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Hey Ladies
I wonder how we came up with a female name. For years I wondered what it would be. I tried Becky, Brandy and many others but none seem to fit. I have always loved the name Danielle. But never thought of it as my lady name. But the first time I said that out loud. It fit. The silverfeather part came from a gift I was given by someone very dear to me. Who passed away.
That's my story
Good topic, Danielle... and I love your name BTW!
When I first went to a gender support group a few years back, I just used a feminine version of my male name. It didn't feel right to me, but I was still in the early stages of trying to understand this part of myself, so I didn't give it much thought at the time.
When I really started to try and get serious about accepting this earlier this year, I decided to choose my name carefully. I used to have a girlfriend with a two-part first name, and I always thought that sounded cute and feminine. I knew I wanted "Ann" to be part of my name, so that was an early decision. For the first name, I made out a long list of all the women's names I liked, and considered it carefully for about a week. "Stacy" just sounded the most like the type of woman I would want to be.
Since I was already in for two first names, I decided to just go ahead and get a third feminine name for my last name! Why not? lol!
May has two meanings for me. It was the month this year when I finally decided to try and come to terms with this, and "Mae" was Bettie Page's middle name, so it's a tribute to her as well.
Using only a single letter and "swim" because of my addiction to swimsuits was the quickest thing I could think of when signing up. Since almost nobody here is using their birth given names, I think mine might stick.
When I was 5 I put on a pair of my mom's pantyhose and sat down and crossed my legs just like Mom and I said to myself hello jasminejeffries
The first time I ventured out fully fem was for a college Halloween party when I was 18. I had chosen Debbie Daniels as my name for that party. I was wearing very nice, shiny sheer to waist pantyhose with stripper heels and a very short dress. I got lots of compliments and attention on my legs and pantyhose. I met other dressers there and often attended their dress up and fetish parties.
I always wore the nicest looking pantyhose I could find and would wear them with sexy heels and very short dresses or skirts. I always enjoyed the attention and compliments my legs wouod get. At one of the parties, because of the attention getting pantyhose I always wore, a girl decided to call me Panty Hose. I liked that. It got me even more attention and was an ice breaker for those who wanted to meet me.
Then at one party the "n" in "Panty" was written kind of small and it looked like my name was Paty Hose. From then on I decided to replace the "n" with a "t' and I became Patty Hose. For a while I called myself Patty P Hose as an acronym for pantyhose. Then I just changed it to Patty Phose.
Hello Danielle, I may have mentioned this before, but I will tell you again. Helenmarie is two names put together, Helen comes from a girl at school, she was about 14 [ so was I ] & she became my 1st girlfriend. Marie was the little girl next door, she was 5 when she & her family arrived & she was 25 when she left, so I saw her grow up all those years. I thought I like both names, so I put them together & so Helenmarie was born. love, Helenmarie
I'm half Italian and about 10 years ago when I first started dressing I googled for the Italian word for a particular kind of woman. It's kind of risque, and "D" is only the first letter of my full gurl name (PM me if you want to know the full name). But "D" also fit perfectly with what my last name would be today if, at Ellis Island, they hadn't picked two random syllables out my grandfather's original six syllable last name: "DiGiambattista" (meaning "of John the Baptist").
And that's how I came up with "D Giambattista" for this site 😉
My feminine name is Noelia and my best friend who we know since childhood and I always put her clothes when we were alone and I told her that I wanted to be like her a girl and she answered me okay and you will call Noelia as her doll Preferred and as we were very friends she gave me the name of her doll and I liked the name and since then my name is Noelia or Noe
Mi nombre femenino es Noelia y me lo puso mi mejor amiga que nos conocemos desde pequeñas y siempre me ponia su ropa cuando estabamos sola y yo le decia que queria ser como ella una niña y me respondio vale y te vas a llamar Noelia como su muñeca preferida y como eramos muy amigas me dio el nombre de su muñeca y me gusto el nombre y desde entoces mi nombre es Noelia o Noe
Hi Danielle, coming up with my name was super easy. All my life my Mom told me I should have been born a girl. So during one visit with her before she passed away, I asked her what would she have named me if I had been born a girl. Mom said "Krista" without blinking. And I loved it immediately. Hugs, Krista
Rather than use a feminized version of my own christian name I wanted something different. I looked up lists of women's name and one really appealed to me – Alicen.
After a while I realised why – when I was in my early teens one of my friends had a younger sister named Alicen who I got to now really well – she always wore nice clothes and pretty summer dresses.
For me, it was much more simple. I've always liked the name Emma, and it's one I'm comfortable with. I've known a few other Emmas over the years (cis folks) but I'm not named after any of them, so to speak.
Good poll!
a friend of my wife's name was Giselle and she was not only beautiful but was breastfeeding at the time a total woman something i'll never be in this lifetime.
I've had quite a few femme names in my lifetime, my first was Judy when i started dressing, don't know why but it just struck something within me, later on i started using the name Stevie in honor of Stevie Nicks, then i became Laurie, then Joanne and finally i settled on Renee, when i was young there was a girl at school named Renee and i had quite a crush on her, so it was the name i wanted and added the middle name Elizabeth. When I hear the names Renee Elizabeth i think of a very beautiful woman and i definitely enjoy dressing as a beautiful woman. 🙂
My wife picked it for me.
She hosted a murder mystery party a couple of years ago, and my costume and name were chosen by her. The costume is on my profile page. Those boots are still my favourite footwear ever, but I don't get many chances to wear them, alas!
I couldn't believe my luck!
I felt amazing all through that party, especially as most of her closest female friends were there!!!
Love Laura
I didn't want to pick something that could be shortened to gender neutral e.g. Samantha (Sam) or Ashley (Ash) - even though those are beautiful names.
I also didn't want pick a name of any women I know in real life as for some reason I though it might be awkward in later life when I'm hopefully full time. This unfortunately ruled out another lot of beautiful names.
I was looking over various names and it just hit me, Jennifer (Jenny). Its was me, the real me.