my seat on the bus, I was seated next to a man and we struck up a conversation. We had a lot of fun laughing and talking to each other. I found that I was enjoying his company as much as he was enjoying mine. After the bus tour he asked me to go to dinner with him and I eagerly accepted . He made me feel so feminine by his compliments on my choice of clothes to the way that I looked. The fantasies I had about being with a man were no longer fantasies. On the last night before I was going home, he kissed me and Candice, it was the best kiss I've ever had. You can probably read between the lines on what happened next. My point is. Sometimes having a fantasy about being with a man  then acting on your fantasy is life changing. Thanks for letting me ramble on

Stay safe and enjoy your fantasies






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Jennifer, so many feelings are new and exciting but scary with all of this. The key is, I think, is to let nature take its course. Who knows what the future will hold.

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