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Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if any of you find it easier to keep fitness goals in mind from a feminine mindset than otherwise. I recently joined a goal-oriented gym with the goal of losing body fat (dropping from a too- much 30-something% to a fitness-level comfortably less-than 20%). So far, I've managed to drop from my starting 30% to 26.5% (humble brag, much? Apologies if it's obnoxious, but I do feel somewhat proud for a decent start.) But, I've found it easier to approach these goals from a CD mindset than from a masculine one.
For my feminine self, I desperately want to have a non-muffintop-enducing midriff and that reminder helps keep me off the sweets and even (my beloved) beer. While my masculine fitness goals always had an ambiguous end-point, I find it easier to keep myself motivated when I imagine myself looking better in pretty/sexy femme-wear than I ever did imagining a more-fit masculine me.
About half-a-year ago, I remember talking to a CD-ing person while in drab about weightloss. I commented on my stubborn belly and she mentioned that she had the same problem, but, since CD-ing, her appetite for a prettier/sexier self far outweighed her appetite for food which made dieting and exercise easier. I'm wondering if anyone else here has had a similar experience?
Hi Lisa ,
My wife & I do regular exercise together , Pilates Barre , Les Mills body pump . We do it for a number of reasons , stay in shape , keep physicality as we age. It's also helped my crossdressing , I needed to drop muscle mass , I want to look fabulous in body con/ tight dresses etc , my legs are toned & look fantastic in nylons & heels. Regular exercise had helped achieve this .
Definitely keep going , it's worth it , you've lost weight already & no reason not to carry in & look fabulously female .
Plus I get to do classes in female athletic wear 😊 Tiff
I would imagine that seeing the female form of SOME of the others in the class is somewhat motivating in itself too.
I and my gf are fairly happy with my butt and legs for dressing but I'm working on my male tummy which distresses me and trying to re-find my abs. I can safely say its due to CD'ing almost entirely because previous to this I really didn't give a rats rearend what my waist looked like in my reg fit male jeans or jogging pants.
Lisa, congratulations on your success. Keep it up and you will definitely reach your goal. I know that my feminine side is much more aware of my overal appearance which makes eating healthier and exercise easier to accomplish.
Oh indeed it's motivation , plus my wife looks fantastic in tight outfits 😊
Yes definitely I have lost 125 pounds in the last 14 months and I have a lot more to lose I have been more focused because I want to be a better women I want to look better in a dress when I go out I have dropped 10 dress sizes so far I totally agree with you about the focus because of our dressing