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I Had My Eyebrows Waxed Today

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(@Anonymous 85825)
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I have long hair and I found a place to have it cut and styled on a website called Strands for Trans which lists salons that are LGBTQ+ friendly. I went there today to have my eyebrows done. I have tried to pluck and shape them but I thought that I would get some professional help. I went there dressed, earrings and lipstick. They waxed my eyebrows and tinted them. I love my eyebrows now! I have been to this salon previously to have my hair cut and styled. Always a wonderful experience!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2157


Isn't that just another fun thing to have done. I have had my Brows done at least 3 times now. 


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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 907

@autumngold; It's wonderful to hear that you found a place to not only get your hair cut and styled, but to get your eyebrows done also.

I've been going to a salon since 2020. The lady that I see; trims, plucks, waxes, shapes, and tints my eyebrows as well. She also cuts my "male" hair so that my wigs fit my head better.

Thanks for mentioning the Strands for Trans website; I had no idea there was such a site.

(@Anonymous 85825)
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You are welcome Brittney!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1839

@autumngold this sounds like a fantastic place to go

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 1209

@autumngold Definitely something I need to do also.   I try to keep my brows under control but I'm losing the battle!

(@Anonymous 85825)
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Posts: 107


I could never keep up with plucking them. The last who did my brows knows what she is doing. I could have never shaped them so nicely! I highly recommend!

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Autumn -

What a wonderful experience for you. Enjoy your new look.


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(@Anonymous 85825)
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Thank you Suzanne!

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you for this great story. I’ve been trimming my eyebrows and usually use a pencil to shape them but I will definitely consider getting them shaped and tinted professionally having read your post.

I do have a question about tinting. I often wear a few different wigs so my question is if I do get my brows tinted, how will they look with other shades of hair?  When I wear my black wig I tint my brows darker than I do when I wear my gray or Auburn locks. Does anyone have insight about my dilemma?

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Eminent Member     Helsingborg, Skane, Sweden
Joined: 10 months ago

My experience is that starkly different eyebrow color, compared to hair, makes the eyes stand out (not anatomically, I hope), and that changes the onlooker's focus. Like, I have (still, for the time beeing) a strong male chin, so I put emphasis on brows and eyes to divert the focus. Also, I sculpt my chin rather dark and the surrounding area light. Chin job is on the bucket list, along with wide, red, silk shoelaces. Just love them...


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