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First time out. Clubbing by my self! P1

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Active Member     L.A., United States of America
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I guess I’ll start with what gave me the courage. I finally moved in by my self. And I wanted to get a new set of makeup. I read that Sephora employees are actually instructed to be cool about all this. So I went and actually told them it was for me. She treated me so well, I realized There is nothing wrong with me liking makeup. (Maybe this was better on a topic by it self lol.)

Now for the Good part!

So I get a room in a motel near to a lgbt club that I picked (the website seemed great). I told the counter person about my plans to go to this club as a woman. He was super cool about it. And told me I wasn’t the first one to come in as a man and leave as a woman from that motel. Lol, that made me feel more at ease for some reason.

So I go to my room get ready. Shaved, makeup, heels, wig, purse, perfume everything. And then the moment of truth... stepping  out that dreaded door to the outside world. Breathe deep and after opening and closing that door a few times I finally stepped out walking down the hallway. Wondering if anyone would step out see me. Even if no one did. I still had to call an Uber to come pick me up. Wondering how he would react (I don’t change my voice much) but I feel good about how I look although I know I’m not fooling anyone.

He would be the first person ever to see me like that. He was cool, we even chatted a bit. Now he drops me in front of the place... I’m outside... dressed as a woman..., for the first time in my life! It felt Amazing!

I had to walk to the back door of the place where the have a small bar. (The dance floor opened a bit later.)

Now I open the door... walk down some stairs. (Girls, going up and down stairs with heels is a whole other skill. Found the hard way lol) there is people there... I walk to the bar, sit and ask for a beer... Girls, what happened next, was un expected. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nobody looked at me weird, I felt super comfortable. It was almost anticlimactic... but then I decided to dance a little in my chair. It felt great and the ALL SINKED IN!!! What was I doing?!!! I’m dressed as a woman, outside with people around!!! And Loving it!!!

Half way through my beer a guy invites me another one! I was like whaaaaaaaat?!!!! I danced, made friends, got compliments from other girls! Got 3 phone numbers from guys xD. (I wasn’t interested in them. But still flattering)

And many other things happened that night. It was great. When I got home I couldn’t believe what just happened. I have a lot more to share. I’ve been out 3 other times. And came out to my sister and some friends since. It has all been positive.

Anyways this was too long. Maybe I’ll share more some other time. Hope you enjoyed and mostly that this gives someone courage to be happy.


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Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Great story! I am so happy for you. I love Sephora too.

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I am so happy for you girl ❤️ I can't wait for part 2 and 3 lol love your story sweetie it took a lot of courage but well worth it hun kiss kiss 💋 💋 Jasmine

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Noble Member     GB
Joined: 8 years ago

Sounded like a fab night Mia, hope you get the chance to do it again. I have realised a big difference between men and women having been out dancing en femme. Men go out dancing to meet women, whereas women go out to have fuuuuuuuuuuuuun.



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Estimable Member     Eastern WI, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Wow, Mia, wonderful post!  Love your description of when you realized your were where you wanted to be and presenting as female just sunk in and felt right.  Also good encouragement for others to consider local, friendly LGTBQ venues as great places to explore going out dressed for the first time.

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Active Member     L.A., United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Yes! I wouldn’t think it twice  to go dressed as a woman if I got invited to another lgbt club. I want to visit them all! Lol

I was just like anyone else there. Of all the 3 times I’ve been there. Sometimes there are other cds sometimes I’ve been the only one. Nothing changes. No one bats an eye. People approaches me and talk to me like everyone else.

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Active Member     L.A., United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Very true.

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Active Member     L.A., United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks I could probably write a sub story for every event in this story. But I wanted to keep it short. That day I was going to use the guys bathroom... but they pretty much you’d pointed at the women’s and told me: Use that one. It was funny what happened there. I’m thinking of telling that story next. I really have a few more stories from that night. It was epic.

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Noble Member     New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
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It's always a rush that first step through that doorway into the real world! Super glad you had a great time going out! So here is my bark. Did you let a friend know when and where you were going out? Have fun, but be safe!



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Active Member     L.A., United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Yes I did. My best friend is actually a trans male. He was the first one I let know. And I kept in contact with him the whole time.

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
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Hello Mia; Thank you for sharing this multi first events story. I look forward to reading part 2 and more stories. It's great that you've been out 3 more times and have revealed your true self to your sister and some friends.

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That was in no way too short, darling - you left out all the details of your night in the club!

Had me hooked!

More, please!

Love Laura


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