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So here is my fun week so far. Last Saturday morning my wife and I were killing time walking around a mall. We went into a shoe store and I tried on a pair of white tennis shoes, they were male as I have large feet. Anyways I didn't buy them just didn't fit right. In our house when my wife wears her plain white tennis shoes we refer to them as white girl sneakers. So later that day she asks my why I tried on those sneakers. I told her I needed something to wear with a dress and I thought they could be my white girl sneakers. Fast forward to Tuesday at lunch I go into DSW and buy myself a pair of "white girl sneakers". So here it is on Friday, got home from work mowed the lawn got a haircut took a shower put on one of my summer dresses and my "white girl sneakers". I feel great.
Beat you to it, have a look at the latest picture on my profile page
Hi Tracy,
Sounds like a success.