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Hello Ladies,
I recently came up with what can only be described as a silly fantasy job. But it feels so fun that I thought I'd share it with all of you and see if any of you can relate. But be warned, it's a silly cross dresser fantasy. So, it goes like this.
Having decided that seeking a therapist might do my good if only to reassure myself of who and what I am, I set any appointment with a very good local therapist. I see her once a week for three months and always dressed as Jill. At the end of my time with her, she is so impressed with my honesty, progress, and willingness to listen to her recommendations, that she offers me a job in her office. Now this isn't your normal clerical position, nor is it a typical handyman position. No, my job would be to help her with other cross dressers and transgender woman and men. And the pay would be more than double what I currently make along with some fantastic benefits.
The catch? Well, there are two of them. First off, I'd have to tell my family and close friends about my cross dressing, and second, I would have to dress as a woman every day for work except when dealing with a transgender male. That would be open for dressing either as a man or as Jill depending on the therapist's instructions. My job is to show them that there is nothing wrong with them for feeling the way they do (nearly all of us have lived with the shame at some point in our lives) and to show them that they too can live without shame and guilt and still lead productive lives. Of course I take the job, after all, I may make some dumb mistakes but I'm not that stupid!
The doctor is thrilled that I'm coming on board and gives me a $5000 signing bonus so I can go out and buy a whole new wardrobe right away! Imagine! New shoes, dresses, skirts, blouses, pantyhose, jewelry, and wigs! Getting manicures and pedicures to look my best, and matching purses to outfits. And I'd be great at the job because I'd love every minute of it.
I'd end up spending as much time as Jill, and maybe more, than I do as Eric. The work would be rewarding and fulfilling. Oh, to have THAT job!
I hope you all enjoy this. Thanks for reading.
All hugs and no shame for all of us, Jill
It is a nice fantasy. Thanks for sharing it.
It was my pleasure, Gisela.
Along the same lines, myself and a few local girls, some of whom are members here on CDH, worked with a local therapist for an extended period time with the goal of expanding her knowledge about CDs so that she would have the expertise to counsel CDs and their spouses.
We would meet weekly with the therapist as a group, and a few of us brought along our SOs. It was really a win-win situation, since, as CDs, we enjoyed the sisterly companionship of each other, and at the same time, the therapist gained valuable information about the world of crossdressing. The information the therapist learned she put to use in her practice when counseling CDs and transgendered patients.
Moreover, the privacy of the professional office suite allowed a few of the girls to come dressed who normally only dress in the privacy of their homes.
Jill -
What a lovely fantasy. It sounds like so much fun to be able to do that and be helpful to others at the same time.
I do some of my therapy sessions dressed and it is amazing how it makes me feel. My therapist compliments me on my outfit, addresses me as Suzanne and it makes it a bit easier to discuss my femininity. She has a private office so I am able to change when I get there and again before I leave. It would be fun to show up at her office dressed but that isn't going to happen any time soon. Maybe some day, only time will tell.
I am sure we all have that fantasy Jill and in my case there is an element of reality. As a child I had fantasies of being an Air Hostess.
When I was in my 50's I was really coming out and had plenty of support. Through that one of the friends had a shop and asked if I would consider helping her there. It wasn't a grand affair and it was to help me become confident in dealing with people. I took up the offer and that led to a permanent job when I retired. From there I have had various jobs and every one as Angela.
As for the therapy side I received a call from an ex work colleague from my previous career. They were still in the job and asked if I could contact a Trans person who had approved the idea to help them and give advice. I did know of this person so it was more comfortable. The individual wasn't happy with the support at work so agreed to meet. It was an interesting experience for me and helped the individual through some serious issues and they are now happier and working towards the final steps of transition. It helped that I had a lot of information about legal and procedural matters along with my personal life experience.
Fantasies can become realities in some way - just believe.
Hi Jill, some fantasies can become realities! I always dreamed of being able to live and work as a woman, and that became a reality for me two years ago.
I always knew I was supposed to be a girl, and came out as a trans gender woman where I work. I have always been very feminine so nobody was surprised, many said they already knew. So I transitioned and have been working at the front desk ever since, wearing all the items you mention along with perfume, full makeup, my hairdo, pedicures and manicures.
I actually got to live my dream and the fantasy became a reality!
Ms. Lauren M
Hi Jill,
Given the importance of the female models in the clothes catalogues from my girlhood, I would love love love to be a clothes model! I remember obsessively studying the pages, picking out the outfits I would wear and feeling the strangeness of finding the women attractive but more importantly, wanting to be them! X
I'd love to be a model. I've done a few photoshoots (but only a couple as Anna) and the day is such fun, working with the photographer, the props, the outfits.