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FOR those who requested it, here is the full report of my first time out in public in full femme mode. I experienced much of what others before me mentioned they experienced on their first time out. The big difference for me was having a big sister support me throughout the experience. This day would not have happened without Trish being there along the way.
First up was getting glammed up with the makeup artist. This was a relaxed and safe experience as Shaivona works out of her home. She is personable, funny and most importantly, really good at making me look good. This is also where I met up with Trish. For those of you who don’t know Trish White she is somebody I met on Crossdresser Heaven. She is internationally known (maybe 🤷♀️) for being supportive and encouraging of first-timers and all crossdressers alike for that matter. Trish is also sooooo very good at interacting with the public that she is making it much easier for the next generation to go out in public.
After getting dolled up, and a quick photo shoot, I drove 20 minutes to the pub where I would be meeting a group of fellow cds. The drive was enjoyable as I was driving in FULL SUN feeling very beautiful and feminine. It became stressful as I got stuck in traffic and had people in cars right beside me (at a slow crawl). I managed to get myself to the pub but had to park a good distance away. This meant an arduous walk (probably 100 meters 😅) to get inside. Luckily Trish found where I was parked and walked with me. Walking in full dress, IN DAYLIGHT, was inconceivable to me up until this moment. With Trish beside me, however, it became doable. I was wearing the jeans outfit and found comfort very quickly. As every crossdresser who has done so before me has stated, almost everyone else just carried on business as usual. Somehow the world did not stop to look at me and comment. I did notice a few people look at me a little longer than I’m used to. I do wonder what they were thinking.
Once inside the pub, my nerves calmed quickly. There were 6 other gurls already there enjoying a drink. Shaivona joined us as well. I sat down and enjoyed being a woman out in public. Yes, a few people took a longer look as they passed by, but as I learned to ignore these glances my enjoyment grew further. Having a drink, in a pub, as a woman was a fantastic feeling.
Our group then walked (yes, once again IN FULL DAYLIGHT!!) a few blocks to a vintage clothing store run by a lovely woman who was very welcoming. She gave us huge discounts on our purchases. The store was two floors of woman’s everything. Being able to peruse AND TRY ON anything I wanted, AND BE ENCOURAGED to do so was one of the highlights of the day. I spent a lot of time shopping as a woman and couldn’t believe how good it felt.
The group became a little smaller as we walked (yes, once again IN FULL DAYLIGHT!!) to a drug store to shop for makeup. There were a lot of people out and blending in with the crowd was something I wouldn’t have thought possible. I’m sure we were clocked a number of times but I rarely noticed. I was too busy trying to look as good as possible, haha. I was becoming very encouraged and happy with the overall acceptance I was experiencing from the general public. All the experienced crossdressers reading this are saying “Yeah, no sh*t” to themselves right now.
Our group activity ended at this point as Trish and I made our way to our hotel. I should mention that as I parked my car near the hotel I got checked out by two men. This was a terrifying and exhilarating moment and I had to retreat to the safety of my car to collect myself and call Trish for further support 😳😂.
Checking into the hotel was another highlight as the receptionist referred to me as ‘her’, OMG!
Trish and I changed into our dinner dresses and made our way to a restaurant for dinner. We walked (NOT IN FULL DAYLIGHT this time). I was wearing a dress with heels and nylons this time and felt fully feminine. I walked into a busy restaurant with 83% confidence and sat down. Dinner, in a busy restaurant, in full femme mode? WTF!, OMG! I fully enjoyed dinner as our server continued to refer to us as ‘ladies’ and ‘girls’. She even complimented my outfit: good lord. I didn’t once feel out of place in this busy restaurant with people all around us.
Walking back to the hotel I didn’t want the moment to end. At this point I WANTED to be looked at, lol. I was exhausted though. It was time to shut it down. What a first time out.
Yes, I do look forward to doing it again. My feelings of being clocked have disappeared, but looking out for my safety (one big drawback of being a woman) and a strong fear of being recognized still persist.
What an amazing experience, I wish I had the nerve to go out and about like you do. May you always have positive and wonderful outings such as this. Lacy
Wow, Megan! You really made the most of your day out! Professional makeup. Shopping for clothes, and makeup, with friends. A change of outfit and dinner at a nice restaurant with Trish. What a day (and night) you had!
Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Because for those who are interested in going out in public en femme, and have yet to do so, your story reinforces how possible it is. And really, if you have a plan, how easy it is.
And certainly how enjoyable it is!
Thank you for sharing this lovely experience with us Megan! I am so glad it was positive for you. I bet you are already planning the next one 😉
First time out is always amazing. The thing that struck me on my first time out in a public place other than a walk in the dark (To a supermarket at 10PM), was how much NO ONE CARED!!!! There might have been a couple of second glances, but NO ONE CARED! No one pointed. No one laughed. No one shouted insults..... NO ONE CARED!!!!!!!!
Some time on from this, I now spend days as Cerys. I do all the things I would normally do, this includes shopping, visiting the doctor, collecting prescriptions, going to the butchers.... I live those days as Cerys and I do everyday things without thinking about it.
The more you go out, the more you will see that the vast majority of the people won't even notice. I'm terrible at make up, so I look like a man in a dress.... A very stylish man in a dress, I will add 🙂 When I interact with people, it's obvious that I'm a man...... NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!
Get out as much as you can. The more you get out, the more confident you will become, and before long you won't feel any different being out presenting as a female.... You be presenting as you!
What a fantastic day you had Megan! I very much enjoyed reading about it, thank you for posting it up 🙂 And no surprise at all that you were attracting glances - not in any way because you don't fit in, but because as anyone who's looked at your photo page will agree, you are a stunningly beautiful woman!
Fiona xxx
My heartbeat increased with each paragraph, Megan, as the suspense built. A full report indeed and very exciting and rewarding to read! You do know judicious, effective (and funny) use of ALL CAPS, I somehow noticed.😉 I am so HAPPY for you and GRATEFUL for Trish. It's about time that Connie drives 30 minutes north for evening #2 at a coffeehouse/wine bar. Live music🎶. A quite welcoming email months ago by the head chef and a top notch server. Both women treated me (and my credit card) so nicely. Kudos on your and Trish's partnering (mentor her) for a fabulous feminine experience🌹.
Congratulations, Megan! I love these kinds of stories! I'm so happy for you that it was a positive experience.
Hi Megan, thanks for sharing your experience and its great to hear that it went to well! Sounds like you really enjoyed it and I hope you'll write about your next outing too. By the by, I totally agree with Fiona- your photos are stunning!
Amy X
Yep ! That’s about how it goes. Glad you had such a great time getting out. I knew you would , once you got to do so.
I might add one thought for you. Something I never noticed in male mode. Some men seem to do more than just notice. Some seem to just stare you down. I used to think it was from being clocked but it’s not. If you want to find out for sure, just look back and smile. I thought this was a good way to diffuse any tension and yet still be unoffensive. Ha ! These people thought I was rolling out the welcome wagon. Next thing I know they want to come keep me company. I’ve had to learn what GG have about eye contact.
you are a very pretty girl and will no doubt catch a lot of looks. I’m certain most will be admiring looks from both men and women.
Great advice Roberta. Whether they are clocking you or not a good smile diffuses the situation either way and perhaps leads to more attention??
Hi Megan, it's so wonderful to hear about your time in Vancouver with Trish, she truly is a doll!
Let me know when you'd like to explore some stores here in Victoria, and we could even go to "Dorothy's" I would love to meet you and hope we might also do something with Trish as a group.
Hugs girlfriend,
Congrats on getting out Megan. It is truly a wonderful, exhilarating sensation. You're right to think about your safety. You don't have to be paranoid but just stay observant at all times. It will soon become second nature for you. Enjoy this new exciting part of your dressing journey.
Well done Megan! It sounds like a fabulous way to spend a first trip out, and you obviously had a great time.
Hopefully the first of many 🙂
I don't have a first time yet. Before reading this I would say that I always thought that I would get ready and then it would be a very small affair, like going out to get gas (glammed up pumping gas into an F-150 LOL). After reading this though, it makes we want to envision something a lot more involved. Thanks for sharing. Your experience helps me craft my own visions.