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I was about 12 years old at a friend's house and his mom always wore tan Silk Reflection pantyhose. She had some dresses laying out, and a few pair of pantyhose. We were by ourselves, and I told him how pretty his mom always looked. I guess we had both been secretly wearing pantyhose for a while.
I grabbed a pair of her pantyhose and said "these feel really silky". He said "let’s try them on!"
We put them on, put on her dresses and paraded around the house admiring each other's legs 🙂
Hello Penelope,
I had a similar experience when I was a kid, my cousin had a pantyhose, no idea where he got it, but I remember like if it was yesterday how nice and exciting it felt. It was a bit strange at the time as I had no idea the reason why at the time, it just felt nice.
Only one brief encounter while I was a young boy with another boy in the neighborhood.
I was playing female parts in cub scout fund raiser plays and also cross dressing on my own. My mother was fully aware of my cross dressing and allowed me to keep a small wardrobe in my room.
A visiting neighborhood boy saw the girl clothes and was also aware of my cross dressing activities. He hesitated but finally asked if he could try on one of the dresses, as long as I promised not to tell anyone. He did it again on one more future visit, but that was the end of any future CD activities on his part. I did as he asked and kept his secret.
During grade school I went for a sleepover at my friends house. He had an older sister in High School. She was away this one time so we snuck into her room and looked through her panty drawer and closet. He dared me to dress in her panties bra and dress. I was already wearing my mother’s since I was 11, so I did. He already was trying her clothes on already so both got dressed femme. It was so lovely. We did it on several occasions. I kept a pair of her panties. Not sure if anyone found out. lol.