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When my crossdressing started at fourteen it started with hand me downs from my sister and A few from my mom. Starting with panties and nighties then A few full slips. My mother didn't want me wearing my sisters used panties so she bought me ten pair of new ones that I loved to wear. My sister got some of her friends involved and that was fantastic, they gave me bags and bags of their old clothes, as they were two to three years older then I was most of the clothes fit me well. My mom would have A fit knowing I was wearing my sisters friends panties, but my sister did our wash so she never said anything about it or by that point didn't care. My wardrobe got quite large and filled my closet and dresser with dresses skirts shorts and blouses and sweaters as well as bras panties slips and nighties. My first bra was from one of my sisters good friends, I got A special feeling wearing her old bra and panties, it made me feel very close to her having her undies on me. I wonder if anyone else have had the luck I have had ?
My CD/TG support group has a clothes swap every April and October. When I joined (Sept. 2018) I had 2 dresses and 1 skirt. After the first clothes swap, I doubled my dresses, added 4 blouses to wear with my skirt, and a casual top. The April 2019 swap I added 3 more dresses, another skirt, and a pink cardigan.
This past Monday at my support meeting, I wore one of the blouses from the first swap and the skirt from the second swap. The meeting leader revealed to me that she donated the blouse and that it looked better on me than her. I was surprised and a rush of happiness came over me. I thanked her for the compliment. Since she is my mentor; she accompanied me when I bought my first two pairs of ladies shoes, I felt even more of a sisterly bond with her knowing the blouse came from her.
Wow, that would have been great!