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HRT through VA?

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How does one go about getting HRT through the VA? Who would be my first point of contact?

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Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Karen,

I would imagine you would have a doctor assigned to you by visiting a local VA medical facility. Then by discussing what you want with the doctor. You may even look into counseling through the VA as a starting point too. HIPAA pertains to the VA medical community as well as civilian so you will be safe in whatever way you decide to go. Doctor patient confidentiality does apply also. That is a direction I had not thought of going but a possibility as I am a veteran but was too stupid to do the next 10 1/2 years and retire. Please let me know how things go for you dear. TTFN💋👠


Posts: 15
Active Member     El Paso, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I am totally interested in this! I went to a counselor, come to find out, it is a reserve CPT I helped put in the military when I worked at OSU. I could not tell him my business as he knows everyone I know. I understand patient/Dr confidentiality, but it is awkward. How do I go about changing counselors and getting one who understands my issues?

Posts: 62
Trusted Member     Bullhead City, Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

I would suggest going to local VA clinic and Ask to see your primary Provider. Talk to him or her and tell them your Transgender and will start the prosses.

Posts: 662
Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

You have to be careful there. Since the world health organization announced that they no longer classify gender identity crisis as a mental health illness, many insurers have stopped paying for that kind of stuff.


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