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First padded Bra purchase

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
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So, I decided to buy my first padded bra. As I entered the store and went to the bra section, dresses like a man mind you, I found the bra I wanted. I very beautiful light blue with a lace over lay. Because of my size and trying to be modest I opted for a 32B, plucked it from the rack, of course with curious states and some even with disbelief. I rushed to the self checkout, scanned and placed it in the bag, paid and off home I went.

When I got home, my with was more then happy to help get it fitting just right, it was perfect, until....I looked in the mirror. The bra itself was amazing, felt great, but it just made me look like I had big pecks, and not like I had breasts. I tried it with a few shirts, a couple dresses, and was totally a big let down.

I then tried adding a set of breast pads for my other bra, but could not get them to sit right and would just slip and move all about, guessing maybe a C cup will be better. Guess you live, try and learn.

Overall it was a good experience especially since I live in an area where that could have big consequences, wish I had a place I could go and try a few things on to find the right match.

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 199

@closetcelt Aine, I find it is always a pain to find cute bras… I need a band size of 42…so everything in a 42 is like d cup or bigger… I would just like a cute 42b bra… the bigger the band size, the less selection , and less sexy and cute … happy hunting … hugs… jo

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
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@joannajoy As I am a very thin lady, 5'9 and about 120 wet, I don't have any issues with finding a bra that fits, I just didn't realize a B cup was that small lol

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@closetcelt I am really glad that you went through this exercise, Áine. We learn by doing.

Having said that, I don't think my moobs have enough for a push-up bra to be all that effective and my forms in the push-up bras that I have don't stay placed well in the cups. The forms wander and get pushed out.

However, have you thought about using body tape? Look at the various videos on-line about how to make cleavage. Maybe that will do a better job ot it.

Also if your B cup is too big for you moobs, a 32" bra will likely be available with an A cup. That, plus tape, may do what you want.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@harriette I don't either, but it's the best option I have until I can afford breast forms. I tried using regular pad inserts and had the same issue as you, slipping and pushing out. I think I've solved it with double sided tape, but haven't tried it yet.

The real issue is a B cup is smaller in appearance the I was hoping for, so hopefully a C will be the match

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@closetcelt So, I have to ask then.

Why bother with push-bras in the first place? Just fill normal cups.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@harriette That's a solid point, I was hoping the padding would create the illusion without spending a lot of money on breast forms and the such. I be broke these days, which make it more difficult

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@closetcelt  Try a pocket/mastectomy bra if the forms are moving. I have one with C/D forms and my form boobs feel like they are my own! Best, Marlene.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1793

@closetcelt Well done for braving the shop.

It does get much easier and many independent shops will be willing to help if you explain what you and looking for and that it is for you.

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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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@annaredhead Yes, I've been to Lane Bryant for a free issues. (Bought one, but STILL wasn't right; finally caved and bought a mastectomy bra and now the "girls" stay put! 😉 )

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@annaredhead If I didn't live in a small town in Kentucky, it would be much easier, but here, that would ruin an entire family

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1793

@closetcelt Understood, I hope you find a way of discrete shopping.

If you travel at all, is it something you can do on your travels?

My first purchases took place when I was working in London on a secondment, so well away from home.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@annaredhead Yes I often visit Nashville, so I'm sure I'll find a store there that can help, however with all these new laws, it's getting pretty scary out there

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 260

@closetcelt Just for fun you might want to try shopping for bras from Glamorise. They have pretty bras, and a wide variety of styles and sizes. The Glamorise bras I wore were my favorites.

Happy Woman Face

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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I bought a padded sports bra and it seems to fit fine. I have trouble with standard bras fitting correctly.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Yeah, unfortunately a padded bra really only works if you have something to pad. Pecs just don't cut it in that respect. Thankfully, at my age, I don't think too many want to see my wrinkles so I don't flaunt them anymore.

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@cherylt I don't really have pecks, I'm as flat as they come, however all a B cup does is make it look like I've got pecks and nothing more lol

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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At least you tried Aine and learned from the experience. It took me a while to get it right as well starting with booster bra then using chicken fillets and using what I had to create a cleavage. It's a voyage of discovery and when you get it right the experience is uplifting - Literally!

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@ab123 I think really it's the learning that's kinda exciting, but I sure can't wait for it all come together the way I have it in my head, patience they say is a virtue, have never met a Gemini lol

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hi Aine,  You are off to a good start.  Your first bra is like your first car and it takes a while to learn about it and what you might change next time.  I'm 120 also but only 5.5 and I have a 36A bra now.  I used to be a natural 36B but after I hit 70 my breasts just went to grandma-land and now are shrinking and sliding down my chest.  So, daily I usually wear a Maidenform T-Shirt bra that has some padding but do wear a pushup bra for glamour clothes when going out.  I'm a retired woman's dance and stage costumer and regularly adjusted costumes and bras for dancers.  If you don't mind learning on the bra that you've purchased you can try these things.  First you can cut gently into the back far side of each cup to create a space for a cheap breast form that you can get at any fabric store and then slide it in.  If done right, it won't slide out during use.  You can also look at my article page here and find an article that I wrote years ago called "Swimsuit Perfection" that shows how to do this.  If you don't want to buy another cutlet or form then just find an old foam pillow and cut the shape you want and stuff with that or use fiberfill.  And if you still don't like the final shape, just go to a thrift store and buy a used bra with a bigger foam cup that you think might fit over the cups in the bra that you've got.  Then just cut out the used thrift store bra cups and glue (with a few drops of fabric glue or silicone sealer)  or sew that cut cup onto the cups of your pushup bra.  You just play around with this method until you find the combination that makes your clothes look right.   You may have to even add more filler or cups.  You can then use your franken-bra as a model for your next bra purchase. The stars that you see on stage really do not naturally look as glamorous as they appear.  It's just a lot of costume magic.  Marilyn Monroe  actually wore  a bra that she had secretly sewed another bra on top of to get the effect that she wanted. I hope that this helps you.  Marg

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 64

@margprodue Last night I decided to flip the padding upside down, so the fat part was at the top, and The bra the fatter part is at the bottom. Bingo, this filled out the bra nicely and the forms didn't slip around at all, it made the bra very enjoyable to wear. I'm still not liking the cup size and feel I still need a C would get me where I wanna be. The cutting a slit in the bra to insert the forms is brilliant, and will definitely be keeping that in my bag of tricks!

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 1106

@closetcelt  Glad it helped.  Costumers do it all the time.  May the fit be with you!  Marg

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@margprodue Thanks for those tips, Marg.


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