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Here I Go Again...

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I still haven't fully got over the sheer scale of the euphoria of my previous Brighton trip, and yet here I am, on the eve of my return.

It is a mixture of emotions that are coursing through my very being, but I am aware of the spontaneity I am left with, and the overarching happiness and positivity with which I now attack every situation life cares to throw at me.

Only a few months ago, I would dread doing some quite simple things, for no apparent reason, the familiar feeling of abject horror rising in my craw as I saw a difficult situation arise.

There may be a touch of that now, but, especially since my last visit to the seaside town, I have consistently been in a far better place.

And so I am nervous about going back.

What if it's not the same?

It won't be.

What if it's really bad, and I don't create the same effect?

It won't be the same, it'll be whatever you make it.

This sort of questions and answers, and a butterflies feeling, like the adrenaline prior to going onstage for a play or musical performance.

For it is an artistic performance, but one without script or pre-learned notes.

There are a number of things I want to happen. I want the lovely smiles and nice comments for validation.

I want to achieve something - do ordinary things, like get my nails done, buy a gift for my lovely wife, who put me up to doing this, getting passers-by to take souvenir pictures of me with the little camera I bought just for that purpose, and I would love to wear the Milly Molly Mandy dress that arrived this morning... It's realising a childhood ambition, but I worry slightly that it may not be appropriate - although the dress itself is a kind of pink-striped approximation, not a child's dress or anything awful like that.

I will travel en femme in a lovely semi-formal dress, as if on business and stop at a service station for coffee and convenience. I think this will be very difficult to drum up the courage for, but it's a real, busy place, and I would love to find that people are accepting, even here, although it terrifies me.

If it goes well, it will be a massive confidence boost. I am not a confident person, and that, ironically, is exactly why I feel the need to do this, not for any kind of exhibitionism, but rather to be myself, feel myself, and help myself become stronger to support my family better.

This is getting longer than I expected, I will return with part 2 on the day of departure.

Love Laura.


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Estimable Member     Central PA, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I want thank you Laura and all the beautiful  ladies here who write about their adventures.  I am so happy for you that your outings are going so well.  You have helped me to have the courage to have a small outing of my own starting in about three hours.  It will not be as bold as your own but it will be a  rather long drive that I plan to do mostly in full dress with a couple of stops along the way.  If it goes well I will post about it.  So, again thank you and the other lovely ladies  inspired me.  Please keep writing about your adventures.

Love Melissa

P.S I am so excited I am having a hard time typing.

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I understand exactly!

It's the adrenaline - use it to enhance your performance. Decide on things you'd like to happen, and try to put it down to experience if they don't.

I'll stop preaching... It's the excitement levels!

Love Laura

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I have one song in my head by the Pointer Sisters "I'm So Excited"  I know the song is about something else but it feels right at this moment.  The youtube video of it in the beginning fits well. 



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That's just hit my playlist.

Thanks for that!

Love Laura

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With just 10 minutes to go until I hit the road, the adrenaline is still pumping!

I've completely underdressed, with cami top and tiny shorts with hearts on under my girl bootcuts jeans.

The concessions to my family are a male t-shirt and trainers, but those are coming off the second I hit the layby around the corner, and the forms will be dropped in, the wig and girl trainers slipped into, and my fully femme adventure will begin.

I have a knee length dress ready for the service station, but could opt for jeans.

It's a lovely sunny morning, and feels so right, but tinged with sadness that I'm not going with my family, and a little guilt about leaving them.

However, I remind myself that my wife put me up to doing this - she even booked the hotel to which I am returning!

Slightly breathless with excitement, I begin Laura goes to Brighton part 2!

Hey, Ho! Let's Go!

Love Laura.

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Well, here I am, and have been for nearly 2 and a half hours.

Not one admiring comment, but no disparaging ones either.

I didn't get any comments in my comfortable ginger wig last time, so it tallies.

I test drove a darling new skirt, with  blingy sandals, but the footwear was very uncomfortable, if beautifully glam, and the gorgeous skirt felt wrong. My reflection just didn't look beautiful.

Nevertheless I enjoyed the most delicious Stroganoff at a vegetarian restaurant, where I got my first ever snub. I may expand later.

Back to the car to change into my most comfortable dress, and already, I feel great. A short spell of playing Marilyn on the pier - so many women at it, many completely brazen, pretending they don't realise.

I was subtle, as before, enjoying the swishing feeling, but denying as many views of my very pretty green panties as possible. I'm just not that sort of girl, but I am prepared for eventualities!

After coffee, I will check into my hotel and lay out my outfits for the day, and re-apply my dabbed on makeup.

It's so lovely here today, and absolutely heaving!

Love Laura

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You will find it easier each time. I've been going out for three yeas now and have even flown cross country twice. My goal is not to be complimented so much as to just not be seen as anything out of the ordinary. A smile because folks are being friendly is lovely-but mostly just glad to never have someone be rude or snide or laughing where I can see them. Simple living in Cyn mode is fine with me, and that is what I usually get!


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