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This week I'm burning up carried-over annual leave from work, before it expires at the end of the month. My OH is working as usual, if anything harder than usual, since her role is in administration for a parish of 7 churches, and this is about her busiest week of the year. So at last, I have some Fiona time during the days, that doesn't belong to my employer! Even better, with OH's daughter now home from Uni for a couple of weeks, it works out really well for me to have two consecutive nights at my place this week, for them to have some time together. So on Thursday for the first time, I will be able to present as Fiona** from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I have some plans for that day, about which I'll write another thread once they've happened!
Meanwhile the weather isn't going to be brilliant during this time, this morning and early afternoon was always going to be the best of it. So straight away on arrival at my place today, I put on the same brown dress/long black cardi outfit that I used for my walk into town the other week, and did my makeup. (My finish has been considerably improved with the use of a proper beauty blender and the addition of primer and setting powder that were delivered on Friday). I filled my new handbag ready for its first outing with everything I need, stepped out of my front door and drove off into town in the strong spring sunshine.
I parked in the supermarket carpark like before. This time though, I walked the other way up to the High Street, where there were plenty of people about because it's Market day. First I took my poorly watch to a little independent jeweller for a replacement battery and a new strap. Then I went over the road to a cafe, and sat outside right on the High Street, relaxing in the sun with my coffee and a delicious little cake, watching the world go by. It was lovely to open my handbag, get my phone out and send a few texts. Nicely refreshed, I went round some of the charity shops, happily browsing, holding things up, checking size and care labels, trying on what I could right there in the middle of the shop. From different shops I came away with a gorgeous woollen winter coat (not that it'll probably see any action until much later in the year) and a spring/autumn hooded outdoor jacket, both with sleeves that actually fit me, plus a couple of scarves. The jacket is part of the plan for the rest of the week ... but you'll have to wait to read about that 😉 I went into a chain clothes shop, browsed a bit more, bought some bits and bobs for my hair, then back to the jewellers to pick up the watch. I'm pleased to say that its new strap is rather less masculine than the previous one, so it will make an even better Fiona accessory now.
I made my way back to the car to put the coats in the boot, then on into the supermarket. It also has a clothing section so I was straight in there too, browsing, feeling the fabrics, with people all around me and not a care in the world. In a full-length mirror I discovered one of my eyes had been watering a bit too much in the slight breeze and my supposedly waterproof mascara had run a little, but it wiped up happily enough with the end of a finger. Then I picked up some bits & pieces for the week, and a few things from the cosmetic supplies section. This time I joined the queue for the self-service tills without a qualm. Was it really only earlier this month and two outings ago, that I was too nervous to do just that? This time, the whole outing has just felt like the most natural thing in the world.
Finally after about 2½ hours out I returned home, with a deep sigh of contentment as I opened my front door. I hung up my new coats in the wardrobe and, since I really didn't want to stop being out and about just yet, immediately put my ankle boots right back on and took my old jacket with too-short sleeves to the local clothing donation container!
You may have noticed, nowhere in this tale has there been any mention of any dubious reaction from other people upon seeing me - that's because, as far as I can tell, there simply weren't any! I surely can't be passing, but I didn't see anything that gave me even the slightest unease, during the entire time that I was right in the middle of everyone going about their day. (I did wonder if I maybe got a slightly funny look from the lady sat at the other table outside the cafe, but I couldn't really tell behind her sunglasses). Without exception, the shop assistants of all ages were friendly, helpful, we shared little jokes - it was just so relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable ... as close to heaven as I've ever known in this little town 😊
So I will close this part of my tale with a message to any girls reading this who are trying to pluck up the courage to take their first steps outside. "Come on out sweetheart, and you don't have to worry in the slightest. The water really is absolutely lovely" 🤗
Big hugs to all,
Fiona xxx
** I can't finish this post without noting that I was originally intending to say, 'I will be able to be Fiona' ... but it's becoming increasingly clear to me, I already *am* Fiona, and I'm loving it 🙂
So happy for you Fiona. Loved reading your story especially your last sentence which is so lovely to hear.
Lovely Fiona, very grateful for your story.
The progress and confidence you have acquired gives a lot of encouragement to those of us who are very far from what we want.
Kisses from Carla
It IS fun, isn't it. it's like being someone else, someone else's mannerisms and even personality, except that it isn't 'someone else', it's you. I love going 'out' although I still get nervous before I go.
Lovely story, looking forward to some more and some photographs perhaps?
What a wonderful post Fiona! You are such a lady about town. I am so happy you are enjoying yourself and sharing it with us. Looking forward to the next installment!
Really fantastic Fiona, it’s like I say people are more accepting in today’s society so doing what you did is so egsilerating,
So, Day 2 is done and (other than coming out successfully to my other neighbours, as updated on that thread) it has been a day indoors. I've done all my waxing and epilating and trimming of body hair, so I'm now beautifully smooth and/or moisturised from head to toe after my shower 😊
The excitement of yesterday and a few poor nights' sleep with the OH's current cough have caught up with me though. I went in too short on the trimmer on my eyebrows (the next setting up didn't seem to do anything!) but at least the stray and lengthy hairs won't show any more. I managed the nice shiny basecoat on my nails, then completely fluffed the first nail I put colour on. To make things worse, not thinking ahead and using a cotton wool pad instead of an ear bud for the acetone then meant most of what I'd done on the other fingers also had to come right back off again 😖 It's been too long since I last did them, I've lost what technique I had, and I'm sure the tiredness was also getting in the way. False nails are so much easier! Plus somehow I've managed to get a paper cut in the cuticle of another finger 🙄 In the end I settled for just re-doing the basecoat. I might upgrade that to falsies in the morning.
I have caught up with the OH on the phone, she knows where I'm going tomorrow, for what general reason but not exactly why, and of course she has no idea at all that I'm going as Fiona! All will be revealed in another thread, I promise! But now to bed, ready for the big day in the morning! Goodnight all! 😴
Fiona xxx
Thanks Fiona, you are brilliant, I too sometimes have difficult with my nails, especially my to toes I have to make sure they are perfect, so the varnish takes well, my other problem is which colour to choose, so many, oh well