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On the theory that half a loaf is better than none, I am wondering what you might be willing to bargain away in order to get more acceptance from you significant other? Successful relationships are often a negotiation and those who push for everything can end up with nothing or end up not liking what they did get. What deal might you make for acceptance or make no deal at all?
Hmmmm. This has me wondering. Would I want to give up anything? I have made many compromises over the past 38 years to keep the peace. I guess from one perspective I have relinquished my right(?) to dress whenever I want. to to keep my wife happy. Is that enough of a sacrifice? I don’t know the answer. Thanks for asking the question. It definitely has me thinking whether I could or need to do more. I’m not sure I could make any kind of deal that would allow me to be able to live my life the way I would like.
I do not ha e an answer since my wife and I do not negociate such things. We just try to keep a balance in our relationship, but never had said "If I can do X, you can do Y". If she wants to Y she does it whether I did X or not. A friend of mine has to negociate to go skiing...if he goes skiing with me for three days he has to promise his wife three days at the spa or some such thing. If my wife wants a spa day she does a spa day. If I want to ski, I ski. Now, we keep things reasonable. As much as I might want to ski in Europe for a season, I don't because I don't want to be away from her that long...(though I have done a couple of five week trips through Europe solo, but I am always glad to get home.)
My wife and I discuss, we don't negotiate.
We did have a fun non-negotiation thing going on in that I had a beard that I didn't want and she wanted me to keep; she didn't have a nasal piercing, which she wanted and I didn't want her to have. The non-negotiable thing was like mutually assured destruction: if she got a nose-piercing, I would shave my beard off and I shaved my beard off, she would get a nose-piercing.
This situation went on for years...and then I started cross-dressing One day, quite out of the blue, we both caved in, and on the very same day we went and got her nose pierced and that evening, I shaved my beard off—I shall never grow it back, even if I stop CDing. I don't like to have to shave but at least my face doesn't itch anymore and shaving is much quicker than trimming a beard. Also, my beard was blue (long story) and I dyed it every week—it was quite distinctive though.
My wife loves me but hates seeing or thinking of me cross dressed. I am currently her caregiver so I don't get opportunities to cross dress alone very often which is a problem for me. We talked about this around three years ago when she needed 7X24 care and she agreed to let me sleep in a feminine night gown when I need to and to wear a girlie apron and heels when I cook on occasion. I try not to do those things more than 2 or 3 times a week so as not to upset her too much but that is the compromise we currently have worked out. I would really like to be able to go out dressed on occasion but we are not at that point and maybe never will be.
I Don''t think of our relationship as transactional so the bargained away doesn't apply but we try our best to make each other happy and have done so for over 58 years. For most of those years a DADT approach worked for us. That changed when she needed more care and I no longer got much time alone. The feminine part of my brain is very hard for her to understand and accept which makes it hard for me to fully be me. Just the cards I have in my hand and try my best to play well.
I’m in the no negotiating, just discuss it crowd here. To me, negotiating deals in a relationship implies trying to change somebody. I think the reason I had an easy time re-emerging as Grace was because my wife and I don’t try to deny each other things that we like. She is an outgoing person who loves to shop, travel, paint and go places everyday. I’m introverted, hate shopping other than online, and traveling anywhere in today’s world, sucks! We’re both retired so we do what we want to. Why would I try and deny her something she likes? Those negotiating issues that couples have never make sense to me. I’m even starting to think that when I started to dress again hers was a sense of relief…thinking at least he’s found something else to occupy his time while I go out shopping😊.
And the added plus is that she now comes home with things that “Aunt Grace” might like.
Washing the makeup off…now there’s a biggie. I think that’s the part I hate most about crossdressing. Cause I need a lot of spackle baby!😊