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Girly run 🏃‍♀️

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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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After being inspired by a member on CDH who has gone into public as a part time woman, I also decided to be a brave girl this morning and take my first public steps doing what’s known as a girly run 🙂🏃‍♀️!! I ran around the block in a circle in my neighborhood wearing the rainbow miniskirt that you can see in my public photos!! A few people saw my as they were driving by or getting into their car to go to work, but no one said anything to me and it was really dark so they probably couldn’t tell my gender or even what I was wearing most likely!! I will be sure to get up early to do more girly runs in the future 🙂! Have any of you girls ever done a girly run 🏃‍♀️ or want to try to do one?

❤️ Ashlyn

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@girlyboy9020 Happy for you, to get out and show your feminine side. I have progressed a little more down the road. Since I am out full time and have been going to my Church as Cassie, usually wearing a dress, after I get home from Church I often go out for a walk still wearing the dress. The path I usually take is 1 or 2 miles long and goes by 2 Churches. Of course this is only during the warmer days. 


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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@girlyboy9020 I wear nail polish if I'm off work and therefore will be wearing it during a run. I've also accidently run while wearing leftover makeup from the day before.

The closest to a girly outfit was a few years ago, my running club's female team had a top commissioned in club logo but pink. Within a week, all the lads had one too. I still run in mine.

I've also got a couple of plain pink race tops that I use.


Anna xx


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@annaredhead Pink on jerseys for sports teams for the lads is BIG right now here in the states AR. Stay pinky, you’re right on trend girl!

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@girlyboy9020 Well not a run but I have walked the dog in early mornings wearing beige or taupe pantyhose and a pair of short running shorts with a hoodie. I did have a few people walk by coming from the other way and once I had a van slow right down and do some cat calls at me. Only if they knew.  lol.

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Hi Ashlyn - an interesting one!

I'm running two or three times a week, preparing for a 10k race in May... getting there slowly.

I've never run fully en-femme, as I think I'd struggle to "look the part" being 6"-2" and broad and have too much of a bit of a dad bod belly!  I also think it might be hard to run with a wig and makeup to at least look semi authentic (not easy on the best of occasions when going fully en femme, but I try!!)

What I have done a few times in the warmer weather is to run with sheer tights (pantyhose) and shorts - I've done so in public and never really had any reactions from anyone - they'd be a glossy nude/tan colour, so not that obvious unless close up... but I knew and it felt great!

I had thought about getting some more feminine running leggings, as there are lots that have some pretty vibrant patterns - that would be fun, and might raise a few eyebrows but even then I doubt anyone would really comment... they'd look similar to my male running leggings/tights just patterned instead of plain black - and come to think about it, why not, it's just a pattern on material, what's the big deal.... so maybe I'll do that one day soon...!!

Good for you for braving to go out in a rainbow miniskirt, that does seem quite brave - would you do it in broad daylight?  Maybe your next challenge?  Do let us know!

Thanks for the post, I enjoyed reading the replies.  

Jen x

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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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  • @jennyphose Even I’m not brave enough to do it in broad daylight! If I decide to go on a girly walk/run during the daytime, I’ll just wear a tshirt and leggings 🙂 

❤️ Ashlyn

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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@jennyphose I did go on a slow girly walk in my new floral dress 👗 this morning at 3:30 am while it was really dark!! You can see a picture of myself wearing this dress in my public photos 🙂! I didn’t even encounter anyone like I expected! I felt very cute, comfortable, and happy 😊!!

❤️ Ashlyn

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Much to my wife's chagrin, I have done walks & runs as me. To make her happy, I now do them either away from our neighborhood or before the sun comes up. In other words, Dawn before dawn. Laugh Loud  

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Baroness Annual
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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@beach-girl Absolutely, all I have to do is get up before dawn and I can wear whatever I like in public 🙂❤️!!


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Honorable Member     United States of America
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@girlyboy9020 You get up before me? Wink

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Good for you Ashlyn.

I did a local 5k fun run at a local park which was my first ever run as female. I wore leggings, T top and a brand new pair of trainers. There was quite a crowd and when the starter went a mass of runners hurtled off with we me plodding away at my pace. The trainers were a bad idea as they weren't run in and a bit stiff. I managed to get round and was pleased with myself but wish I had worn an old pair of shoes as my feet were a bit sore. The run is timed and when I read the results I had came first in my age group! Yaay to me but then I also came last as I was the oldest in the run and the only one in that age group!

Later on social media a photographer who had been taking pictures posted them so there I was looking good.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@ab123 age group wins are always good. Well done!

Speaking of shoes, I did a race a good few years ago in a pair of brand new shoes. They felt a bit tight but I didn't think much of it during the run. I lost 5 toenails.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Posted by: @annaredhead

@ab123 age group wins are always good. Well done!

Speaking of shoes, I did a race a good few years ago in a pair of brand new shoes. They felt a bit tight but I didn't think much of it during the run. I lost 5 toenails.



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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter And an ouch from me too, I only lost time clumping along.

I should have put on my usual day shoes and imagined I was at the sales - I would have flown!

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
Posts: 160

@ab123 good for you thinking of entering my local park run. The only running event I have done was a 5K Santa Dash with work just before Christmas, managed to do better than I thought managed it in 25.54 and came 4th overall and I was up against some very keen runners.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@lizzy89 That's a decent 5k. parkrun is great. I've been doing parkrun for 12 years

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@ab123 You were first in your age group Angela. So you came in first😊

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Yes, I have done several runs en femme. Never anything organized, but out on roads and trails with many other people. I even did one run in booty shorts and a sports bra, but mostly in normal, modest running attire. It is fun, but wear a good sports bra as boob bounce is a real thing.

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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I do a run most days after work (in male mode at the moment) only started during one of the Covid lockdowns when a work colleague started a running group on Strava (a fitness app). I can currently manage a good 4 or 5 miles and entering the Manchester 10K in May so working towards that at the moment.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@lizzy89 I'm down to 3 runs a week, mostly genteel these days. My last 10k must have been 6 months ago.


Anna xx 

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Being old and decrepit, I could not run out of sight on a foggy night!!Drab or femme!

Never been any sort of "athlete", tho did quite a few fitness sessions/classes in my 40;s and 50's.

One exercise class leader told me a long time ago that there was an "athlete lurking inside my body".

I responded thus, I hope the "blighter"???r never gets out"


So far so good and I'm close to 80.



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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Big first step myself a heavy smoker I don’t think running will do me well medic wouldn’t know what to do when they pick my body up lol but congratulations on your achievement I’m sure this will be a routine for ya 

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Baroness Annual
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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@erinb Absolutely, now that I know that I can get away with it, I’ll definitely try to wake early as often as possible to do plenty more girly walks/runs!!

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Eminent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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I wear my sports bra and spandex leggings on my treadmill at home. Sometimes I wear a leotard and tights.

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Baroness Annual
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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@jennifergirl1 I have 2 really cute sports bras already and I just ordered 3 pairs of spandex leggings 🙂❤️!! I also ordered a royal blue leotard and light pink footed tights!

❤️ Ashlyn 

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Eminent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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Very nice, Ashlyn. I love my leotards a girl can never have to many.

Jennifer 💕

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 J J
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When I was running a lot, I often ran in capri length yoga pants. The had a bit of compression and I thi k it helps. As a cyclist, I am used to form fitting lycra, and while at my current age I don't have the form I once did, I can still manage.


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