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Femme voice and acceptance

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I have seen several messages asking of advising on how to get a feminine voice if you are planing to be out an about. I believe that it is important, but not the most important thing when it comes to be able to be seen as a female.

People will mostly recognize a person as male or female in the first couple seconds of the first visual contact. So, it is too quick to be able to determine if the other person may be wearing a wig, or if the breast don't look natural or if they are "hanging high" (Many cd/tg tend to place their assets a bit higher on their torso than how they are on women about the same age and size)

The first seconds are, IMHO about the body shape. The hips/waist/chest/shoulders ratio. Hips and shoulders should be balanced, waist 2/3 to some 8/10s of that, and well, breasts are certainly important to present as a woman. Then other factors will start being noticed. From body hair, hands, feet, etc. Voice will only be in place if you have some interaction with that person, or course. But in my experience, once they have "read" you as either male or female, they will take your voice 'at face value', so to speak.

Anyway, some time ago I recorded this video to show some 'net friends who wanted to hear my voice. Don't mind the babbling, bad direction and cinematography. 🙂 It is just me. And it doesn't intend to teach you anything, it was just for fun.

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I've been thinking a lot lately about how I hear my voice in my head as higher than it is in real life. I am wondering if altering my voice is a matter of making it actually sound higher or just changing my vocal patterns.

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There are many changes to pitch, tone, enunciation, expressions, gestures, etc.

Must be nice to be able to have a very feminine voice, but even by making a few changes we can make our own voice more “neutral” so it wont be a dead giveaway.

Gaby 💜

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Hi, Gabriela, I just wanted to thank you for posting this video. I enjoyed it immensely! I joined CDH in Dec. 2018, and by that time this post had probably dropped down to page 20 of the Forum topics. If you hadn’t resurrected it today, I would’ve never known it existed.

I have to say that the femme voice you’re using here is very realistic, at least, to me it is. It may be because you’re impeccably dressed when you made the video, but I closed my eyes and listened. And it still sounded to me like a husky, woman’s voice.

And I do agree that your accent may be just enough of a “distraction” to actually enhance the believability of your femme voice.

So, again, thanks for posting.

-- Camryn Occasionnel

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Thank you so much Camryn!

Gaby 💜


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