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Hiding Places

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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Hi Everyone.

Apologies if this topic has been raised before. I guess this is more aimed at those who might have to keep their femme items hidden, or out of site.

Where do you store / hide your femme items? I have a lockable tool cupboard in my garage, part of which part is devoted to femme items. I also rent a storage locker, devoted to femme items, that is within very easy walking distance. Has worked well for me. so far.

I'm interested to hear how others deal with hiding their items.

Judy. X. 

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Active Member     Orlando, Florida, United States of America
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@judevderl  I have pulled up the corner of the carpet in the back of a closet, removed the padding enough to store clothing under the carpet/ Know one ever looks there for anything

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Eminent Member     North West of Boston, MA, Massachusetts, United States of America
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@judevderl That is a good question and replies so far are interesting. As a life long, except 35 years serving the USAF (4) and raising a family, closeted crossdresser hiding places were difficult. I have mostly used closets hanging my huge collection of satin nightgowns in the back behind my male items. We've recently moved from our 24,000 sq. ft. home to a 1,200 sq. ft. Independent senior living 2 bedroom unit. Had to toss 3 30 Gallon plastic bags of Berta's things in a used clothing drop off. Berta's things are hidden in my 2 closets and all her satin lingerie is in my dresser drawers under my male wear. When I traveled for business my company car was a great hiding place!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @bertacd

We've recently moved from our 24,000 sq. ft. home to a 1,200 sq. ft. Independent senior living 2 bedroom unit. 



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Eminent Member     North West of Boston, MA, Massachusetts, United States of America
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@harriette Thanks for your reply which I am unable to understand so cannot address an answer to it.  :>( 
You have pointed out a error on my part in our former home's size which should be 2,400 Sq. Ft. and definitely not the 24,000 SF that I originally typed!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@bertacd If I had a 24,000 sq ft house, I  would express shock, too.

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Eminent Member     North West of Boston, MA, Massachusetts, United States of America
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@harriette Truth be known, if my home was that large I'd still be there as I would have to have a lot of money to afford it. If that were so then my shrinking Berta life and time would be much more active than she is now able to "dress"! Life in the mid-eighties absolutely stinks!

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@bertacd Wow. That's quite a downsize, Berta. Must have been hard to get rid of so much clothing. Judy.

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Eminent Member     North West of Boston, MA, Massachusetts, United States of America
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@judevderl It certainly was, Judy. At least 6 30 Gal. trash bags were dropped in a used clothing bin. I hid what I kept in 4 30 Gal. trash bags which I hid in the back of a closet until the opportunity to remove and hang them up. Smaller every day lingerie was left in my dresser and is still there! 


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@judevderl I'm fortunate that I don't need to so have a separate dressing table and wardrobe for Anna clothes and accessories.

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@judevderl keeping things out is sight and leaving no traces behind is a constant worry, and not the best treatment for my garments as well 😉 I do have some spaces like my work station and an old backpack, but it is an impediment for expanding my wardrobe.

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And thank you for welcoming me!

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@astridt Indeed, Astrid. There are some items that do not take kindly to being folded up and squeezed into a bag or packing box. I have two dresses that are still recovering from this, despite being on hangers for the last 6 months.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@judevderl Well there was the trunk of my car behind the spare when they actually had a real spare. An old "empty" speaker box in the closet and an old gym bag tucked back in the corner of the attic. 

How I'm glad those days are over. Since I came out to the wife I'm out of the closet and my clothes hang there for all to see. I love opening that door now.

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Trusted Member     East central, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@judevderl Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but why hide it at all?  I used to live in fear of my wife finding my Julia clothes that I finally came out to her.  Not the easiest thing to do, but she has been surprisingly supportive.  I urge any of our girls to come out to your significant other.

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@juliarey Hi Julia. Indeed, the best way to eliminate the risk of items being found would be to eliminate the root of the problem. Hasten to add that I have no intention of eliminating my wife! Eliminating the problem by coming out to my wife is not an option at this time. There are so many other ramifications that I need to consider right now. You never know what the future holds, but I believe there will be a time in the future when I can safely take that step. Never talked about coming out to my SO before and I could really open the floodgates here, but I best save it for another topic / post.

Judy. X.


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Trusted Member     East central, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@judevderl I agree that eliminating wives is probably a bad idea.  Far be it from me to lead you down a path you are not ready to travel, but you are welcome to ask for support it/when the time comes.


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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@juliarey Thank you so much, Julia. I really appreciate that. Blow Kiss Left

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@judevderl For many years my main hiding place was the garage.  When we moved to a new house we finished the basement, turned it into my home office and ended up with 2 unfinished rooms.  I found a couple of spaces where I could hide my things and nobody would ever find them unless they were looking really hard.

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@carloscloset Hi Carlos. I hope this proved to be / still is a good hiding place. Thumbs Up

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@judevderl It is a good hiding place, but I have to remember to put things back!  There's times where I leave and I wonder "did I put everything back in hiding?".  That is quite stressful

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@carloscloset I can imagine, Carlos. Stressful, indeed!

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Reputable Member     Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
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@judevderl I so remember the anxiety and constant fear of my clothes being found and inevitably they were. Now they are hanging on display in my closet for the world to peruse. Yes, I have an accepting wife but it was without incident and soul searching. In those days I kept very little because the problem of hiding but garages are always good. Just make sure they are in air tight packaging to keep them fresh.

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Estimable Member     Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
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@judevderl I built a storage box into part of my basement. It is a cluttered area, and easily disguised under wood working tools and equipment. It requires some time to access, and must literally be opened with a screwdriver as the lid is screwed down. So, I have to plan for time when moving things in and out of the storage area. When I make new purchases I sometimes have other temporary storage (like in my car trunk, or other nooks in the house) where I can hide them before I can put them away. It’s a very challenging system. Last week, my wife found some new panties I bought that I had quickly stuffed into a hat box in my closet. She assumed they were a gift for her, and wore them the next night. Though that wasn’t their intended purpose, I did get the benefit of seeing her in them. But it reminded me of how tenuous this whole situation is. I wish I was able to share my secret with her. It is a shameful thing for me to have to hide it from my wife.

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Honorable Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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@judevderl great topic I very much enjoyed reading these comments and have to say you could all be very good spy's .... I just can't get over the huge amount of clothing that is now hanging in our wardrobe that has been stashed in random places and never found by me for so many years ,..,, until of course that one day .... all I'm saying you sneaky lot is there is always a small chance they will be discovered mwhahahahaaa 🤪💕

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@bellaz76 Hi Laura. Love your comment! Actually, a career with MI5 sounds very appealing. Should the time ever come were I am able to move my 'wardrobe' into the house then my wife will have to have a major clothing clear out to accommodate it. On second thoughts, the better (and probably less life threatening) option would be to build an extension.

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Honorable Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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@judevderl haha I can certainly relate!!! I feel we now need an extension for all Victorias clothes 😩 she hasn't dared to ask me to get rid of any of mine ! Wise woman 😅

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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Rented storage locker has been the best solution for me. My wardrobe has been building nicely and it's such a relief to have my stuff out of my house and car. I'm organising my locker more, so that I can easily find things when I want them.

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@sunnyday Hi Alli. You are where I ultimately want to be. I'm on the waiting list for a bigger storage locker so that I can eventually keep everything away from the house. Judy.

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@sunnyday Finally made it to the top of the waiting list. I start renting a bigger storage locker from the start of February, next year. It's with the same storage company as my current locker which makes life easy. All my femme items will then be out of the house. Phew!

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@judevderl - deep joy! Such a relief isn't it? I had some lovely silver mettallic loafers arrive yesterday and after a quick try for size I put them in my locker, ready for when I can take my time and wear them with a full outfit. It's very xomfoeti g knowing that my gear is safely stored and I don't have to worry about it being found in the house or my car. Enjoy!

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@sunnyday Sure is a relief, Alli. Hope you get the chance to wear the new loafers as part of an outfit, soon! Happy New Year!

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Judy, I'm lucky that I don't really have to hide my things but I also don't flaunt it either and lucky for me I have a hidden storage behind my hanging rod in my closet that I made sure to have when I added the second floor to our home. the rest is in my dresser which is a little overfull at the moment, so I should go through and give some things away. All my shoes fit under my lower rod in the closet where my shirts almost touch the floor, again I took advantage of my remodel.


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Reputable Member     Fort Myers, Florida, United States of America
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I live alone now so my clothes are just in my closet. Years ago I used 2 old computer cases I had emptied out. My wife never found them

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@kdmon Hi Kathleen. Wish I'd have thought of the old computer case idea some time back. Would've been useful when I lived at home. Judy.

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I built a wooden box that locked under key and a plastic tot stored in the closet we always tell people if anything happens just burn them don’t dare to open them lol 😂 

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Active Member     Orlando, Florida, United States of America
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@erinb Sounds like a good idea.

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Estimable Member     Central, Illinois, United States of America
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This is a big issue for those of us that are "closeted". I have it mostly organized but not in one place. I have a couple of backpacks (from conferences) and they have a variety of items. I've told my SO, if you encounter these after I'm gone - just throw them away. But there's also a drawer and a different place for shoes (only have a couple of pair right now. 

I had a discussion with the SO last night and told here I was going to get some hangup bags and put them in the closet down here. They will have the little locks on them and again, if something happens to be - just throw them away (or drop them off a a clothing drop off - but don't have anyone look. I've also bought some storage type zip up bags. I will put them in a drawer or a plastic tub I think. 

I told here I am not going to "flaunt" I just need a place to hide things away. And I don't want anyone to find them. 

I was wondering of there is a hang up bra storage device. 


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At home, I'm in the "open storage" ie wardrobes and chest of drawers for my lingerie and sleepwear catergory. for the above. With a loving DADT partner with both of us in our own nightime  bedrooms

In addition, I too have a storage locker, but its 3m(10ft) sq and is also used for wine storage and other odds and ends. I got lucky with power, lights and a window, so all of my femme outer clothes are on a double rail "retail store" dress rack.

I've basically set it up as the "rabbit hole", I can run into to have some private time to do what ever. EG my weekly arms and legs shave.

Happy dressing, (wherever you can)




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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Judy, 

All my clothes and shoes and other stuff that i need when i get the chance to dress 👗 are all stored up in the attic in suitcases and bags 🎒, my wife doesn't go up there it's very dusty and she has a dust allergy, which is very good for me to have a hiding place, 

Hugs Roz X 

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@rozalyne Hi Rozalyn. If ever there was a good reason to have a dusty attic, then this is it! Judy. X.

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Yes i know, mind you i have so much rubbish up in the attic and my wife wants me to start emptying it because if the worst comes to the worst she doesn't want to leave it for our children to sort out, I'm thinking well it won't matter to us we won't be here, they'll have a few surprises when they find my stash I'll finally be outed, I'll put it in my will i want to be buried in a dress 👗,  lol, 

Hugs Roz X 

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@rozalyne What a way to go, Rozalyn! X.

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Yes it would be Judy, lying in my coffin in my favourite dress 👗, 

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Hey, interesting question Judy. I'm not out to my wife. If I were to have anything girly secreted about the house I guarantee she would find it. I know a lot of girls have external lockers but in truth my wife doesn't spend sufficient time out of the house for me to get any quality girl time. I'm a bit stuck at the moment xx. 

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@chrisfp99 Hi Chrissie. That's not good. Hope that changes for you in the future. Judy. x.

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@judevderl I can't see it happening Judy 😢 xx.

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I know how you feel Chrissie my dress up times are limited too, the only reason i was able to book my makeover was that when i was in New York i arrived back on the Tuesday my wife booked herself a few days away to the Cotswolds till the Thursday so i had Tuesday free for some girl time, 

Hugs Roz X 

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@rozalyne And very worthwhile the opportunity was too Roz! xx.

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Yes it was worthwhile Tracey worked her magic on me and i really loved the experience, it may be quite a while before i repeat it, 

Hugs Roz X 

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I used to keep all my feminine clothes in a duffel bag on one of the top shelfs in the garage behind all of our Christmas stuff.  You need a ladder to get to it, so there was no chance of my wife ever finding anything; however, just like Chrissie, my wife doesn't leave the house often enough for me to have any quality girl time, but I am always the first one out of bed in the morning (my wife and daughter are both late risers), so early mornings has become my girl time.  Because of the amount of time it took to get out the ladder and all the boxes out of the way (not to mention having to do it all in reverse when it was time to put everything away), I found it a lot more convenient to hide a small stash in a small suitcase in the downstairs closet that was rarely used.  It worked for a while, but sure enough,  my wife and daughter eventually found them.

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I rest my case your honour xx.

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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Don't have to hide wife is accepting and supportive.


XX 💕 

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That's great to hear, Allison. Thumbs Up  

Judy. X.

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I was fortunate enough that our house has a couple of attic rooms, one of which I use for music and is therefore my 'shed'. Back before I came out to my partner, I would have all my girly stuff hidden in guitar cases or other empty musical 'storage solutions'. It was good in that all my stuff was within easy reach whenever I got the chance to dress, but on the other hand I never could have anything pleated as it would get creased to bits. (moan, moan, moan! lol).

These days, everything is out in the open.

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@caroline2k Very resourceful indeed, Caroline! However, I'm happy for you that you no longer have to hide your femme items and can now have some pleated clothes.

  Thumbs Up  

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@judevderl Thank you Judy - and I have indeed been indulging in plenty of pleated loveliness! 😄

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I keep my stuff in a tote box under the bed in a spare room. My disapproving wife and I sleep separately, so late night is dressup time.

But the underlying theme in this thread is boxing and bagging the away things that bring us so much joy. There's just something wrong with hiding joy.

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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This is true, Lydia.

Also, it shows just how resourceful we can be when required.

Judy. X.

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