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How I got busted

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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
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a little back story just like the rest of us I started out with my sisters clothes bras shirts dresses then as  I grew out of her stuff I grew into my moms stuff over the couple of years I had a couple of close calls then In November of 2014 I told my mom who was understanding but had a lot of questions she gave me some of her stuff about two weeks prior I had just started my first job and after I told her I bought a push-up bra and pair of panties I also bought a wig off of amazon it was an Auburn colored wig I remember I took a selfie with the wig on and my bra and on of my moms shirts which I loved fast at the time my parents were divorced splitting earlier in the year my dad had a place about 30 minutes from my house one day he came to the house and asked to check my phone it was around 7pm we were outside and I asked “why”? and he said “because it’s my phone and I pay the bill” we got into an argument about it and he takes the phone back to his place and a little later that night around maybe 9-10 pm he calls the house phone and says “what are you doing dressing up as a girl did you go to a party or something” and I said “I don’t know what you are talking about and hung up the phone I knew my dad and sister were on the way over and shit myself over the phone when I realized I forgot about the selfie and when they got to my house they unlocked the door and came in and started calling me gay and a faggot and then my sister called my mom who was at work at the time she had to come home I was crying as they searched my room but I knew they were coming so I hid the wig,bra and panties some where safe when my mom got home she was distraught I was distraught my dad told me I had mental problems he told me to get the stuff I had hidden and I told him no multiple times and he pushed me to the ground and I got just the wig and pushed me to the ground after I had gotten it my sister was distraught and disgusted at me she called me a faggot the whole thing went on for about two-three hours but after a while it became a blur  it became a blur that is my story me and the worst night ever I still think about it from time to time

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Hi Jessica,


Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine what I would have done in the same situation. I think it was really brave of you to share.




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Wow , a truly horrible experience , I really hope things have improved for you & you haven't quashed your female side , Tiff

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Thanks for sharing such a horrible situation 💔 that happens to us girls at times I guess I am lucky I don't know how many times I almost got caught and my secret would have been exposed could have changed my life in many people eyes Jessica I really appreciate your honesty

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This is horrible to hear. I'm sorry that you had to experience that.  People fear what they do not fully understand.  I am happy to at least hear that one person in your family is somewhat excepting of who you are.  I can understand how someone yelling slurs at you about how you feel on the inside can make you think what you do is wrong.  Much like crossdressing, transgenderism, or even homosexuality, Family is one of those things in life, that you can not choose--you are just born with it. Learning to live with it, and then learning to live around it is one of those hard lessons we all go through when we're young.  From my experience (i'm sure some people will have different opinions)...embrace it when you are around accepting company, and try not to flaunt it or show it when with people who do not understand-it will only bring hurt and pain until they are ready to accept you.

Sending you positive energy...keep your chin up and be proud of who you are. Not everyone in this world will like you, but you should love yourself.

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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
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Thank you guys for the support I am doing great now my wardrobe has grown since then and I don’t care if my dad and sister still think I cross dress because it’s who I am

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
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I almost got caught by my father, I think my mother knew but never said anything even after I came out to her once in my late 20's. So sorry to hear that you have to go through such pain. Every thing we do and happens to us make us into the people we become later in life.

Hop things get better for you.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Jessica thank you for sharing that must have been difficult to do. I'm glad to hear you have increased your wardrobe and aren't going to let that night or your relatives stop you from expressing who you are.

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Trusted Member     Victoria, Australia
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When I hear things like this I remember something I read somewhere about how a dad was asked what he wanted his unborn baby to be a boy or a girl and he said that he just wanted a happy healthy baby and didn't care.   I always think to myself how hypocritical people are that can't accept what their children are and love them anyway

Love as always


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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
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Dear Jessica; I can't imagine how difficult it was for you posting this story. I don't know which was worse for you the verbal abuse or the physical. I don't mean to delve into your family life; but if your parents were living separate pending a divorce at the time, why did your dad have a key to where you were living? The locks should've been changed when he moved out. I hope you and your mother have remained close and have been able to find peace.

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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
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He didn’t have a key my sister did because she was living with me and my mom just visiting my dad

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Jessica, thank you for sharing but that is simply horrible. For your father and sister to do that to you is unthinkable. Do you talk to them now? I can't even begin to imagine what I would have done.

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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Yes I still talk to them don’t think they know I stroll crossdress I think they think it was just a phase


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