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Hi Everyone.
Apologies if this topic has been raised before. I guess this is more aimed at those who might have to keep their femme items hidden, or out of site.
Where do you store / hide your femme items? I have a lockable tool cupboard in my garage, part of which part is devoted to femme items. I also rent a storage locker, devoted to femme items, that is within very easy walking distance. Has worked well for me. so far.
I'm interested to hear how others deal with hiding their items.
Judy. X.
Rented storage locker has been the best solution for me. My wardrobe has been building nicely and it's such a relief to have my stuff out of my house and car. I'm organising my locker more, so that I can easily find things when I want them.
Judy, I'm lucky that I don't really have to hide my things but I also don't flaunt it either and lucky for me I have a hidden storage behind my hanging rod in my closet that I made sure to have when I added the second floor to our home. the rest is in my dresser which is a little overfull at the moment, so I should go through and give some things away. All my shoes fit under my lower rod in the closet where my shirts almost touch the floor, again I took advantage of my remodel.
I live alone now so my clothes are just in my closet. Years ago I used 2 old computer cases I had emptied out. My wife never found them
I built a wooden box that locked under key and a plastic tot stored in the closet we always tell people if anything happens just burn them don’t dare to open them lol 😂
This is a big issue for those of us that are "closeted". I have it mostly organized but not in one place. I have a couple of backpacks (from conferences) and they have a variety of items. I've told my SO, if you encounter these after I'm gone - just throw them away. But there's also a drawer and a different place for shoes (only have a couple of pair right now.
I had a discussion with the SO last night and told here I was going to get some hangup bags and put them in the closet down here. They will have the little locks on them and again, if something happens to be - just throw them away (or drop them off a a clothing drop off - but don't have anyone look. I've also bought some storage type zip up bags. I will put them in a drawer or a plastic tub I think.
I told here I am not going to "flaunt" I just need a place to hide things away. And I don't want anyone to find them.
I was wondering of there is a hang up bra storage device.
At home, I'm in the "open storage" ie wardrobes and chest of drawers for my lingerie and sleepwear catergory. for the above. With a loving DADT partner with both of us in our own nightime bedrooms
In addition, I too have a storage locker, but its 3m(10ft) sq and is also used for wine storage and other odds and ends. I got lucky with power, lights and a window, so all of my femme outer clothes are on a double rail "retail store" dress rack.
I've basically set it up as the "rabbit hole", I can run into to have some private time to do what ever. EG my weekly arms and legs shave.
Happy dressing, (wherever you can)
Hi Judy,
All my clothes and shoes and other stuff that i need when i get the chance to dress 👗 are all stored up in the attic in suitcases and bags 🎒, my wife doesn't go up there it's very dusty and she has a dust allergy, which is very good for me to have a hiding place,
Hugs Roz X
Hey, interesting question Judy. I'm not out to my wife. If I were to have anything girly secreted about the house I guarantee she would find it. I know a lot of girls have external lockers but in truth my wife doesn't spend sufficient time out of the house for me to get any quality girl time. I'm a bit stuck at the moment xx.
I used to keep all my feminine clothes in a duffel bag on one of the top shelfs in the garage behind all of our Christmas stuff. You need a ladder to get to it, so there was no chance of my wife ever finding anything; however, just like Chrissie, my wife doesn't leave the house often enough for me to have any quality girl time, but I am always the first one out of bed in the morning (my wife and daughter are both late risers), so early mornings has become my girl time. Because of the amount of time it took to get out the ladder and all the boxes out of the way (not to mention having to do it all in reverse when it was time to put everything away), I found it a lot more convenient to hide a small stash in a small suitcase in the downstairs closet that was rarely used. It worked for a while, but sure enough, my wife and daughter eventually found them.
I rest my case your honour xx.
Don't have to hide wife is accepting and supportive.
XX 💕
I was fortunate enough that our house has a couple of attic rooms, one of which I use for music and is therefore my 'shed'. Back before I came out to my partner, I would have all my girly stuff hidden in guitar cases or other empty musical 'storage solutions'. It was good in that all my stuff was within easy reach whenever I got the chance to dress, but on the other hand I never could have anything pleated as it would get creased to bits. (moan, moan, moan! lol).
These days, everything is out in the open.
I keep my stuff in a tote box under the bed in a spare room. My disapproving wife and I sleep separately, so late night is dressup time.
But the underlying theme in this thread is boxing and bagging the away things that bring us so much joy. There's just something wrong with hiding joy.
This is true, Lydia.
Also, it shows just how resourceful we can be when required.
Judy. X.