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I woke up this morning at 4am really wanting to dress. I needed to move my car on the street and thought it would be a great opportunity to fully dress and go outside. I have gone out in a dress and skirt before but wore a fleece and guys shoes. I decided since it was so quiet outside I would go for it. I picked out a white lace thong, bra, garter belt, tan stockings, a blue floral mini skirt, white cotton blouse, and a pair of cream flats. I dressed and put my breast forms in and checked my self out in the mirror. I loved how I look and my hands were trembling with excitement.
I did a final look out the window and the street was empty. I collected my car keys and walked out the front door. It was so exciting hearing my shoes click on the sidewalk. They sounded so loud and I was trying to be quiet. Seeing my skirt flow in the morning air was amazing. I tried to walk like a women and move my hips. I made it to my car and got in. I drove a block away where I could park for the day. I absolutely love driving and looking down and seeing my skirt and lacy stocking tops.
I parked and got out of the car and locked the door. I now had a block and a half to my house and there was no turning back. I walked normally and then I heard a car door behind me. A neighbor was getting into his car. His car was going in my direction so I turned up a side alley. I am sure he saw my skirt but was too far away to know who it was. I made it back to my front door and opened the lock. My heart was racing. I didn't die. I actually for once thought, that was not that big of a deal.
I have been buying a lot of women's clothes lately beyond lingerie. I have a few new skirts and dresses that I really like wearing around the house. In the mornings I take a few minutes and decide if was to dress en femme or in my guy cloths. Lately I have been choosing to dress in skirts.
I am not ready to be in public about it but its on my mind a lot.
It was not long ago I took those first steps but I did it where I was much farther from home. There is a vulnerability I felt, not just of being outed, but the place I was my personal safety a concern.
That sounded like a beautiful outfit. Glad it went well for you.
It's surprisingly easy - and I've only done it twice!
(Looking forward to the next time, especially as I have Facebook friends from last time, lol!).
Love Laura
Hi Molly,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Going out dressed can be scary, but exhilarating too. You’re right about the clicking of your heels. It’s a lovely sound.
Hello Molly; Thank you for sharing this story and congrats on gaining the courage to leave the male fleece and shoes in the house. On Memorial Day, I did a 4am walk for 20 mins completely dressed. Except I wore my male tennis shoes, just in case I needed to make a quick run to my car and escape. I didn't need to but I took precaution, it was my first time out in my local area.
Yesterday I got a pair of heels in the mail. I think I am ready to try going out in heels and makeup. We will see.
The first time is such a thrill and so scary at the same time. My first time was mailing a letter. I was dressed at home and have this one bill that cannot be paid through the bank and decided to just go to the post office without changing. It was 7 pm and I thought there would probably would not have many people if any at all. The drive was wonderful looking down at my jean skirt and legs. I got to the PO and instead of no one there it was just the opposite, probably 10 or 12 people coming and going checking their mailbox's. I sat in my car for a few minutes and people came and went. Finally I told myself just go. I got out walked up the sidewalk passed people and none looked and that's when I realized they are busy and don't care. The walk back to my car was strong and confident. Since that wonderful day I have visited a few malls, gone to movies and love driving my car with my wonderful Carla self. The only thing I recommend is be careful, we still live in a time when danger is out and about. So I pick carefully where I park, how I look and where I walk.
The moment of truth. I am completely dressed. Lingerie, shoes, nails, boobs, dress, makeup, wig, and earrings. I am terrified but also excited. I look passable I guess at 50 feet. Oh my...
I am going out without a stitch of guy clothes to hide me...
Hi Molly,
Have a fabulous outing! Enjoy the fragrance of your perfume, the click of your heels, the swish of your dress .......
I went out to the local sea front promenade and my wife took some photos of me there. I saw a guy driving past checking me out and i dont know if it was because i looked good or if he knew i was not a GG. It was dark and i had black top, skirt and stockings on with 4 inch heels so i felt good and the happiness showed on my face in the photos. xx
I spent the day en femme. It just feels so nice.
You are a brave girl. I admire you.
Molly, I am so jealous!