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Considering my own story, and hearing the stories of so many other girls, I am wondering how common it was to start with one item associate with women's clothing/makeup and then quickly transition to dressing fully?
Unusual, but it started with aprons and all the underneath stuff just came naturally.
Remember fully dressed to the nines and the tenth was the apron, Brandi was just enthralled!!!!
For me, it took me decades to go from one item to going out mostly fully dressed one day.
Why so long... the time was due to 1) needing to understand and admit to myself that I'm a CD and there's nothing wrong being one, 2) taking small steps to test how others would react in public, 3) overcoming the fear that I might run into someone I know, and 4) finding the right outfit (giggles).
In hindsight, I should have done it sooner. Everything that stopped me, slowed me down, has always been just in my head. That's the benefit of hindsight.
I also progtrssed slowly. I started in panties, but only on rare occasions. After quite time...a few years???, I wore an occasional bra. Then through stockings and other lingerie to dresses. Even then, the full en femme with wigs, make up, et al was still a few more years later.
Having been deeply closeted most of my life on account of my first wife, when it became clear that my now wife was not only supportive but enthusiastic, I stepped into it fully and quickly. No more wasting time, no more hiding. My wardrobe exploded then, and while it's slowed down a bit now I do still find there's always something new to add! Embracing my whole self has completely banished depression and anxiety from my life in a way I never imagined possible. Never going back!